The two of them stared at each other for a while. Although Mo Xun was extremely angry, he did not take action in the end. It was not because he was kind, nor was he sympathetic. It was just that he was somewhat resistant to killing people in his heart!

Besides, the main purpose of his trip was to get the heart-protecting elixir, and just to vent his bad breath, that was the courage of an ordinary man!

"I hope there won't be a next time!"

When Su Yunyi heard this, her tense heart immediately relaxed. Although she had not had much dealings with Mo Xun, she could tell that this man's character was by no means a violent one.

"Then Yunshang..."

Mo Xun interrupted coldly: "The eldest lady seems to have forgotten something?"

Su Yunyi's heart tightened again, and she naturally guessed what Mo Xun said.

"Please tell me sir!"

Before Mo Xun could speak, Su Yunshang said quickly with a tearful tone: "Don't you just want money? I'll give it to you. Let me go as soon as possible!"

Mo Xun glanced at the second young lady in his arms, and suddenly used some strength on his hands.

" hurts..."

Seeing her sister suffering, Su Yunyi quickly said distressedly: "Yunshang, don't be afraid..."

At this moment, Mo Xun didn't care whether she knew what she was asking, and said directly: "Should the herbs I promised you last time be honored?"

Su Yunyi knew that he would not be able to escape today. Not to mention that Yun Shang was still in the other party's hands. There was no one in the Su family who could compete with Mo Xun.

Sighing softly in her heart, she could only say: "Sir, please follow me here!

Mo Xun followed Su Yunyi out. Under the moonlight, he turned around a corridor and opened a door in the corner.

"Brother Mo, could you please be gentler? It's already hurting me..." Seeing that Mo Xun refused to take it hard, Su Yunshang had no choice but to wipe her tears and change her attitude, her voice full of coquettishness.

But for this kind of coquettishness, Mo Xun didn't want to talk to her at all, and he wanted to say in his heart, it's okay if I don't strangle you to death!

Su Yunyi lit a candle, and the room suddenly lit up. The layout was a bit like a study.

Su Yunyi walked to the ancient bookshelf against the wall, and without hesitation, she held a porcelain bottle on it and turned it around in front of Mo Xun.

After a burst of mechanism sounds, the Bogu frame roared and split from the middle. In a moment, a narrow passage appeared that could only allow one person to pass through.

"Hey, why is there a secret room here?" When Su Yunshang saw the mechanism opened, he completely forgot about his situation and still cared about it.

"I didn't plan to tell you about this place originally, but it doesn't hurt to let you know now!" Su Yunyi glanced at her sister meaningfully, took the candle, and walked in first.

Mo Xun followed behind, but due to the narrow passage, he and Su Yunshang could only move forward huddled together, and the two of them bumped into each other unconsciously.

Feeling the softness of the other person's body, the fire in Mo Xun's belly that had calmed down started to burn again.

Su Yunshang noticed something strange behind her, her face turned red again, and she became angry and said: "Mo, you..."

As if he was afraid of being heard by his sister, he refused to say the word "bastard" in his mouth.

Mo Xun himself lowered his head in embarrassment, thinking to himself... He can't be blamed for this!

After walking about ten steps, they entered a small secret room. The secret room was empty, with a transom opening on the top, and the moonlight shone down, just falling on the three herbs.

Mo Xun immediately felt happy. Even though he didn't know him, he could guess that this was the three-flavored medicine he had dreamed of.

The herbs were planted in a square wooden basin. The one in the middle had withered and withered like a dead branch. It must have been the dead Wuling flower in Su Yunyi's mouth.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said to Su Yunyi: "Miss Lao, I'm not greedy, I just need a piece of Qiluo grass and the rhizome of Gan Xun!"

Su Yunyi looked at Mo Xun doubtfully. This was somewhat beyond her expectation, but since the other party had no intention of taking away all these herbs, she was naturally very happy.

Su Yunshang on the side blinked, and then realized that what Mo Xun wanted was just grass roots. At this moment, she didn't know whether to be grateful that she was about to be rescued, or helpless that someone would trade her for grass roots.

Thinking of this, the second young lady curled her lips and snorted softly.

Naturally, Mo Xun didn't care to guess what Su Yunshang was thinking. He had gone through a lot of hardships in his cultivation so far. As long as he got these few herbs, he was going to find a quiet place and concentrate on practicing for a few years until he could refine his Qi. Complete.

When he thought of this, his eyes looking at the herbs became a little more burning.

Su Yunyi dug out two pieces of rhizome, put them in a wooden box, turned around and handed them to Mo Xun.

"Mr. Mo..."

Seeing that Mo Xun's hand holding the wooden box was trembling, Su Yunyi quickly called him and looked at Yun Shang at the same time, the meaning was obvious.

Mo Xun nodded slightly, but when he was about to let go of Su Yunshang, he suddenly remembered something.

What if after he leaves, the Su family cannot swallow this breath and finds his family?

His relationship with Mo Qinghe is no secret!

Thinking of this, he pulled Su Yunshang into his arms again.

"Mr. Mo, what are you..." Seeing the change on Mo Xun's face, Su Yunyi's heart sank, thinking that he was going to regret it.

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