Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 26: Falling into a trap

"How about it? Hand over your martial arts, and I can spare your life. You won't be like that kid with your body incomplete. And what the Su family promised you, Hu can double it for you!"

As the two were talking, the man in black jumped high, swung his silver mace, and chopped Su Yunyi's carriage. The roof was immediately opened, revealing Su Yunyi and two maids inside.

At this moment, Su Yunyi and the other two, who were covered with veils, were all trembling and hiding in a corner of the carriage. The moment the man in black flipped over the roof, they screamed in fear.

At this time, Mo Xun had already had the idea of ​​retreating. Facing Hu Tianming alone, he was still not strong enough, not to mention there was a man in black.

As for the deal with Su Yunyi, it had to be within his ability.

Just as Mo Xun was quietly performing the Wind Control Technique and preparing to escape, the woman in black in the distance suddenly changed her usual indifference and said in surprise: "She is not Su Yunyi!"

As soon as these words came out, Hu Tianming's attention was immediately attracted. Mo Xun was also stunned and did not react for a while.

The man in black immediately felt depressed and jumped onto the carriage first, pulling off the veil of the woman in the carriage. Everyone could see clearly that this person was indeed not Su Yunyi.

Mo Xun also frowned at this moment, thinking about the cause and effect of the matter.

The man in black was furious and opened all the carriages behind him, but still could not find Su Yunyi.

Su Yunyi's sudden disappearance stopped the fight around them. They stood with knives in their hands, bloodstained and confronted each other, waiting for their respective leaders to give orders.

As for the Su family, because Wang Yue was dead, Mo Xun's strength was too extraordinary. For a moment, everyone in the Su family looked at him.

Hu Tianming saw the fake Su Yunyi on the carriage, and seemed to suddenly realize something. He didn't care about Mo Xun anymore, and hurried to the black-clothed man.

"Brother Bai, I'm afraid we've been tricked!"

Hu Tianming's words fell into Mo Xun's ears, and he instantly understood that this convoy was not for sending each other heart-protecting pills.

It was a bait deliberately released by the Su family!

Thinking of the agreement he had made with Su Yunyi before, Mo Xun suddenly became angry. He didn't expect that after all the calculations, he was still sold out!

When he thought of this, he wanted to rush to the Su family immediately...

When most people realized that this was a scam, they had their own thoughts.

The people of the Su family naturally felt the same as Mo Xun. They were used as pawns for nothing, and they didn't even know it.

But I'm afraid the most wronged one is Wang Yue.

Poor leader Wang, he didn't know the truth until he died!

The black-clothed man and Hu Tianming still didn't give up, and turned over all the carriages, where could they find any heart-protecting pills!

In addition to being angry, the two looked extremely ugly, and immediately waved their hands and ordered their men to kill all the people in the Su family.

But at this moment, the sound of horse hooves came again from all around, and the sound became louder and more urgent. After a dozen breaths, you can see the dust raised in the distance, rushing towards everyone more violently than when it surrounded the Su family just now.

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, the Su family is really good at calculating!

A moment later, everyone was surrounded by hundreds of people coming from all directions. The people in front drew their bows and arrows in their hands, staring at the crowd in the encirclement.

Among these people, the archers were all wearing military uniforms, and the rest were martial artists like Hu Tianming.

The leader was a man with a rough beard and wearing armor. Behind him followed two other people. One of them was recognized by Mo Xun. It was the master of the Su family... Su Sheng!

There was a commotion in the crowd.

The Su family was naturally overjoyed when they saw their master. Who would have thought that they had to face death just now, but now they saw the hope of life.

On the other side, the mood was at the bottom of the valley. Seeing the men and horses around them with a fierce momentum and arrows flashing with cold light, most people unconsciously became frightened.

The transition between life and death is often so dramatic!

Mo Xun was not happy at all at this moment. Instead, he snorted in his heart and slowly moved to the edge without anyone watching.

After thinking clearly about the cause and effect, he was relieved of many concerns in his heart. Since the Su family was unkind, he didn't need to teach. Now he was thinking about how to get those medicinal materials from the Su family.

Perhaps, now is the best time!

"Master Hu, how are you?"


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