Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 30 Obtaining Medicine

"Mr. Mo, what are you doing? I've already given you the things, why don't you let me go!" Su Yunshang was pulled by him, angry and worried at the same time.

"Miss, the Su family will not trouble my family after Mo leaves, right?"

Su Yunyi promised repeatedly: "Mr. Mo, please rest assured that the Su family will not be ungrateful. I swear here that if I disturb your relatives, my Su family will not die well!"

Mo Xun stared at Su Yunyi's eyes and said lightly: "I don't believe in any oaths!"

"Then what the gentleman means is..."

Seeing the cold eyes, Su Yunyi's heart sank suddenly!

Now in the secret room, she and her sister have no power to resist, and life and death are almost between each other's thoughts.

Mo Xun secretly raised his other hand hidden behind his back. Su Yunshang seemed to feel a chill behind her head, and even Su Yunyi held her breath in fear.

"Mr. Mo..."

"The eldest lady has plotted against me once, so I don't have much confidence in the curse you said..."

At this moment, Su Yunshang suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Mo, I have a way!"

Mo Xun raised his right hand and stopped in mid-air for a while.

Su Yunshang hurriedly said, "Aren't you afraid that my Su family will betray us?"

Mo Xun thought to himself, isn't it?

"How about this, I'll go with you. If the Su family really does something bad to you, you can kill me at any time for revenge!"

Hearing this, Su Yunyi was stunned. She felt that her sister, who had always been willful and willful, seemed to have suddenly become a different person.

Mo Xun frowned and snorted coldly, saying, "What kind of method is this? Will I, Mo, support you in the future?"

Su Yunshang smiled bitterly, looking like a soldier going to die.

"I believe three years is enough. Such a long time is enough for you to see clearly what kind of people the Su family is. Besides, with your current ability, are you afraid of the Su family?"

At this time, Su Yunyi spoke.

"Mr. Mo, if you really need a hostage, you can take me with you. After all, Yunshang is still a child."

Before Mo Xun spoke, Su Yunshang hurriedly said, "Sister, you don't have to say anything. The Su family can do without me, but not without you."

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. The two sisters were very affectionate. He hadn't agreed yet, but they had already snatched it.

Su Yunshang was about to say something, but Mo Xun waved his hand to stop her.

The small secret room fell into a brief silence.

Mo Xun pondered for a while. To be honest, he didn't really want to use the butcher knife. He had grown up so big, except for shooting those prey in the mountains. When had his hands ever been stained with human blood?

Ah! After all, he was still in his teens!

But then again, how could he practice with such a woman?

However, Su Yunshang was right. With his current ability, he could still compete with Hu Tianming. Given time, it would not be him who was worried about others, but the Su family who was afraid of him!

In three years, one can probably see a person's character clearly!

In addition, there was another reason, hidden deep in his heart, but even he himself seemed not to have noticed it.

That was his family!

With Yunshang as a hostage, he might come back one day. He was really afraid that if he left like this, he would be a stranger in a foreign land from now on!

With this in mind, he immediately said, "Then I can only wrong the second lady!"

Without any warning, Mo Xun suddenly swung his palm and slapped Yunshang on the back of her head. Su Yunshang groaned and passed out.

Mo Xun casually grabbed her and held her in his arms.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Yunyi's heart suddenly surged with sadness, recalling the glory of the Su family in the past, but now they can only become fish under the knife.

"Miss, please rest assured. As long as the Su family keeps their promise, I will not be a mean person!"

Su Yunyi heard the sarcasm in the tone. Now that it was like this, she could not blame others. She could only regret her evil thoughts and made enemies with the other party.

"I have an uncle who is still working in Baicaotang. I hope you can help me."

Su Yunyi looked at her unconscious sister with tears in her eyes. It seemed that all her strength was drained away all of a sudden. She just nodded mechanically.

"In addition, after tonight, I will temporarily live in seclusion. If others ask, I think you should know how to answer?"

Seeing Su Yunyi nod again, Mo Xun immediately carried Su Yunshang on his back and turned to leave the secret room.

Su Yunyi hurriedly chased after her for two steps, but because of her unstable footing, she fell to the ground. She didn't care about the pain and just murmured "Yunshang".

As soon as Mo Xun left the room, he picked up Yunshang horizontally and performed the wind control technique under his feet. In an instant, he disappeared into the darkness.

Fortunately, Su Yunshang was thin and soft in his arms, so it was easy for Mo Xun to do it with his current ability.

Walking in the moonlight, Mo Xun could not help but look down when he occasionally smelled the fragrance of the woman in his arms. To be honest, the beauty of this second lady was not inferior to Su Yunyi.

But in comparison, Mo Xun still admired Su Yunyi more. The girl in his arms was too lively.

Although he was used by someone this time, fortunately, he was able to collect the herbs for the Heart-Protecting Pill without any danger. This back and forth offset some of his anger.

After leaving the city, Mo Xun did not leave in a hurry, but went to the Su family's medicine garden first.

Since the last theft, the Su family seemed to have strengthened their vigilance, but these naturally did not bother him.

He put Su Yunyi in the bushes and jumped into the wall with a light jump.


Half an hour later, a black shadow ran quickly in the mountains and forests, heading out of the city.

When the sky was about to brighten, Huailiu Village, in front of the Mo family.

Mo Xun looked at the door of his former home and fell into a brief trance.

After more than a year away from home, he finally came back.

His right hand brushed across his waist, and in his hand, there was already a bag of gold leaves and some scattered silver coins...

After a cup of tea, a figure flew out from the wall, staring at the two old wooden doors, he took a step back, and knelt down.

He clearly remembered that the lazy Taoist said that immortals must cut off their ties to the mundane world before entering the Tao. He wondered if what he was doing now could be considered as a way to end the mundane world?

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