Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 256 Eastern Region

Mo Xun thought for a while and said: "You take me to the place where I live first. If I am satisfied, I will not treat you badly, but what if..."

Having said this, Mo Xun chuckled, and suddenly there was a bit of chill in his eyes.

In an instant, Wu Qingfeng felt that the temperature around him had dropped a bit.

"Senior, please rest assured, I will never do anything that exceeds my ability!"

Wu Qingfeng quickly bowed his hands respectfully, then walked in front and began to lead the way.

"Senior, do you want to stay temporarily or settle in this city permanently?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows: "Is there any difference?"

Wu Qingfeng smiled and said: "If you are staying temporarily, an inn is fine, but if you are staying for a long time, it is more cost-effective to rent some caves specially designed for monks like us to practice."

"Then let's go to the cave!"

Mo Xun thought to himself that he would not rush around without getting familiar with the situation here, and with such a good atmosphere for cultivating immortality, it was definitely a good place for cultivation.

A casual cultivator like him has no fixed place to live, so where can he not practice?

"Wu Daoyou, can you introduce me to the situation in this city?"

From the first moment he saw Mo Xun, Wu Qingfeng could tell that this person must be here for the first time. Guides like them were naturally the best at observing words and expressions.

"I wonder what senior wants to know?"

This point stopped Mo Xun from asking. He wanted to know everything, but he didn't know anything, and he didn't know where to start.

Of course, he is mainly afraid that the other party will notice his difference and cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, some things still need to be understood indirectly.

"Tell me about the distribution of forces here and the high-level monks there are!"

Wu Qingfeng said with a smile: "This city can be regarded as a first-class big city in the Eastern Region. The size of the people and the level of prosperity must be witnessed by seniors."

Mo Xun nodded understandingly, silently writing down the name "Eastern Region" in his mind.

"As for the distribution of power, this junior can't explain it clearly. The Lord of the City is a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Even the Lan Yue Sect doesn't dare to underestimate him."

The shock on Mo Xun's face flashed across his face. He didn't expect that there was a Nascent Soul cultivator sitting here.

For a moment, he hesitated. Should he still live in the city?

After all, the scope of the Nascent Soul cultivator's spiritual consciousness is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. He has too many secrets. If someone discovers it, it may be a disaster!

However, Wu Qingfeng's next words dispelled a lot of his worries.

"But the Lord of the City has been in seclusion all year round and has not been exposed to the outside world for decades. Some people say that the Lord is a Nascent Soul wanderer and has gone to ask questions long ago."

Mo Xun asked casually: "Does this city have any contact with Lan Yue Sect on weekdays?"


Wu Qingfeng glanced at Mo Xun in surprise, not understanding what he meant for a moment.

"I don't know about this, but even if there is contact, it is between high-level monks. How can I know about it."

Mo Xun thought for a while and then stopped asking any more questions. As for the doubts in his heart, he could only slowly resolve them.

The two walked for more than an hour before arriving at a sparsely populated and remote place. What they saw in the distance was that they were divided into areas of different sizes by various magic circles. All the buildings were made of huge rocks, faintly visible. You can feel some spiritual energy fluctuations coming from around you.

And the spiritual energy here is also rich and extremely comforting.

Mo Xun secretly guessed that there might be a good spiritual vein underground here.

Wu Qingfeng led him up a row of bluestone steps, with many towering trees planted on the left and right, to a place called "Qinglianfang".

A transmission note was sent outside the stone door. The two waited for a moment before a sound of "come in" came from the stone door. The invisible light shield in front of them suddenly shook, and a gap appeared that could allow one person to pass through.

After the two entered, there sat a monk who was in the middle stage of foundation building. He was thin, had a goatee, and looked to be in his forties or fifties.

"Senior Min, this senior wants to rent a cave." Wu Qingfeng bowed and introduced Mo Xun sideways.

The monk surnamed Min lazily opened his eyes, then threw over an account book, and said calmly: "The cave here has a lease period of ten years, and every ten years, one thousand low-level spiritual stones. If there is no mark on it, it is If you haven’t rented it out yet, let me know if you’ve chosen it!”

After saying that, the man closed his eyes again and leaned comfortably on the chair.

Mo Xun was shocked again. Based on this calculation, he couldn't get a hundred spiritual stones a year?

This is simply a money grab!

His face immediately darkened, and he looked at Wu Qingfeng angrily, feeling that this kid was colluding with others to trick him.

But before he could speak, the monk surnamed Min spoke again.

"No matter which cave in the city, it will only be more expensive than this one and will never be cheaper. If you don't believe it, you might as well ask now."

When the monk surnamed Min said this, he looked calm and composed, which made Mo Xun start to curse again. Could it be that he had guessed wrong?

It's just that this price is far beyond his psychological expectations. How can he be willing to take advantage of it?

If that's the case, it's better to find a quiet place outside the city.

This monk surnamed Min was miraculous. Although he had his eyes closed, he seemed to be able to hear Mo Xun's inner thoughts. He spoke again: "I suggest that you don't think about opening caves outside the city. Once you encounter There is no place for you to cry even if there is a tide of beasts.”

"Tide of beasts?"

Seeing Mo Xun's puzzled look, Wu Qingfeng quickly said in his ear: "Junior just forgot to tell senior that because our city is close to the sea, so every once in a while, a large number of sea beasts will come ashore and attack us monks. If we rush At the height of the war, Qiu Mingcheng was razed to the ground within tens of thousands of miles."

Hearing this, Mo Xun immediately frowned. It was not like he had never heard of beast tides.

I had seen it in some books before when I was in Baiye City, but the boundless sea near Baiye City had not experienced a beast tide for countless years, so it was forgotten by everyone!

Thinking of this, he hesitated again.

In fact, he somewhat guessed that there must be something dirty between the two of them. The beast tide they said was probably true, but I'm afraid it was a bit exaggerated in order to trick him into paying.

But he is not afraid of ten thousand, he is afraid of the worst. When he was in the five southern kingdoms, even the invasion of demons that would only happen in a thousand years caught up with him. What else could not happen?

In the past few years, first he was selected by the Gu Yue Sect and allowed him to meet Wuji Sanren, and then he went to Sinan Mountain and encountered the Situ family colluding with the devil. It seemed that every place he went, something would happen.

Sometimes he is speechless about his own luck!

Ever since I started practicing, I have almost never had peace!

"But the price?"

The monk surnamed Min said disdainfully: "If you find it too expensive, you can go and inquire nearby. Don't say that I lied to you!"

At this time, Wu Qingfeng came up again and said: "Senior, not only is this place rich in aura, which is conducive to cultivation, but it can also avoid being dispatched by the city lord's palace."

Mo Xun couldn't help but ask: "Does it mean that if you live in this city, you have to be dispatched by the city lord?"

Before Wu Qingfeng could answer, the monk surnamed Min snorted and said: "Do you think collecting so many spiritual stones is just to provide you with a place to practice? The huge cost of city defense every year needs to be borne by all residents of this city. Yes, Qiu Mingcheng is not like a place like Zhongyu, which never raises idle people!"


Mo Xun grasped several key points in the other party's words. It seems that this place is probably divided into "domains", but he doesn't know how big this domain is.

In addition, Qiu Mingcheng doesn’t seem to be at peace!

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