Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 262 Entering the Ruins

This battle lasted for half an incense stick of time. With the old man's loud shout, the surrounding pressure suddenly increased several times. A white air vortex appeared in the place where everyone was attacking, about four or five feet in size.

In the center of the vortex, the flow rate became faster and faster. After more than ten breaths, a dark passage appeared, like a bottomless pit of unknown depth in the dark night.

"Fellow Taoists, we can't hold on for long. Please enter it quickly!"

Before the voice fell, a familiar person flew into the black hole.

With the first one, there was the second one. At first, many people were worried, so there were only a few hundred people in front of the black hole.

The first few of these people were naturally mainly Jindan cultivators, and most of those who followed in had cultivation above the foundation building stage.

As soon as they stepped into the black hole, those people disappeared without a trace in the darkness.

"If you miss the chance to enter, my City Lord Mansion will not be responsible!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly woke up and rushed to the black hole.

Of course, Mo Xun was also caught in the army.

With so many cultivators and such a big movement, he was not afraid of any tricks from the City Lord Mansion.

Of course, he was used to being cautious and was fully prepared.

After all, in Si Nan Mountain, with so many people, the Situ brothers still dared to take the risk of the world.

There is never an absolutely safe place in the world of immortal cultivation.

As soon as he stepped into the black hole, Mo Xun felt a sense of dizziness. He was shocked and wanted to take action at the same time. However, although his mind was clear, his body lost control for a short time.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a moment, and he felt his feet solid and regained control of his body.

"It's the teleportation array!" He couldn't help but think to himself.

The moment he landed, he quickly grasped the Qiankun Ring in his hand, and at the same time quickly released his spiritual sense, looking around vigilantly.

All he saw was a vast expanse of white. Except for the bushes under his feet, his vision was less than ten feet away.

What made him even more depressed was that his spiritual sense could only reach one or two feet away.

Although he had known that there was a magic array to restrict spiritual sense before coming in, he did not expect it to be so powerful.

This means that walking in this white fog, vision and spiritual sense are actually the same effect!

Fortunately, there was no sound near the place where he was teleported in, and he could not feel other mana fluctuations.

I am afraid that this teleportation array is a random teleportation. Tens of thousands of people came in from the same entrance, but their destinations were different.

He felt the white fog around him for a while, and there was no toxicity. It seemed to be not much different from the usual fog.

But to be on the safe side, he still took a detoxification pill.

Because he was shrouded in fog and didn't know where he was, he could only carefully wander around for half an hour before he found a mark on the map.

This place seemed to be on the hillside, with extremely uneven terrain and gravel pits everywhere.

As he had heard before, as soon as he entered the ancient ruins, he felt a very strong spiritual energy, but this spiritual energy was quite mixed, and it seemed that the deeper he went, the stronger the yin energy around him.

Fortunately, the fog was getting thinner and thinner, so he could see farther, but his spiritual sense was still limited.

Occasionally, he could see one or two low-level spiritual herbs under his feet. Logically, with Mo Xun's current wealth, how could he afford to look at these, but perhaps because of the environment here, these spiritual herbs were rare.

There was a slight noise in the dense forest, and he hurriedly turned back. At the same time, a spotted python as thick as an arm suddenly jumped out from behind him.

The python's head was triangular and extremely black.

Almost out of instinct, Mo Xun flicked his sleeves and shot out several red sword beams from his palm.

The sword beams made a sound of wind and all hit the python.

Several black blood splashed in the air, and the python's body was instantly broken into several pieces.

The black head fell to the ground, spitting out its tongue and struggling for a moment, and then it stopped moving.

The flowers and plants splashed with black blood were corroded and turned black.

Although Mo Xun didn't know the name of this thing, he must have been a second-level monster.

If a monster of this level was placed in the Qi Refining Stage, it would probably be a hard battle.

Not long after walking, he met several groups of Qi Refiners, but those people took a detour and left far away after seeing his cultivation.

Mo Xun naturally knew what these people were thinking. When he met a high-level cultivator, wasn't he also so cautious?

Speaking of which, this ancient wasteland site is really not small. He walked for half a day and only met two groups of cultivators, plus a dozen corpses.

Tens of thousands of people entered it, just like throwing a few stones into a lake.

Of course, due to the unclear situation and limited spiritual awareness, he did not dare to walk too fast, let alone fly rashly.

However, there were occasional colorful clouds passing by in the sky above his head, and it was unknown which skilled and daring cultivator it was.

You know, there are many restrictions in this kind of place. If you accidentally touch it, you may die.

Not to mention in the air, even on the ground, Mo Xun almost fell into a small illusion array and almost got lost.

As for monsters, there were more, but most of them had some intelligence. After sensing the cultivation level, they would flee far away, which saved a lot of effort.

This kind of rush lasted for three days, until the white fog around him completely dissipated, and a large area of ​​red scorched earth with a range of thousands of feet appeared in front of him. Mo Xun realized that this was the real entry into the ruins.

These scorched earths have weathered into hard stones, with no grass growing inside, and filled with an ancient and gloomy atmosphere.

Thinking about how many thousands of years ago this was, he couldn't help but feel the vicissitudes of life.

After a slight sigh, he didn't dare to stay here for long. The opening time of the ruins was only three months, and he needed to hurry to his destination.

Fortunately, the place he was going to had been visited by countless predecessors, so he was not afraid of being beaten to the punch.

However, as soon as he bypassed this scorched earth, he felt a strong wind behind his head. Mo Xun was awed in his heart, and he leaned over and barely avoided the blow.

When he saw the appearance of the beast with fangs, Mo Xun's eyes immediately condensed.

"Level 3 Green Spirit Beast!"

After a brief hesitation, the Qiankun Ring in his hand flew out, and at the same time, he quickly flew up to the sky with his sword.

As expected, in the blink of an eye, four Green Spirit Beasts had gathered where he was standing.

Although this beast was only level 3, in terms of strength, it was between the peak of Qi training and foundation building, and it was a real group-living monster.

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