Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 263 Unexpected Disaster

The Qiankun Ring emitted a dazzling light in the air, and in the blink of an eye, it bound the first green spirit beast tightly inside.

Mo Xun silently chanted a few spells, and then a wailing sounded through the forest, and the body of the wolf-headed lion-bodied monster was torn apart by the Qiankun Ring.

The remaining green spirit beasts, after feeling this kind of deterrence, immediately wanted to run away.

But Mo Xun would never give them a chance. A white light flashed in his hand, and a silver gourd appeared.

Looking at the four green spirit beasts that were about to flee, Mo Xun snorted coldly.

"This Xuanbing gourd has never been used in my hands. Today I will practice with you beasts!"

As the voice fell, he immediately threw the silver gourd into the sky.

From the Xuanbing gourd standing in the air, ice crystals as cold as frost shot out, which looked extremely dazzling in the sun.

In a flash, those green spirit beasts were frozen into ice in the white light and fell to the ground.

No wonder it is often said that there is a huge gap between Qi Refining and Foundation Building. Even if it is only half a level, it is an insurmountable gap.

Mo Xun fell back to the ground and smiled with satisfaction when he saw the frightened faces in the ice.

Then he patted the storage bag on his waist and put the corpses of several monsters into it.

Although these monsters do not have inner elixirs, their furs can probably be exchanged for some spirit stones.

After putting away the two magic tools, Mo Xun shuttled into the dense forest again.

But then, he was more careful.

Once he encountered a level 4 monster, it would not be so easy to deal with it. If it was a level 5 monster, he would probably have to flee.

Going further in, you can see traces left by the war everywhere. Some were swallowed by the long river of time, while some were preserved for a long time for some reasons.

These broken traces constantly tell of the brutality of the war that year.

The moonlight sprinkled, and the dense forest was quiet. Occasionally, the wind blew the leaves above the head, and there was a rustling sound.

Suddenly, a fire shot up into the sky in the distance, followed by the sound of fighting.

In the past few days, it was not the first time that Mo Xun encountered such a thing.

Not all of the tens of thousands of cultivators who entered this place came for treasure hunting.

Many of them had the idea of ​​robbing and looting.

Generally, when encountering such a situation, Mo Xun would naturally stay away.

It's just that he wants to avoid trouble, but sometimes, trouble likes to find him.

Before he walked far, a middle-aged man with disheveled hair and blood all over his body suddenly jumped out a few feet away.

The man almost fell to his feet on the ground, and before he could react, two people chased him not far away and fell from the air.

The two men were dressed in strange clothes, all in black, with golden masks on their faces, each with a lotus-shaped pattern engraved on it.

"Daoyou, save me..."

The voice of the man under his feet suddenly rang in his ears, but he fainted just after he said half a sentence.

Mo Xun stood there blankly, ignoring this man, his eyes fell on the two men in black in front of him, and his brows immediately frowned.

These two people were both in the initial stage of foundation building, and at this moment, they also looked at him coldly.

Mo Xun then took two steps back and prepared to take a detour. He had no interest in this kind of fight.

But the two men in black obviously had no intention of letting him go.

One of them suddenly blocked him in front of him, and the other, with a flick of his hand, released a black sword energy, which hit the dantian of the fainted man.

After a muffled groan, the man spat out a mouthful of blood, and his complexion quickly became weak.

Mo Xun's heart tightened, not because he was surprised by the man's ruthless attack, but just looking at his posture, he seemed to have encountered an unexpected disaster.

"What does this mean, fellow Daoist?"

Mo Xun clenched the Qiankun Ring with one hand, and at the same time circulated the spiritual power in his body, and a layer of light red light lingered around his body, and his eyes were vigilantly watching the two people not far away.

But the person opposite had no intention of explaining at all, and without saying a word, he offered a green flag.

When the green flag was about ten feet away from him, it split into three in the air, blocking his left and right and the top of his head.

Fortunately, Mo Xun was prepared, and he used the wind control technique under his feet to retreat quickly.

But before he took a few steps back, he felt a gust of wind behind his head. He quickly turned half a circle in the air and rolled on the ground. Then he saw several black sword qi brushing his body and whistling past with the sound of wind.

Mo Xun broke out in cold sweat on his back. If he had been a little slower, his head would have been chopped off.

In a rage, before he could stand firm, he had already thrown the Qiankun Ring in his hand, which turned into two silver halos in the air and flew quickly over the heads of the two people.

He pinched a Taoist formula in his hand, and his figure became blurred. When he reappeared, he was already several feet away.

Since he established his foundation, he has been able to learn some intermediate spells.

Although this set of "ghost shadow technique" is not a real escape technique, it can often achieve unexpected results in actual combat.

Speaking of which, this spell comes from the magic way. He has forgotten which magic sect cultivator he took it from. After practicing for several years, he has become more and more proficient.

The Qiankun Ring made two crisp sounds in the air, and then bounced high. Mo Xun made a move with one hand, and the two rings merged into one and returned to his hand.

The two men had not expected Mo Xun to be so skilled. They looked at each other in surprise, and then sandwiched Mo Xun in the middle again.

"I am just passing by, and I don't mean to meddle in other people's business. You two don't need to do this, right?"

To be honest, Mo Xun didn't want to act rashly unless it was absolutely necessary.

Having experienced so many battles, with his means, he was not afraid even if he was fighting one against two. However, this place was dangerous and unpredictable. He really didn't want to cause trouble. If he attracted other cultivators because of the noise, it would be troublesome.

One of the men in black replied coldly: "If you want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for hearing something you shouldn't have heard!"

Mo Xun's brows twisted into a "chuan" character.

He suddenly realized that the other party's words probably referred to the man's voice transmission to him just now.

But he swears to God that he didn't hear anything at all.

After the man in black finished speaking, the two men simultaneously offered their own magic weapons and threw them high into the air.

The person on the left still held the same green flag, but this time it split into six in the air, spreading around Mo Xun to form a regular hexagonal shape.

Seeing this, Mo Xun was secretly shocked. Isn't this the formation he often uses?

Another person casually threw dozens of flying swords, which fell from the sky, densely packed, and glowed coldly under the moonlight.

Without thinking, Mo Xun covered his head with the Qiankun Ring, and then dozens of ping-pong sounds continued to come, and those flying swords all hit the Qiankun Ring.

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