Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 265 Golden Zhi Fruit

After counting and resting for half a day, Mo Xun set out again.

He couldn't help wondering why the two men in black would chase this man.

Perhaps it was a sudden impulse, just to rob money, or perhaps there was another purpose.

As for the purpose, the map in the wooden box is obviously the most likely reason.

Perhaps the map really points to something good!

After walking for a while, there were a few more dead bodies scattered on the ground, and the closer to the center of the ruins, the more people died.

Some died in a fight, and their bodies were still intact, while others were encountered by unknown monsters, leaving only broken arms and limbs, and a ground full of blood.

When he saw a dilapidated building, he hurried over.

This is a palace made of rocks, surrounded by white stone pillars with a diameter of four or five feet, as many as twenty or thirty.

Most of the stone pillars have collapsed, and more than half of the majestic and towering palace has collapsed.

Weeds and trees broke out of the cracks in the collapsed rocks, looking dilapidated.

The stone walls of the palace were covered with traces of swords and knives, and they looked old and simple due to weathering and corrosion.

He walked around the area, and the cold air inside made him feel very uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, he didn't go in after all. He thought that even if there were some good things, they had been looted long ago.

But surprisingly, he found more than a dozen low-level spiritual herbs on one side of the palace.

Just after bypassing the palace, a fight suddenly broke out in the dense forest not far away.

Before Mo Xun could react, he saw a woman in red, covering her bloody shoulder with one hand, flying towards him in panic.

When she was still more than ten feet away from him, a strong wind came from behind the woman.

After a shrill scream, the woman spit out a mouthful of thick blood, and then fell from mid-air.

Then, he saw a young and beautiful woman in purple chasing after him. She pointed a Taoist formula with one hand and directed a delicate long sword to stab downwards towards the place where the woman in red fell.

Although separated by flowers, plants and trees, Mo Xun could still see clearly that the long sword hit the back of the woman in red and pierced her heart.

In just a moment, the life on the face of the woman in red quickly withered.

After the woman in purple retracted her long sword, she naturally noticed Mo Xun in the distance.

The moment their eyes met, Mo Xun hurriedly made some precautions.

He thought he was going to suffer another unprovoked disaster, but the woman in purple just looked at him coldly, and then flew away on her sword.

Mo Xun secretly wiped a cold sweat. If he was not mistaken, the woman's cultivation should be at least in the middle stage of foundation building.

After the woman in purple left, he slowly came to the body of the woman in red.

When he saw the storage bag on this person, he couldn't help but feel happy. He didn't expect to encounter such a good thing.

He quickly waved his hand, and there was no time to check. Like a thief, he disappeared in a gust of wind.

He thought he was going to change his luck, but when he opened the storage bag halfway, he found that there was nothing inside except a few spiritual stones and a pile of women's clothes and miscellaneous items.

No wonder they didn't want it!

He continued walking for another two days and came to a valley.

There were suddenly more monks nearby, and occasionally one or two people would fly over their heads and rush in the same direction.

Out of curiosity, he followed them, and after a stick of incense, he stopped outside a cave surrounded by a big tree.

He saw that outside the cave, there were already many people around.

There were twenty or thirty foundation-building monks alone, and hundreds of Qi-refining monks.

From all directions and in the sky, there were some new faces coming from time to time.

Among these people, Mo Xun noticed the purple-clothed woman from a few days ago at first sight.

Most people here came in groups of three or five, and the purple-clothed woman was whispering something with a man in white with a sword on his back.

Because of her beautiful appearance, she often attracted the attention of many monks.

This cave is located between mountain streams. Judging from the scattered gravel nearby, it seems to have just been discovered and opened.

Just when Mo Xun was puzzled, he heard a loud laugh from above his head, followed by a black light falling from the sky.

Wherever the black light passed, a gust of wind was rolled up, which directly blew the monks with lower cultivation to the ground.

"Hahaha, I heard that the golden Zhi fruit was found here. I wonder if there is a share for me, Lao Hu?"

When the black light dissipated, a middle-aged man with a sturdy stature and a full beard was revealed.

The man was dressed in black, with a wine gourd on his waist. He looked sloppy and exuded a strange smell of alcohol, which could be smelled from a long distance.

Some female cultivators who loved cleanliness covered their noses and stepped back a few steps when this man appeared, their eyes full of disgust.

"It turned out to be Brother Hu. I didn't expect to alarm you too!"

The displeasure on the face of one of the men in blue flashed across his face, and then he smiled and bowed, greeting the man in black.

Both of them were in the late stage of foundation building, and they were considered to have higher cultivation among this group of people.

