Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 27 Gray Smoke Escapes

"The head of the Su family is really good at scheming!"

Hu Tianming and the man in black stood at both ends, looked at each other, as if they could read each other's eyes, and took a few steps back at the same time.

"Hey... This gentleman is unfamiliar, can you introduce him to me?" Su Sheng looked at the man in black jokingly and said with a hint of sarcasm.

Mo Xun curled his lips and couldn't help but think of the Su family. On the night when they were almost wiped out, Su Sheng, who was pale at that time, was very different from the domineering one now.

The man in black sneered: "If you want to meet Bai, it's very simple, Brother Su, just move over!"

"I dare not, Su still has a few more years to live!"

"The head of the Su family is coming with great momentum, why are you afraid?"

While speaking, the man in black winked at the woman in black, and Hu Tianming glanced at his men at the same time, and everyone held swords and quietly moved closer to the Su family in the encirclement!

Mo Xun watched coldly from the sidelines, thinking that these two people wanted to take some hostages during the chaos, so that they could save their lives.

Seeing this scene, Su Sheng smiled sarcastically, waved his hand and said, "Don't waste your energy, these people are just employed by the Su family, and I don't care about their lives. The people here will be the same as you, and none of them will leave alive!"

Su Sheng's words immediately exploded in the crowd, and to the ears of these guards and servants, it was like thunder.

As the saying goes, one thought is heaven, one thought is hell!

The joy of waiting for the savior just now was like a basin of cold water, waking them up again.

Until now, the Su family, who didn't know the truth, suddenly realized that they were the bait set by their master. Now that the fish has taken the bait, the bait is naturally useless.

And in order to avoid being threatened by the opponent, they are going to be killed together.

In panic, Manager He, who was riding in the same carriage with Mo Xun, suddenly ran towards Su Sheng to save his life, shouting "Master".

However, after running two steps, a sharp arrow pierced Manager He's chest with a whistling sound.

Manager He groaned and fell down. Before he died, he looked at his master in shock and anger, and was very puzzled.

He wanted to ask the master why he had worked for the Su family for half his life, but ended up like this!

The death of Manager He touched the people of the Su family the most.

Hu Tianming frowned. Su Sheng's cruelty was obviously beyond his expectations.

At this moment, Mo Xun had quietly taken out the bronze toad in his hand.

The Su family's behavior this time was really hated by heaven and people!

Seeing that the chaos was about to start, Mo Xun was unwilling to delay here. He hurriedly injected spiritual power into the toad and held his breath. A thick gray smoke spewed out from the toad's mouth and quickly spread to the surroundings.

In almost a moment, whether it was the Su family or the soldiers who besieged him, they all fell to the ground.

At this time, Mo Xun had no time to care about the reactions of others. While releasing the gray smoke from the toad, he quickly broke through in one direction.

To say that this gray smoke is really amazing, as long as a little inhalation can make people lose consciousness instantly.

Thinking about it, he didn't understand why at the beginning, and it was the same when he used it for the first time.

In fact, with his skills, it is not impossible to fight out, but after a hard fight just now, most of his spiritual power has been consumed. At this juncture, it is not the time to be a hero.

After experiencing the battle with Hu Tianming, it reminded him that he dare not underestimate secular warriors anymore.

When Su Sheng and others saw the gray smoke released by Mo Xun, they were immediately shocked. While asking the crowd to disperse, they shouted to shoot arrows.

Hundreds of sharp arrows were shot out at once, and the whole encirclement was in chaos. In an instant, more than half of the people were shot and fell to the ground.

Some were shot in the chest, some in the legs and feet, and some were even shot in the throat and head. Many people were shot by several arrows, and died miserably under the blood.

Hu Tianming and others, relying on their high martial arts, avoided this round of sharp arrows, and at the same time broke through in the chaos. They chose different directions to step into the air. They were blocked by other warriors in the middle, and naturally they had another hard fight.

In the whole encirclement, only Mo Xun's side was torn open by the gray smoke, but no one came close.

Mo Xun just broke out effortlessly under the cover of the gray smoke.

As soon as he left the encirclement, Mo Xun didn't care about the consumption of his mana. He used the Wind Control Technique to the fullest and headed towards Xunyang County like a gust of wind.

He complained in his heart, secretly annoyed that he couldn't ride a horse.

In a hurry, he naturally didn't dare to take the horse and escape, for fear that he would be slower than his Wind Control Technique if he was not skilled.

Moreover, the horse was too big to be used. It was useful on flat roads, but it seemed a bit clumsy in the jungle. He now returned to Xunyang County and prepared to find a small road to go, mainly because he was afraid that the Su family would leave some tricks behind.

As for the rest of the people, he could only say that he wished for the best!

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