Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 257 Ancient Ruins

After weighing the pros and cons, Mo Xun had no choice but to pay the spiritual stones and a few spiritual herbs, completely emptying his wallet.

It was not until he looked at his cave that he felt a little more balanced.

The cave was not only equipped with a training room, a medicine garden, an insect room, and a spiritual beast room, but also a special alchemy room equipped with ground fire. What surprised him even more was that there was a small spiritual spring, which made the entire practice room extremely full of spiritual energy.

He couldn't help thinking that if he practiced here for a day, it would be at least equivalent to two or three days before.

Of course, at his current level, meditation and refining qi alone is not enough to support the improvement of his cultivation, but the rich spiritual energy is always of great benefit to cultivation.

In this way, although this place is a bit expensive, it is still worth the money.

Since coming to this place, the only thing that satisfied him was the practice environment here.

After coming out of the cave, Wu Qingfeng took Mo Xun to the street market again.

Passing by an elixir shop, Mo Xun asked about the prices of several elixirs. Everything here is more expensive than in Southern Xinjiang, and elixirs are no exception.

He came here to understand the prices of goods and to exchange for some spiritual stones.

Although he has no elixirs to sell now, a large number of spiritual herbs from previous years have been stored in the green gourd after years of spiritual herb cultivation.

And as expected, most of the cultivation elixirs sold here are ones he has never heard of, and even many of the names of spiritual herbs are not consistent with what he knows.

He always feels that this place has some connection with the Southern Xinjiang cultivation world, but it is very different.

"Senior, where are we going next?"

Mo Xun looked around and said, "Is there a study nearby? Try to buy books about the local customs and culture of this city."

Wu Qingfeng said without thinking, "That is Tianyuan Pavilion. This pavilion is the largest distribution center for sundries in this city. There is nothing that you can't buy, except what you can't think of."

In Mo Xun's opinion, it might be a place like a grocery store.

This is exactly what he wants. The more such a place is, the more he can find what he needs.

Because the distance is far, in order to save time, the two did not walk this time, but hired a beast cart on the side of the road.

The spirit beast pulling the cart is also strange, with a horse head but a rhinoceros body.

After half a day of contact, Mo Xun is not surprised!

Just when he was about to get on the car, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl passed by. She was wearing a plain long skirt and a lot of decorations on her hands and head. But judging from the appearance, they were not worth much.

This girl has the seventh level of Qi Refining. She looks quirky, but her skin is fair. Two dimples appear at the corners of her mouth when she smiles and frowns.

"Brother Wu, what a coincidence!"

The girl suddenly jumped behind Wu Qingfeng and patted his shoulder.

After Wu Qingfeng turned around and saw the girl's appearance clearly, he smiled honestly.

"It's you. How come you have time to hang out today? Didn't your mother force you to practice?"

"The ancient ruins are about to be opened, so my mother asked me to come out to buy some talisman paper."

When Wu Qingfeng heard the name, he immediately exclaimed "Ah" and asked hurriedly: "Are you really going to such a place?"

The girl sighed and said in a heavy tone: "There is no way. My father's illness requires a few magical medicines, but we are just trying our luck on the periphery and will not go deep inside."

Wu Qingfeng nodded in understanding, and then he remembered Mo Xun on the side. He smiled at Mo Xun apologetically, and then said to the girl: "I still have to lead the way for this senior, and I will find you later."

The girl glanced at the unprepossessing Mo Xun, smiled and greeted him, said a few words to Wu Qingfeng, and then said goodbye and left.

"Thank you for waiting for me, senior!"

Mo Xun waved his hand indifferently, and the two of them boarded the beast cart one after another.

After walking for a while, Mo Xun suddenly asked curiously: "What is the ancient ruins?"

Wu Qingfeng was probably still thinking about what the girl said just now. He was stunned for a while before reacting.

"This place is an ancient battlefield, but no one can tell how many years it has been since then. There are not only countless relics of ancient cultivators, but also various spiritual flowers and herbs. However, this place is only opened once every ten years, and there are monsters and beasts everywhere, and there are many deadly formations and restrictions."

Mo Xun secretly guessed in his heart that this place might be similar to the secret realm of some large sects, but relatively speaking, it might be more dangerous.

But this is the first time he heard that there is a time limit for opening.

"Why does it take so long to open?"

Anyway, there was nothing else to do, so Wu Qingfeng patiently said: "I heard that it seems that every ten years, the restrictions near the ruins will loosen, and the elders of this city will be able to open it."

Mo Xun suddenly realized that this was the case.

"The Elders Council probably won't do this for free, right?"

"Of course, every cultivator who wants to enter needs to pay a certain amount of spiritual stones."

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. Qiu Mingcheng really knows how to do business. There are ways to earn spiritual stones everywhere.

"When will it open this time?"

Mo Xun has never been to such a place, but he has heard of it many times and is very curious.

Of course, he will not take risks for a little spiritual medicine. At this moment, he is just simply curious.

"At the beginning of next month, the City Lord's Mansion should have a notice at the specific time. Are you interested?"

Mo Xun smiled and nodded: "Of course, even if we can't find the relics of the ancient cultivators, it's good to get a few spiritual herbs."

Wu Qingfeng solemnly suggested: "I still advise you to be cautious. Although that place looks tempting, it is full of dangers. In addition, every ten years, a large number of cultivators will enter it. Even if there are some good things in it, I am afraid that they have been looted by others. I think the girl just now, if it wasn't for her father's treatment, I am afraid she would not be willing to enter it easily."

These words made Mo Xun change his view of the young man in front of him.

Perhaps when he rented the cave house just now, this person had some suspicion of ripping him off, and he might have a good intention to persuade him.

Mo Xun asked a few more questions about the ancient ruins, but Wu Qingfeng was not very old after all, so he naturally didn't say much.

It took half an hour for the beast cart to stop.

Mo Xun had a clearer understanding of the area of ​​Qiu Mingcheng.

However, he thought this place was a store, but after entering, he found that it was a mixed market of vendors.

It was quite big inside, with all kinds of casual cultivators, each occupying a stall, with all kinds of strange things placed in front of them.

If you want to come here to exchange treasures, you really need to have a good eye.

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