Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 28 Hostage the Second Young Lady

It's not to mention that his caution helped him avoid some trouble.

Along the way, Mo Xun tried to walk in places where few people went. When his mana was exhausted, he quickly meditated to replenish it. Finally, when the moon was high in the sky at night, he returned to Xunyang County.

At this time, the city gate was closed, but it naturally couldn't stop Mo Xun. After entering the city, he went straight to the Su Mansion with anger.

This time, in order to catch Hu Tianming and others in one fell swoop, the Su family sent out all their elite troops. Now the mansion seems empty, with only servants and maids serving.

After coming here twice, Mo Xun had some understanding of the situation in the mansion. He flashed and entered the inner house.

Just as he was looking for Su Yunyi's residence, he heard footsteps behind him. He hurriedly hid in the dark. A moment later, two women walked out of the doorway.

The former was dressed as a maid, holding a lantern for lighting. When the latter appeared, Mo Xun sneered, it was really easy to get it!

The person behind is the second young lady Su Yunshang!

Mo Xun tapped his feet lightly, and rushed out, coming behind the maid like a ghost.

With a palm strike, the maid felt a pain behind her head, and then fell unconscious, and the lantern in her hand fell to the ground with a clang.

When Su Yunshang found the danger and was about to scream, Mo Xun had already reached out and strangled her throat in an instant.

"Second young lady!"

Su Yunshang was shocked, and then she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Mo Xun, whom she hated so much.

She was shocked and angry, and she grabbed Mo Xun's arm tightly, trying to pry his fingers apart.

"Thank you, second young lady, come with me to find the eldest young lady!"

After that, Mo Xun pulled Su Yunshang into his arms with force, and strangled her throat from behind.

As soon as their bodies touched, Mo Xun felt a soft and warm sensation, and his body stiffened. His lower abdomen was out of control, and suddenly he felt a heat. After smelling the faint fragrance from Su Yunshang, he was a little distracted for a while.

The two stood together, and Mo Xun was slightly taller, causing his lower abdomen to be just against Su Yunshang's waist.

As for Su Yunshang, after feeling the strangeness on her back, she was already furious, and a blush instantly rose on her fair face. It was unknown whether it was because of Mo Xun's strangling or shyness.

"Mo, I'm going to kill you!"

If she wasn't controlled at this moment, she would have gritted her teeth and wanted to tear Mo Xun apart!

This was the first time she had suffered such a great humiliation since she was a child.

But then again, it was also the first time for Mo Xun!

After a brief mental sway, Mo Xun was like a gentleman, and did not continue to take advantage, and slightly distanced himself from Su Yunshang.

But in his heart, he was thinking, it turns out that a woman's body is so soft!

No wonder those men in Baicaotang talk about women every three sentences!

"Second Miss, your Su family is plotting against me, so I can only wrong you first!"

After that, Mo Xun didn't waste any more words with her, holding Su Yunshang hostage and walked forward.

"Stinky ink, let me go!"

"If you say anything else, I will poison you and make you mute!" Mo Xun's hands became more ruthless and increased his strength.

"Wu... Wu... You hurt me... Wu..."

Following the winding path in the inner house, it didn't take much effort to find Su Yunyi's boudoir.

With a "bang", Mo Xun kicked the door open without any courtesy.

There were two people in the room at this time, Su Yunyi and her personal maid.

Su Yunyi raised her head and saw Mo Xun's angry face and Su Yunshang who was strangled by him, and her heart was immediately trembling.

The maid next to her didn't understand what was going on. She thought a bad guy had broken into the Su Mansion at night. Just as she was about to call for help, her eyes went dark and she fell down.

Su Yunyi screamed and hurriedly took two steps back to distance herself from Mo Xun who was bullying her. However, she was almost tripped by the stool under her feet, and her eyes suddenly showed a bit of panic.

"Sister, save me... I want to kill this bastard!"

"Yun Shang..."

"Miss, do you have anything to say to me?"

Xun's cold eyes were chilling. For a moment, Su Yunyi felt her body stiffen.

After a long time, she regained some of her usual calmness and sighed softly.

"Since Mr. Mo knows everything, why bother asking me again!"

"Miss is really scheming. If it weren't for Mo's ability, I'm afraid I would have been sold out by you and would have to count money for your Su family!"

Su Yunyi looked at her sister in front of her, feeling helpless. She had calculated everything, but still missed Mo Xun.

In fact, when Mo Xun showed his interest in the Heart-Protecting Pills at the Su Mansion that day, she felt that this person must not be kept!

With such a master around, the Su family is inevitably restless!

Especially Mo Xun, after saying the three words "Heart-Protecting Pills", she was more determined to kill this person.

Pulling Mo Xun into the Su family's convoy became a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

The Su family paid a lot for this operation. Not only did they use up all their connections, but they also spared no expense to win over the palace soldiers. Who knew...

"Mr. Mo, can you let Yun Shang go first? After all, this matter has nothing to do with her. It was all planned by me!"

Mo Xun sneered: "Do you think it's possible, Miss?"

"If you are angry, just come to me directly. You can kill or cut me up as you like. Yun Shang is indeed innocent!" Seeing her sister become a hostage, Su Yunyi felt a little distressed.

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