Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 255 Qiu Mingcheng

Mo Xun finally understood why the old man had such an attitude.

He hates immortal cultivators, and he is even less willing to let his grandson get involved in the world of immortal cultivators. Perhaps it's not that the old man doesn't want revenge, but he just doesn't want to lose his relatives again.

Mo Xun secretly thought that if he were in the old man's shoes, he might do the same thing!

After thinking for a while, Mo Xun then said: "Well, I won't check your spiritual roots, but you are grateful to me after all, and I promised to help you cultivate as an immortal. Mo Xun may not care about other things in his life. , I only care about the word ‘promise’. As for whether I can help you, let God decide!”

Sun Lu looked at Mo Xun with some confusion, not understanding what he meant for a while.

Mo Xun's robe sleeves were brushed from his waist, and an ancient book appeared in his hand.

"This is a book of wood-attribute exercises. Just take it and practice it alone. If God allows you to embark on this path, it will match your spiritual root attributes. If not, you can follow what your grandfather said. Live this life peacefully, and forget about the so-called hatred! "

Sun Lu didn't quite understand what Mo Xun meant. He didn't know what spiritual root attributes were. But the moment he saw this immortal cultivation technique, his eyes suddenly lit up and he took it excitedly, feeling a burst of joy in his heart. .

Seeing his look like this, Mo Xun couldn't help but smile. He thought he must have been so excited when he got the "Fire Technique"!

Mo Xun then took out a few more bottles of elixirs and placed them between the two of them.

"Here are the Beauty Pills I refined, and a Foundation Establishment Pill, which is a thank you gift to you. As for how far you can go in the future, it all depends on your luck!"

When Sun Lu saw this colorful little porcelain vase, he immediately grabbed it in his hand and looked around for a while. When he came to his senses, he quickly knelt down on the ground. Unfortunately, before he could say "Master", Mo Xun had already Arrived several miles away.

On the mountainside of Tianqiong Mountain, which is rich in aura, Mo Xun dug out a cave with just a few moments of effort.

After simply setting up a psychedelic formation nearby, he immediately released Bai Ze, threw down a pile of spirit beast pills, and hurriedly entered the secret room.

Not only did this ambush fail, but he almost lost his life. He was so exhausted along the way that he also consumed all the spiritual stones.

More importantly, coming to this unknown place, I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse!

The most important thing at the moment is to restore cultivation as soon as possible. The third level of Qi refining is almost impossible to move forward in the world of immortality!

He first spent two months refining the elixir, and then he swallowed the elixir and practiced as before. Fortunately, his level was only reduced, and his Dantian meridians were not damaged, so he recovered quickly.

Spring goes to winter, and a year flies by!

Outside Qiu Ming City, Mo Xun wore a bamboo hat and looked at the city in the distance, feeling extremely shocked.

This is the most majestic city he has ever seen. Blue Sky City and Baiye City are not even as big as one tenth of this kind of giant!

The surrounding city walls alone are more than ten feet high. Every hundred feet on the city wall, there is a huge octagonal array disk, which reflects silver light in the sun. As far as the eye can see, there are hundreds of them. Lined up in a neat row, it looks very spectacular.

The wide city gate is at least a hundred feet in size, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going at the door.

There were some walking like him, and there were also many riding various spiritual beast mounts. Because of the air restrictions, no one flew through the air.

This is not the most shocking thing. Mo Xun just glanced and found that many of these people were monks above the foundation building stage.

You know, after he has been in Blue Sky City for so long, it is unparalleled to meet three or five high-level monks in one day.

But the foundation-building monks in this city can be seen everywhere, how could he not be surprised.

On the periphery of the city, one can clearly feel a faint fluctuation of mana, and it is obvious that the entire city is wrapped in a large formation.

I'm afraid even those large sects would have difficulty accomplishing such a feat.

What on earth is this place?

Such a question came to his mind again.

This place is like a lost holy land for cultivating immortals. He is absolutely sure that neither the five southern kingdoms nor the nine demon sects can have such strength.

With countless questions, he walked towards the city gate anxiously.

After handing over twenty spiritual stones and receiving an identity tag at the door, Mo Xun entered.

I secretly complained in my heart that the entry fee was too high. How could ordinary monks afford it?

Just as he stepped into the city gate, he felt a flash of white light, and his head was briefly dizzy for a moment.

His heart tightened, and just when he was about to take precautions, his eyes suddenly opened up, and he appeared on a wide street.

"Teleportation array!"

Mo Xun's heart trembled again. He didn't expect that just by entering the city, he would have to go through the teleportation circle!

The scene before him really overturned his understanding!

On both sides of the street, four or five-story shops line the street, with an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going. Most of these people are immortal cultivators. Occasionally, you can see some mortals, who are also busy running in front and back.

For a moment, he even began to wonder, could this be the real immortal world?

If not, how could he explain what he saw?

Suddenly, two imposing monks walked out of a shop not far away. When Mo Xun took a look, his heart skipped a beat.

These two people are actually alchemy monks!

The appearance of the two people immediately attracted the attention of some passers-by. Although many people gave way, it was not at all the commotion he expected, and it seemed like it was just a common thing!

As the saying goes, there must be a demon when something goes wrong, so Mo Xun's vigilance became more and more intense.

He wanted to figure out what was going on as soon as possible!

"Senior, is there anything I can help you with?"

Mo Xun turned his head. He was a young man of sixteen or seventeen years old, with the ninth level of Qi refining.

At this time, Mo Xun not only concealed his appearance, but also his cultivation.

He didn't believe that the other party could see through his realm so easily. He immediately thought that this person probably had a magic weapon that could detect cultivation.

"Who are you?"

The man cupped his hands and said respectfully: "Junior Wu Qingfeng is a guide. If senior needs anything, junior can help."

This was not the first time Mo Xun encountered someone doing this kind of business. To be honest, it was undoubtedly the most convenient to have someone to guide the way to such a strange place.

Mo Xun asked directly: "How much does it cost?"

"You only need three spiritual stones to drive this junior for one day."

Mo Xun grinned. In such a big city, everything is really expensive!

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