At the same time, the six green flags, under the control of the black-robed monk on the periphery, flashed with increasingly dazzling fluorescence, and quickly rotated around Mo Xun, and then suddenly sprayed green flames from all around, which looked extremely strange in the dark jungle.

The temperature around them, not only did not show signs of being burned, but instead emitted a trace of cold air.

The flowers, plants and trees that were devoured by the green flames also disappeared in an instant.

When the green flames approached Mo Xun's body, he released the red fire phoenix from his palm without thinking, which was the Xuantian True Fire.

The two flames, one red and one green, collided in the air like two hurricanes, making a slight burning sound.

The red lily is worthy of being the spiritual fire of heaven and earth, which can burn everything in the world.

The moment the two flames just touched, the green flame was quickly devoured by the Xuantian True Fire as if it had seen its nemesis.

When the black-robed man on the periphery saw this scene, his originally cold eyes immediately shrank a little.

No one knows the power of his green flag better than him.

This thing is a high-level magic weapon in a fight, and a good magic array in a siege!

"What kind of flame is this?"

Such a question rang in the ears of the two men in black at the same time.

But this time, Mo Xun did not intend to give them the opportunity to ask questions.

In the flames, a silver ring flew out of the air, first heading towards the man who released the sword energy.

In a fight between masters, victory or defeat is often a matter of breathing, especially when the two sides have a huge gap in strength or the difference in magic weapons is too great, there is no situation of fighting for many rounds.

Of course, there is also the reason that the two people underestimated the enemy. At the same time, Mo Xun did not intend to hold back at the beginning, and directly sacrificed his two biggest killers at the bottom of the box.

He knew that once the Xuantian True Fire and the Linglong Ring were exposed, this fight would be a situation of life and death, and there would be no other way.

The exquisite ring was spinning rapidly, and it was extremely dazzling in the firelight. Before the man could react, countless cold winds wrapped with light needles shot around his body.

As soon as his companions said "be careful" in his ears, he felt thousands of things like his sword energy piercing his body, and the dense blood holes sprayed thick and bright red blood.

He didn't even feel the pain, his consciousness began to dissipate, and his soul didn't have time to withdraw from his body before it was pierced by the sudden light needles.

As soon as he strangled this person, Mo Xun used his mind to control the exquisite ring to find the next target, but when his restricted consciousness swept through, he found that there was no second figure around.

As the firelight dissipated, Mo Xun took back the exquisite ring with one hand, and looked around at the same time. Except for the devastated scorched earth under the moonlight, there was no living person standing.

Mo Xun took a deep breath, one of them actually escaped!

After releasing his spiritual sense and searching nearby for a while, he found nothing except a faint spatial fluctuation.

Once he entered the foundation-building stage and possessed spiritual sense, he could practice various escape techniques, which was also a great means of life-saving for the foundation-building cultivators.

He did not dare to delay any longer. After taking the storage bag from the man in black, he threw out two fireballs, which immediately turned the two bodies on the ground into ashes.

He chose a direction at random and left quickly.

According to his original intention, once the secret of Xuantian True Fire was leaked, it would naturally be necessary to cut the grass and root it out. If it was spread out, he did not know how many dangers he would face.

In the current situation, staying in place would be tantamount to waiting for death.

Even though the sneak attack was so easy this time, it was due to the powerful magic weapon, but more of it should be because the opponent was caught off guard and did not know his details.

Once the opponent was familiar with his routine and was on guard, it would not be so easy.

In a huge hollow tree crown, Mo Xun took out a green gourd, and after a burst of green light, he entered it.

In the green world, he first spent an incense stick of time to search his whole body, and at the same time changed his clothes and burned all the things that were exposed just now.

After so many life and death experiences, he already had rich experience in marking defense.

After a short rest, he took out the spoils of this time.

A flash of rosy light, and a golden mask suddenly appeared in his hand.

This mask can only cover half of the cheek, above the nose, revealing a pair of eyes, and there is a simple lotus on the side face, and there is no other text.

After studying it for a while, he put it away after not finding anything special.

Then he took out two storage bags, both of which were stained with blood, one from the man in black and the other from the guy whose dantian was destroyed.

Spiritual power was injected into them, and with a rustling sound, a small pile of messy things poured out from them.

The first thing that caught his attention was naturally the shiny spiritual stones of various colors, about two or three hundred of them.

To be honest, such wealth was a bit too much for a foundation-building cultivator.

