Everyone's footsteps stopped immediately.

Chu Yue and the others looked at the strong wind that disappeared in the cave, and their faces turned livid.

"Brother Chu, what should we do?" Chun Qiu asked with a frown.

Before Chu Yue could speak, Hu Xingyun on the side snorted first, and disappeared in a flash.

Some people followed him in, and the rest of the people naturally woke up on the spot.

"There are so many of us, are we still afraid of him? Let's go!"

Chu Yue immediately turned into a gust of wind and went into the cave. When the other foundation-building cultivators saw him, they followed him without hesitation.

It was difficult for these Qi-refining cultivators. Who could have expected that at this critical moment, the Jindan cultivators would intervene? Their strength was not enough in the eyes of those foundation-building cultivators, let alone the Jindan stage.

After a short period of silence, someone finally broke the silence. Those who claimed to have some skills or were a little brave, gritted their teeth and followed in.

At this time, it is indeed necessary to have some courage.

However, if there is a first one, there will be a second one. For a while, a group of people rushed into the dark cave.

Of course, there are also sober ones among them. Not everyone has the courage to snatch food from the mouths of those old monsters who have lived for at least one or two hundred years.

Among the people who stayed behind, Mo Xun was naturally included.

To be honest, the temptation of the golden Zhi fruit is indeed very strong, but no matter how good the treasure is, you have to live to enjoy it!

The remaining people at the door were divided into two groups after weighing for a long time. One group left sadly, and some were unwilling but cherished their lives. They still guarded the cave entrance, wondering what they were thinking.

Mo Xun quietly retreated while no one was paying attention. In fact, he was also one of the unwilling ones.

But he neither waited here nor left. Instead, he went in one direction, traveled for half a day, and found a hidden tree hole to hide in.

He had another plan in his mind.

He hid for two whole days. After a good sleep in the green gourd, he returned to the cave again in the night.

When he returned to the mountain stream and saw the mess of gravel and grass, he was not surprised at all.

The cave entrance, which could only accommodate three or four people, had changed beyond recognition and became about ten feet wide, revealing a large black rock wall inside.

Within a radius of several miles, there were flying mud and deep pits. Tall bushes were uprooted. There were dried blood and corpses everywhere. The air was filled with a strong smell of burnt and blood.

Among these corpses, some were unrecognizable, and some were beheaded. There were several that Mo Xun recognized.

Even the late foundation building cultivator named Chunqiu was among them.

Looking at the tragic scene around, one could almost imagine what kind of fighting this group of people had experienced at that time.

After making sure that there was no movement nearby, Mo Xun carefully entered the cave.

He casually took out the lighting magic weapon, and under the dim light, the dark cave slowly appeared in front of him.

First, he walked through a narrow passage, which was winding, but he could feel that he was always moving upward.

The further he went in, the more corpses there were under his feet. Looking at this situation, I am afraid that few of the Qi-refining practitioners who followed in later could survive.

After about a cup of tea, the passage became wider.

At a corner, Mo Xun saw a familiar face again. It was the man with a sword on his back who talked with the purple-clothed woman when he first arrived here.

Since even a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building can fall, it is not surprising that this person died here.

After Mo Xun simply searched these corpses for a while, he did not find a storage bag, not even a low-level magic weapon.

It seems that there are many people who have the same idea as him, but they are just faster than him!

In fact, even if he can't get his hands on the treasures in the cave, even if he collects the relics of these people, it is probably a big gain.

However, judging from the scene in front of him, the things in the cave should be of high value, otherwise it would not have caused such a tragic fight.

The path of cultivating immortals is indeed dangerous and unpredictable. After decades of cultivation, he finally succeeded in building a foundation, but in the end he died tragically here!

Because there are no branches in the cave, there is no need to worry about taking the wrong path. While holding the Qiankun Ring in his hand tightly, he carefully guarded his surroundings and was extremely careful with his movements.

After walking for a while, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear again and he came to a wide cave.

The cave was empty, except for a few bloody corpses, there was nothing else!

After groping for the entrance, he entered a narrow passage again, still winding upwards.

This time, he did not walk far, and a faint light suddenly appeared in the darkness ahead.

Mo Xun hurriedly stopped, leaned against the rock wall and held his breath, while releasing his consciousness to a farther place.

After a light "Huh" sound, he noticed that the light came from the moonlight above his head.

Walking into the place where the moonlight was, there was a stone chamber about two or three feet wide.

The reason why it was called a stone chamber was that there were obvious traces of repairs made by humans on the surrounding rock walls.

The stone chamber was an irregular square with a three-foot skylight above the head. The moonlight just passed through the skylight and sprinkled on a circular flowerbed wrapped by a stone platform.

The soil in the flowerbed was scattered everywhere, and some dead branches and leaves fell on it, as if some plant was broken by the roots.

"Could this be the golden mushroom fruit tree?"

Mo Xun walked around the flower garden and searched the stone chamber for a while. He found that there was no other exit except the way in and the skylight above.

The walls around the stone chamber were also left with many marks of swords and knives because of the fight. The ground was mixed with blood and gravel. Obviously, a fierce fight had already started here.

Of course, these were not what Mo Xun cared about. He could wait nearby for two days. His goal was to find the flower garden.

After not finding anything else useful, he did not hesitate and jumped into the flower garden. He took out a flying sword and carefully searched in the soil.

After a while, he showed a look of ecstasy on his face, and in his hand, there was a root as thick as a finger.

For him who had black soil, he was not satisfied with a few golden mushrooms at all. The ultimate goal was to cultivate a large number of them.

When he thought of the magical effect of this thing in increasing the pill-making rate, he couldn't help but feel excited.

After collecting the rhizome, he jumped up and flew away from the skylight above his head.

In the tall tree canopy hundreds of miles away, a faint green light flickered in the darkness.

In the green world, Mo Xun looked at the ugly rhizome in his hand, nodded secretly, and a satisfied smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

It was because of this green gourd that he was able to escape from danger again and again.

It was also because of the black soil in it that he was able to practice until today.

Many times, he did not need to desperately snatch those mature spiritual herbs and spiritual objects like others. Those things that others least valued were what he needed most.

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