Hu Tianming smiled coldly, and suddenly opened the folding fan in his hand, and a dozen sharp blades appeared on the top of the fan

Mo Xun's eyes fixed, but he didn't realize that this fan was a weapon.

Hu Tianming lightly stepped on the ground and rushed to the opposite side at a very fast speed. The sharp blade on the fan went straight to Mo Xun's throat.

Mo Xun used the wind control technique under his feet and quickly avoided it. He was more serious in his heart, because Hu Tianming's speed was much higher than the ordinary warriors he had met in the past.

After avoiding Hu Tianming's attack, Mo Xun went around behind the opponent like a ghost, and slapped out with a palm, trying to repeat the trick and catch the opponent off guard.

But he obviously underestimated Hu Tianming's reaction. When he fell with a palm, he slapped nothing. When Mo Xun reacted, Hu Tianming kicked him from his left side.

Mo Xun was startled and hastily put his arms in front of his chest. After hearing a "bang", Mo Xun retreated five or six steps in a row, and there was a pain and numbness in his arms.

After landing, Mo Xun's face was already a little more surprised. He never expected that after practicing Qinggong to a certain level, his speed was not inferior to his Wind Controlling Technique.

Of course, this was also due to his short practice time and low magic power.

But no matter what, the Wind Controlling Technique that he relied on the most was obviously not good in front of Hu Tianming.

But Mo Xun was not the only one who was surprised at this time. Hu Tianming was also shocked.

He started practicing martial arts when he was five or six years old and practiced hard for more than 40 years. He had worshipped no less than three famous teachers. Although he dared not say that he was familiar with martial arts in the world, he believed that he could recognize one or two of the famous ones in the whole Xiangguo.

But he had never seen Mo Xun's strange body movements before.

"Boy, who did you learn martial arts from? Tell me and I'll let you go."

Mo Xun's eyes moved around Hu Tianming, trying to find some flaws.

When he saw a trace of greed in the other's eyes, he smiled: "If you want to learn, call me Master and I can teach you!"

Hu Tianming's face turned cold: "It's okay if you don't accept my toast. I'll catch you alive and I'll find a way to make you speak!"

After that, Hu Tianming jumped up again, and his speed increased. Mo Xun's Fiery Fire Art was fully running, and he also brought the Wind Control Art to its extreme. Now he can only rely on this spell.

Since he changed to the immortal way, his previous martial arts have actually been abandoned for the most part. Occasionally practicing is just to prevent him from forgetting!

So in terms of means, he is much simpler than Hu Tianming.

The two figures, one attacking and one defending, left several afterimages in the air. Hu Tianming, with all his strength, has suppressed Mo Xun in terms of speed.

"Boy, have you only learned how to dodge?"

Mo Xun felt bitter at the moment. After fighting for more than ten rounds, he also tried to attack twice, but both were easily resolved by Hu Tianming.

During the fight, he was a bit out of place. On the one hand, he used the magic to perform strange body movements, and on the other hand, he could only use the nine-inch fist taught by Mr. He to launch attacks.

This set of boxing is just a relatively shallow martial arts, often to help beginners to strengthen their bodies, with only nine moves in total.

In other words, he only used a few moves.

Once the opponent figured out his routine, he would be completely passive.

Although there was a set of sword and gun skills in the martial arts left by Mr. He, he had no weapons in his hands at the moment.

It can be said that he had dragon-slaying skills but no dragon-slaying sword!

What's more terrible is that under the desperate use of the wind control technique, the mana in his body was also consumed at a very fast speed. The longer he dragged on, the lower his chances of winning would be.

With a sound of "Puff", the sharp blade on Hu Tianming's folding fan passed through Mo Xun's chest, and a cut of about an inch long was cut on Mo Xun's chest.

Before he landed, Hu Tianming's other hand clenched his fist and hit his chest.

With no way to dodge, Mo Xun quickly activated the Fiery Fire Art, gathered the spiritual power in his hand, and also punched out.

In the air, after a sound of bones colliding, Mo Xun and Hu Tianming retreated one after another.

However, Hu Tianming only retreated five or six steps, while Mo Xun retreated more than ten steps, staggering and almost falling.

At this moment, Mo Xun felt that his whole arm was in unbearable pain, and his bones seemed to be about to explode.

He felt even more bitter in his heart. In this punch, he exerted most of his spiritual power in it, but he was still defeated.

It was also some time ago that he was quite contemptuous of secular warriors because of his success in the Wind Control Technique.

Hu Tianming also frowned. He thought that Mo Xun could fight him for so many rounds only by relying on his mysterious light body technique. Who knew that the opponent's internal strength should not be underestimated.

The most important thing is how old the opponent is, fifteen years old? Eighteen years old?

And he has practiced hard for decades, but this punch only made him evenly matched.

What a monster this kid in the martial arts is!

At this moment, in addition to anger, there is a layer of haze in his heart. Regardless of the fear of Mo Xun's talent or the strange body skills in the opponent's hands, he will not allow Mo Xun to escape.

The attack and defense between the two seemed long, but it was only a few breaths.

Just as Hu Tianming was angry and wanted to attack again, a heart-wrenching cry came from not far away. It turned out to be the woman in black. With the help of the man in black, she cut off Wang Yue's arm with a sword.

Before Wang Yue could escape, the woman in black stepped forward again and pierced his chest with a soft sword. Wang Yue opened his eyes wide, muttered something, and fell to the ground.

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