With some whispers in the crowd, Mo Xun realized that the man in black with a stinky smell was named Hu Xingyun, and the man in blue was an elder of a sect called "Feiyumen", named Chu Yue.

After the two exchanged a few words, Chu Yue suddenly asked curiously: "Where did Brother Hu hear the news that there was a golden fruit here?"

Hu Xingyun touched his dark beard and asked, "Brother Chu, where did you know this?"

"Of course this was reported by my disciples, but Chu is a little curious. Brother Hu has always been a loner, so how could he know the situation here?"

Hu Xingyun laughed evilly: "I heard this from an old man with a good nose. This unlucky guy also overestimated his abilities, and my old Hu broke his neck!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and threw a bloody whisk from his sleeve.

The tone of his words was extremely contemptuous, as if killing a person was like trampling an ant to death.

But as soon as the whisk fell to the ground, there were two little Taoist priests in gray clothes, and their faces immediately changed.

After checking it, one of them was so horrified that he immediately took out a long gun, pointed it at Hu Xingyun angrily, and cursed: "Traitor, dare to kill the master, I will fight with you." !”

The angry little Taoist priest flew up with his spear in hand without saying a word. However, with his tenth level of Qi refining, he was no match for Hu Xingyun.

Chu Yue wanted to stop him, but it was obviously too late. Hu Xingyun casually brushed his robe sleeves, and the little Taoist priest flew backwards. When he fell heavily to the ground, he was already lifeless.

Another classmate was annoyed when he saw this scene. Although his face turned red, he dared not speak in anger.

But despite this, Hu Xingyun had no intention of letting him go. The two looked at each other, and the little Taoist priest suddenly seemed to be under a spell, his eyes became wandering, and then he spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell straight down. Go down.

"Eye Technique!"

Immediately, several people recognized this move.

Mo Xun, who was in the distance, was also shocked. He didn't expect that this person's eye skills had been cultivated to such an extent that he could kill him just by looking at him.

When the others saw this scene, they all calmed down with sadness, and those with lower cultivation levels consciously stepped back.

The man in black in front of him seemed to be the devil in the hearts of many people at this moment.

Chu Yue laughed dryly, and for a moment he didn't seem to know what to say, so he had to cup his hands.

"Brother Hu's cultivation seems to be getting better and better!"

"Hehe, Brother Chu must not be too generous!"

Mo Xun quietly hid behind the big tree nearby. This was the first time he encountered such a arrogant person.

Kill the master and come back with the trophies to kill the apprentice.

According to his temperament, even if he has deep hatred, he will not be so blatant.

In fact, what he doesn't know is that there is a strategy called killing chickens to scare monkeys!

At this time, another old man walked up, raised his hands to the two of them and said, "Two fellow Taoists, seeing that more and more people are coming here, shouldn't we work together to open the restriction here first?"

Chu Yue quickly introduced: "This is Fellow Taoist Master Chun Qiu of the Yuehe Sect, who is here with me this time."

Hu Xingyun glanced at the other person lightly and saw that this person was also in the late stage of foundation building and was not too arrogant, so he also returned the greeting.

Chu Yue introduced the two people's kung fu, and two monks in the late stage of foundation building came up from the crowd.

Mo Xun glanced at them from afar. These five people were probably the ones with the highest cultivation level among them all.

Chu Yue said: "Fellow Taoist Chunqiu is right. We should find a way to break the ban here first. If some old monster gets the news, I'm afraid we won't even be able to drink the soup in the end."

Hu Xingyun frowned and asked, "Brother Chu, can you really be sure that there is Jinzhi fruit inside?"

Chu Yue didn't speak, but looked at Chunqiu next to him.

"To be honest, I have a disciple who has practiced a special technique and can sense the location of certain spiritual objects. This place was the first one he found."

After hearing this, the other people immediately looked at the young disciples behind Chunqiu, their eyes filled with a bit of passion.

The ability to discover spiritual objects is such a heaven-defying magical power. If you can take it with you, wouldn't it mean that you can hunt for treasures and objects without any disadvantages?

Chunqiu naturally saw the thoughts of several people, and said with a wry smile: "This kind of skill does not work every time. If it can be accurately judged once or twice out of ten times, it is considered good, and after each casting, , it takes seven days to recover, it’s almost like a lucky break!”

Despite saying this, several people were still amazed, and some even started to think about how to win over Chunqiu after this incident.

Facing the naked gazes of the foundation-building monks, the Qi Refining disciples behind Chunqiu couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, as if someone had stripped them of their clothes and looked at them from head to toe.

Naturally, Mo Xun couldn't hear the five people's whispered discussions. He was currently wondering, what exactly is the "Jinzhi Fruit" these people call?

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