Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 261 Twelve Golden Pills

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"To be fair, Fairy, in a few days we will enter the ancient ruins."

Huo Qian'er nodded suddenly. She was curious, what would a monk as generous as Mo Xun do in a place like that?

Of course, she would never ask such a personal question.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to regret. My little sister will pay attention to this news for you. After you come out, you may meet someone better."

Mo Xun thought to himself, this is probably the only way to go.

Huo Qian'er then took out a jade slip and placed it in front of Mo Xun.

"This is the book on spiritual insects that fellow Taoist asked my little sister to find last time. It contains not only the living habits of nearly a thousand species of spiritual insects, but also some cultivation methods. It was given to fellow Taoist by my little sister."

This was an unexpected surprise. Mo Xun put away the jade slip and thanked him immediately. He didn't expect that the other party would remember it so carefully after mentioning it casually last time.

After the two separated, Mo Xun first bought a lot of maps of ancient ruins, and then hurried back to the cave.

There was no words for the night, and in the next few days, he went back and forth between the city and the cave. He didn't know what he was busy with, but his expression was a little more joyful.

On this day, Mo Xun arrived at the teleportation formation managed by the City Lord's Mansion early. After handing over a sum of spirit stones, he lined up and arrived at the outskirts of a mountain thousands of miles away.

As soon as he came out of the teleportation array, after a brief period of dizziness, the first thing that caught his eye was a series of majestic and majestic mountains that towered into the clouds.

It's just that the mountain range is like an isolated island sinking into the sea, and everything is surrounded by diffuse smoke.

In the smoke, there were faint waves of mana fluctuations.

It was a pity that his consciousness was limited and he could not detect the specific situation in the smoke, but maybe it was an illusion. He always felt that there was something sinister coming out of it.

Almost all those who arrived early gathered in an open space on the periphery.

Mo Xun took a quick look and saw that there were tens of thousands of people at least.

Although few people are willing to take the risk in these years, the world of cultivating immortals in West Hezhou is still much more prosperous than in southern Xinjiang. With such a large base, even if it is only one percent of the monks, there are still many people here. .

Moreover, among these people, there were many monks who were in the foundation-building stage and above. Even in the elixir-forming stage, Mo Xun saw one or two.

Together with the teleportation array and the cost of purchasing a quota, one person needs nearly a hundred spirit stones. In other words, the income of the City Lord's Mansion from this time alone is millions of spirit stones.

After settling the account, Mo Xun couldn't help but secretly sighed.

He came to the corner and just found a stone to sit down when two foundation-building monks came up to him.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite!"

Mo Xun returned the gift in confusion. The cultivation levels of these two people, one in the early stage and the other in the middle stage of foundation building, made him secretly wary.

A man in white clothes smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist, are you interested in joining our team? I'll take care of you when you get in."

Mo Xun suddenly realized that they were in a team!

If it were an ordinary person, they might agree to it. After all, it would be safer to go with a few more people.

It's just that he has always been a loner, and there are too many secrets in him. Without knowing the root cause, he will naturally not agree.

"Thank you both for your kindness, but this time I go in, I only plan to do peripheral activities, and I don't plan to go too deep."

The two of them hugged their fists with regret and went to look for the next target again.

In two days, Mo Xun met a total of seven or eight groups seeking to form a team.

Of course, given his level, the only people who could come to him were monks at the foundation-building stage and above.

Just as he was looking at a map with his eyes closed, there was a sudden burst of noise, and at the same time, his brows also frowned tightly, because an extremely uncomfortable pressure swept around like sea water. Come.

At the teleportation formation, after a flash of light, twelve pill-forming monks came out. The worst of them had cultivation levels in the middle stage of pill-forming.

There was no need for Mo Xunduo to guess, someone in the crowd had already started whispering. It turned out that these people were sent by the city lord's palace to activate the formation.

Mo Xun secretly murmured in his heart that this power alone was probably no less powerful than a large sect in southern Xinjiang.

This is still the power of one city here, which is shocking to think about.

This West Hezhou can truly be called the first among the four states in the world!

The monks he knew also came forward to greet him, and another round of pleasantries was inevitable.

No matter where he is, Mo Xun is the one with the least sense of existence. This is his character and the way he handles things.

He just observed his surroundings coldly, and at the same time, he was also wary of those around him.

He knew that among the 60% to 70% mortality rate here, at least half of them were caused by fighting between monks.

There are so many good things in him, and no matter which one they are, they may become the target of being coveted by others.

In other words, once he encounters a conflict, he will either be a coward and kill the other party at all costs!

When he thought of this, his eyes suddenly became a little colder.

After a brief discussion, the twelve people flew high into the sky, each occupying a commanding height.

After one of the elders gave an order, twelve people sacrificed a magical weapon one after another.

Among these magical artifacts, there are various kinds, including traditional swords, gourds, flag pagodas, etc., as well as some strange white cloths made of animal bones.

Instantly, more than a dozen powerful and colorful light beams all attacked a dense forest covered with smoke.

Although the positions of these dozen people seemed messy, anyone who knew a little about the formation could see the hidden power of the heavenly stems.

Mo Xun also studied the formation a little. Although he was a bit amateur, he was not shallow in knowledge.

More than a dozen light beams did not attack one place in a fixed way. Under the command of the old man, they kept changing their positions. At the same time, they also needed to coordinate with each other in terms of the strength of the attack.

Such a might naturally shocked those low-level cultivators who had never seen the world. It was a great benefit to be able to watch the high-level cultivators cast spells with their own eyes.

Among these people, Mo Xun was indispensable.

Although he had seen many Jindan cultivators, and even had a magic weapon in his hand, it was the first time he really saw a Jindan cultivator take action.

Under this overwhelming pressure, those with lower realms even felt as if their bodies were imprisoned.

In the crowd, there were those who were terrified, those who were envious, and those who were excited. All eyes were focused on these twelve people.

For low-level cultivators, being able to form a pill can be said to be a lifelong pursuit.

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