Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 31 Cangming Mountain

There was drizzle in the sky, and there was a damp smell in the air.

This is a place called Cangming Mountain.

In the small cave, Mo Xun was sitting cross-legged. On the ground not far away was some hay, and lying on it was a girl wearing a pink gauze skirt.

This girl is naturally Su Yunshang!

More than half a month has passed since the two of them came out of Su's house!

During the past half month, Mo Xun used secret medicine to seal Su Yunshang's aura, putting her in a state of suspended animation. He led her on the road day and night, and finally arrived here.

After looking at the sleeping Yun Shang, Mo Xun's eyes fell on the haze outside the cave, thinking about his next arrangements.

He planted the two herbs he got from the Su family into the black soil that night.

Before leaving Xunyang County, he looted the Su family's medicine field. Now there are dozens of rare herbs in the green gourd.

He secretly estimated the time. The maturity period of the Wuling Flower took forty years in the outside world, but in the gourd, it only took about a few months. In order to save time, he even divided the sprouting rhizome of the Wuling Flower into several sections. , so that more elixirs can be prepared as quickly as possible.

Of course, he was also going to do the same with the two newly obtained main medicines.

In the darkness, there was a sudden sound of "嘤咛". After a cup of tea, Su Yunshang slowly opened his eyes.

"This is where?"

Mo Xun took out the water bag and dry food from the storage bag and placed them next to her.

"Let's eat something first!"

Yun Shang was startled. When she saw Mo Xun sitting opposite, she remembered what happened before she fell into coma. She was about to get up, but due to weakness, her feet gave way and she fell down again.

She quickly looked around, and the dark cave was deserted!

"What did you do to the Su family?"

"You eat something first, and I will tell you when you regain your strength."

Su Yunshang was about to ask again, but suddenly remembered her situation and swallowed what she was about to say.

Looking at the wrinkled and somewhat burnt pancake on the ground, she felt sad again for a moment.

Thinking about her, the second young lady of the Su family, she has always had someone to take care of her, even when she was wearing clothes, since she was a child. How has she ever suffered such injustice?

After a long time, Su Yunshang picked up the pancake with some resignation, drank the water prepared next to it, and bit into it with tears in her eyes.

Mo Xun raised his eyelids and said calmly: "Don't worry, I haven't moved the Su family. As for this place, it belongs to Shangqing County. The place we are in is called Cangming Mountain!"

There was nothing to hide. Anyway, it would be known sooner or later, so Mo Xun said it all.

"Qingyang County..." Yun Shang whispered, frowning and thinking, but he didn't think of this place name for a long time.

"Don't think about it, we are no longer in the Xiang Kingdom, this place belongs to the Wu Kingdom!"

"Wu Guo?"

Mo Xun ignored Yun Shang's surprised look, and Yun Danfeng nodded lightly.

"If Second Young Lady doesn't believe it, you can go down the mountain and find out. We are indeed far away from Xunyang County, thousands of miles away from Wu Kingdom."

"Why did you bring me so far?"

Mo Xun couldn't answer this question, and he didn't want to answer it. He couldn't say it, because the spiritual energy here was rich, right?

He is not afraid of the other party, knowing his identity as an immortal cultivator, or from another perspective, even if he knows, there is actually no harm in it, but it can have a little deterrent effect.

Not answering, just too lazy to explain.

Furthermore, he did not need to make any explanation to his captives.

Mo Xun stood up and walked out of the cave. The continuous rain finally stopped, and the sun began to appear above the sky.

"where are you going?"

Mo Xun didn't even look back, and said very bachelorly: "Pee!"

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