Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 266 Breaking the Ban

But this question was quickly answered by someone.

The conversation between two Qi Refining monks not far away came clearly to his ears.

It turns out that this "Jin Zhi Guo", also known as "Wanyao Powder", has the incredible effect of improving the success rate of alchemy.

In the refining process of many elixirs, just adding one pill can better promote the fusion of the drugs.

The thousand-year-old golden zhi fruit can increase the probability by 10%. If it is ten thousand years... then it is unknown. After all, few people have obtained such a medicine.

Don't underestimate this 20%, for alchemy masters, it is often the key to successful elixirs.

Of course, no one would use such a magical elixir on ordinary elixirs. Basically, one would be added to the elixir to break through the bottleneck.

At this time, not to mention the monks in front, even Mo Xun was extremely jealous!

When he was in southern Xinjiang, he had never heard that there were such holy fruits in the world!

This West Hezhou is indeed a holy land for cultivating immortals!

While he was thinking, a group of people at the entrance of the cave finally made a decision.

Under Chu Yue's organization, the five people selected seven or eight monks who were above the middle stage of foundation construction, arranged them in a certain pattern, and ordered the rest to retreat dozens of feet away.

Although everyone felt unwilling to do so, due to the strength of this group of people, they could only watch from a distance anxiously.

Those Qi Refining monks also know that such good things are not their turn, but they are still unwilling to leave. They can only hope that after the ban is broken, there will be some other treasures in addition to the Jinzhi fruit. It is a good idea to fish in troubled waters. A cup of soup.

Although this ancient ruins is huge, the treasures inside have been searched countless times by predecessors. Who would want to miss such a complete cave by chance?

Cultivation of immortals is to compete with heaven for one's fate. Who can enter this place but is not prepared to trade their lives for opportunities?

The twelve people were divided into six groups, each guarding a position, taking out different styles of magical weapons in their hands. Under Chu Yue's first attack, they all pinched the Taoist secrets, and dozens of colorful rays of light hit the entrance of the cave.

There was a loud "boom", and bursts of dust suddenly rose up. The huge impact quickly spread to the surroundings, and some of the big trees that were closer were even broken at the waist.

Only then did Mo Xun notice that as the attack fell, a transparent medium like water waves appeared faintly at the entrance of the cave, constantly undulating, absorbing the impact of the mana.

Everyone could clearly see that the huge rock wall surrounding the cave seemed to be wrapped in a layer of transparent restrictions, forming an invisible curtain wall.

However, this attack seemed to hit the cotton. It only affected the restriction and trembled slightly for a moment before returning to calmness.

But outside where everyone was standing, there were two completely different situations.

Especially under the feet of the dozen or so foundation-building monks, it was like landslides and ground cracking, with countless earth and stone debris splashing up.

When the smoke and dust fell, Chu Yue and others showed solemn expressions on their faces.

Everyone looked at each other, and they seemed to be telling each other that the ban here was by no means an easy matter. Don't reserve your strength, and try your best to defeat them in one strike!

Following Chu Yue's order, everyone launched another attack. This time, the momentum was obviously much greater than before.

After another loud noise, the restriction at the entrance of the cave seemed to have the ability to become stronger when strong, and returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Chu, it seems that we have underestimated this restriction!"

It was Hu Xingyun who took the lead to put away the magic weapon and spoke.

Chu Yue, who originally looked calm and composed, has long since disappeared, and his face is extremely gloomy.

On the one hand, they were also shocked by the severity of the restrictions here. On the other hand, the commotion just now was really loud.

Although the spiritual consciousness is suppressed here, if there happens to be an alchemy monk passing by, I think it won't be long before he hears the news and comes.

With this in mind, he quickly selected a dozen foundation-building monks from the crowd of onlookers. He still didn't believe that the ban tens of thousands of years ago still retains much power today!

Next, there were several deafening sounds, gravel continued to fall in the small mountain stream, and several deep pits of several feet in size were bombarded on the ground at the entrance of the cave.

The flowers and plants around the entire cave have long been uprooted and appear to be in ruins.

The formation-breaking team composed of more than twenty foundation-building monks naturally did not attack just one place. Some of them knew a little about the formation and directed everyone to constantly change their positions. However, after a stick of incense passed by, there was still no success.

After several attempts, Chu Yue suddenly said loudly to everyone: "Everyone, the prohibition here is extraordinary. It is difficult for me to break through this formation in a short period of time. I believe that all fellow Taoists are eager to seek treasures. If we delay for a long time, it will inevitably attract more monks, so Chu suggested that we all cast spells together and work together to break the formation!"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, especially the Qi Refining monks, who hesitated for a moment.

After all, the cultivation level of these people is too low. It's okay to let them follow behind and pick up some things that others don't want. But when they cast spells with the foundation-building monks, they will inevitably murmur.

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted: "Senior Chu is right. If the restriction is not broken, it will be useless for us to stand here and wait. We might as well work together to break the formation!"

With the leader, there were responses. In a short moment, more than half of the people joined in. Chu Yue took advantage of the situation and said, "Please rest assured, everyone, anyone who contributes will be counted as a share when the treasure is divided later. But if anyone wants to fish in troubled waters, don't blame me for turning my face and being ruthless!"

Looking at Chu Yue's sharp eyes, Mo Xun sneered in his heart.

After the emotions of the crowd were mobilized, everyone rushed forward in a swarm. Under Chu Yue's arrangement, hundreds of people were divided into three groups, each occupying a different position.

Mo Xun did not intend to be the first bird to stand out, but his cultivation was there, so he naturally could not rely on the queen mother.

In order to increase the power, Chu Yue and others took out several sets of formation flags at the bottom of the box, ready to break the ban with the formation.

After a command, hundreds of light beams of various colors all attacked the entrance of the cave.

Although most of them were Qigong practitioners, the momentum was far from the previous few times.

With the blessing of the formation, a surge of pressure swept all around, and even those late-stage foundation-building cultivators in the front were forced to tremble slightly by this might.

Needless to say, many of the young Qi-refining people behind were beaten back by the various overflowing spiritual energy even though they used spiritual power to protect themselves.

"Don't hold back, success or failure depends on this time!"

After Chu Yue said this with difficulty, the air pressure within a radius of ten feet was almost suffocating.


A deafening explosion suddenly came from the entrance of the cave, and then smoke and dust rose up, covering everyone, and some people were directly blown away.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone noticed that the layer of restriction outside the cave had miraculously disappeared.

The dark entrance of the cave was completely exposed, and a pure and comfortable spiritual energy suddenly came out from the cave.

Everyone was overjoyed, looking at the dark and deep cave, as if they saw a bunch of exotic flowers and plants right in front of them.

Mo Xun was naturally overjoyed, and hurriedly flew in to grab the first opportunity.

At this time, who still remembered Chu Yue's promise just now, naturally first come first served!

Of course, although he was not slow, there were still people who were faster than him, especially the five late foundation building cultivators closest to the cave entrance.

But before anyone approached the cave entrance, a loud laugh suddenly sounded in their ears, followed by a gust of wind that quickly swept past, blowing everyone outside the cave to pieces.

"I didn't expect you to be so filial, I won't be polite!"

As soon as this cunning voice fell, someone exclaimed.

"Jiedan cultivator!"

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