Whenever he encountered such a harvest, the things that interested him the most were naturally jade slips and books.

However, there was not even a single thing with words in this pile of miscellaneous items, which made him feel a little regretful.

But when he saw a black jade plate engraved with a lotus, his heart was moved.

This lotus was exactly the same as the one on the mask.

Having been in the secular world for a few years, he understood the connection on the spot.

It seems that the two men in black are probably from a certain sect or organization.

Thinking of this, he became somewhat worried. If so, doesn't it mean that he has offended a group of people?

It's really unlucky. Every time he arrives at a new place, he can't even tell the directions, and he always makes enemies first.

If it weren't for his good luck, he doesn't know how many times he would have died!

Since he embarked on this road, except for a short period of peace, he has hardly practiced peacefully.

With a sigh, he noticed a scissor-shaped magic weapon.

After his spiritual consciousness invaded it, the black scissors suddenly became larger, more than three feet long.

Mo Xun's mind moved, and he took out a broken big knife.

Throwing the big knife high up, he immediately controlled the scissors to twist it down in the air. After a flash of lightning, the big knife broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

Mo Xun's eyes condensed, and he was secretly surprised.

Although the big knife was broken, it was a genuine mid-level magic weapon. It was so easily cut by the scissors, and the cut was smooth and clean.

This thing can only be regarded as a mid-level magic weapon at most. Although it is inconvenient to use, it is unexpectedly so sharp!

It’s a pity that he can’t use such a strange magic weapon very easily.

In fact, what he was thinking about was the dozens of flying swords that this person used when attacking him.

You know, a set of magic weapons is much more expensive than a single piece.

However, because he left in a hurry just now, he didn’t have time to collect those flying swords.

Putting away the scissors, he set his sights on some elixirs.

As he expected, in the few jade bottles, in addition to a little magic power recovery pill, there was healing medicine.

In fact, it can be understood. If there is any cultivation pill, it must have been used by others a long time ago, so why would they leave it for him.

Fortunately, he was lucky enough to find a lot of spiritual herbs in it, as many as seventy or eighty jade boxes.

If I guessed correctly, these things were probably snatched from other people.

Killing this man, he was also a threat.

He happily planted all the spiritual herbs in the black soil, and began to count the second storage bag.

If he didn't have a bit of benevolence in his heart, it would be a good business to do this kind of robbery.

Of course, the premise is that he has enough strength.

Now he has enough spiritual herbs and pill recipes, but the only thing he lacks is the right practice.

If he can find a practice in a short time, he will definitely choose a remote place and retreat for decades.

If he can form a pill by chance, even if he only practices to the late stage of foundation building, he will find a way to return to Dongshengzhou.

He is really tired of such a displaced life.

After another burst of rosy clouds, there is something like a small hill on the ground.

Seeing those colorful spiritual stones, Mo Xun was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that the miserable cultivator had such a rich family!

After counting the spiritual stones, he finally felt a little relieved after a long period of depression.

In fact, for him now, spiritual stones are no longer as important as they were at the beginning.

And with more and more spiritual medicines in the medicine garden, at least for a long time, he doesn't have to worry about spiritual stones.

It's just that many precious cultivation resources are often not available with spiritual stones.

What caught his attention next was a small wooden box. From the outside, there was nothing special about it, as if it was just a jewelry box of an ordinary woman.

After opening the box, it was empty except for an old animal skin!

He curiously unfolded the animal skin, and it turned out to be a secondary map!

The map was drawn with some rough lines, which looked messy and seemed to be drawn in a hurry.

There were several obvious marks on the map, and in the middle, a big red cross was drawn to distinguish it from other places.

There were text annotations in the corner, but those few dozen words were quite difficult to read, like a spell.

"Hey, isn't this the ancient ruins?"

Thinking of this, he quickly took out several maps he carried with him, and after a simple comparison, he found that it was indeed the case!

Mo Xun couldn't help but touch his chin and fell into deep thought for a while.

It seems that the man, like him, came here for the treasures that have not yet been discovered.

But I don't know what good things this map points to?

After putting the map away, he found a few magic weapons in it, but most of them were not good, either low-level or mid-level, and there was not even a high-level magic weapon.

With this person's wealth, it should not be difficult to have a high-level magic weapon.

Since there is no magic weapon here, it is probably lost when fighting with the two men in black.

Although it is a bit regrettable, he now has a lot of magic weapons on him, and more is useless.

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