He still clearly remembered the conversation between the two onlookers. A thousand-year-old golden mushroom fruit can increase the success rate of pills by 10%. If it is five or six thousand years old, or even tens of thousands of years old...

When he thought of this, he felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Seven days after he set out again, he had to be more cautious. A few days ago, he even encountered three groups of level four monsters. If he hadn't had the escape talisman in his hand, he didn't know if he could escape.

Arriving here, it is basically close to the core area of ​​the ancient ruins. Not only are there monsters everywhere, but there are also forbidden formations and swamp poisons everywhere.

If you don't pay attention, you will be doomed!

The number of monks encountered along the way is getting fewer and fewer. Basically, there is no trace of Qi Refiners. Foundation Building Monks can't even protect themselves. Those low-level monks, coming here is tantamount to seeking death.

Of course, the further you go, the more good things there are. At least he has collected no less than ten mid-level spiritual herbs.

As expected, opportunities and dangers coexist!

Fortunately, it was not far from the Moon Star Palace marked on the map. If the trip went smoothly, he would not go deeper into it, but would find a hiding place and go out when the ruins were closed.

While he was thinking, he suddenly heard a huge explosion in the distance, followed by smoke and fire rising into the sky, and even the earth was shaking constantly.

He hurriedly went to find the sound, and after walking for a while, he saw a dozen people gathered by a pool, besieging an ugly monster.

This monster looked like a toad, with a body size of about ten feet, and its two protruding eyeballs alone were like millstones.

It had eight claws on its lower body, like a centipede, and its body was covered with yellow bumps like scabies, constantly overflowing with yellow liquid, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell.

Kun spirit beast!

Mo Xun recognized it at the first sight of this thing from afar. It was a genuine sixth-level demon beast!

If you want to talk about it, it is equivalent to the strength of a Jindan-stage cultivator.

The dozen people, led by a Jindan cultivator, continued to cast various spells and launched attacks on the Kunling beast in the pool.

Most of the attacks fell on the Kunling beast, which were blocked by the protective light shield, but its body was hit and staggered around, causing splashes in the pool.

The Kunling beast swung its long tail, dodged and collided in the pool, roared and sprayed yellow poisonous fog around, and the area within a radius of dozens of feet was covered by a layer of light yellow fog.

This scale of fighting was really loud, and the wild beasts and birds in the dense forest were startled and fled in all directions.

Through the yellow poisonous fog, Mo Xun noticed that in the center of the pool, there was a five-colored lotus in full bloom, which looked extremely bright in the sun.

Around the lotus, layers of colorful halos bloomed, making people fascinated at first sight!

Although Mo Xun didn't know what it was, no matter who saw it, they knew it was definitely not an ordinary item!

No need to guess, you know the purpose of this group of people.

After watching from the outside for a while, although Mo Xun was extremely jealous, he still quietly retreated to a distance. Regardless of the final victory or defeat, there was no good fruit to be gained by snatching food from such an old monster!

Although he was greedy, he knew how to restrain himself. For an unknown lotus, it was really not worth it.

Half a day later, Mo Xun finally arrived at the destination this time.

When a white palace covering an area of ​​no less than 100 feet appeared in front of him, his excitement can be imagined.

Although there was no plaque on the palace, according to the surrounding terrain, it should be the Moon Star Palace without a doubt.

Because of the age, weeds grew around the palace, and more than half of the originally towering stone pillars collapsed, and there were also many scars left after the war that year.

Mo Xun first circled the palace, and after confirming that there was no one nearby, he slowly approached the main gate.

The gate alone was two or three feet wide, but the stone wall next to it was full of cracks, like a crumbling dangerous wall.

He saw his robe sleeves flicked past, and several sword qi shot out from his sleeves. When they were about to hit the palace wall, they were blocked by an invisible curtain wall.

Mo Xun then noticed that the entire palace was surrounded by a magic circle.

After thinking for a moment, he retreated several steps in a row, activated the Fiery Fire Art in his body, and threw the ring in his hand at the same time.

The Qiankun Ring grew larger in the air and quickly hit the magic circle. After a loud "boom", the place that was hit only drove the surrounding airflow. After shaking a few times, there was no change at all.

Retracting the Qiankun Ring, Mo Xun couldn't help but frowned. He had used at least 50% of his magic power in the spell just now, but he didn't expect that there was not even a trace left.

He then took out the Xuanbing Gourd, and countless ice crystals spurted out from the mouth of the gourd, but they shot at the invisible curtain wall and disappeared instantly.

Mo Xun was shocked and quickly collected his spiritual power. This magic array could actually absorb magic attacks!

This was the first time I encountered it!

But it was normal to think about it. Since the Moon Star Palace was a temporary palace, it must have its own unique defense!

What made him curious was that it had been tens of thousands of years, why could the magic array here still be maintained?

Even if there were more spiritual stones in it, they must have been consumed long ago!

Could there be a spiritual vein hidden in it?

Puzzled, he tried several different magic tools again, and even the Xuantian True Fire came in handy, but they were all dissolved by them one by one!

In desperation, he had to wander around the palace, trying to find the location of the formation eye, but he was only half-experienced in the formation, how could he know this?

After continuously attacking from several directions, even if he used 100% of his mana, he was still unable to defeat this formation.

As soon as he patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, a burst of silver light flashed, and a little guy with the head of a sheep and the body of a lion suddenly appeared on his shoulder.

"Xiao Bai, do you have a way to get into it?"

Bai Ze looked around with curious eyes, then shook his head smartly.

Mo Xun is also in a hurry to seek medical treatment. How can such a divine beast know how to break the magic circle?

He secretly guessed that the level of the formation here was at least level five. Not to mention that he was only in the foundation building stage, even a pill-forming monk would be difficult to break through in a while!

Returning to the palace gate again, he couldn't help but touch his chin and think. It seemed that he could only use that thing.

Fortunately, I made some preparations before coming here, otherwise facing Baoshan and not knowing how to start would really scare people to death!

I saw his right hand brushing from a bag on his waist, but it was not a commonly used storage bag or a spirit beast bag, but a brand new spirit insect bag.

On the palm of his hand, there was a transparent silkworm chrysalis, which was the world-breaking insect that he accidentally obtained from Ji Chong that day.

Before coming here, he asked Huo Qian'er to collect the spiritual insect classics, just to re-acquire the object in case of emergency needs, but he didn't expect to actually use it.

Throwing the insect casually, the transparent boundary-breaking insect adhered to the formation mask, as if suspended in the air, and looked extremely strange.

Under the influence of his mind, the little bug seemed to have seen a delicious meal, constantly eating the originally hard magic circle.

Seeing such a scene, a smile appeared on Mo Xun's lips. It seemed that the failed ambush was not completely fruitless.

It's just a pity that this thing is missing. If a large number of world-breaking insects can be cultivated, there may be no secret realm in this world that he cannot go to.

As the world-breaking insects devoured it, Mo Xun could clearly feel that a small hole appeared on the formation's light shield.

Just when the hole was about to be opened, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from not far away, and then two monks, one in front and one behind, were seen chasing towards this side.

Mo Xun secretly said something bad, at this juncture, he could not advance or retreat.

Fortunately, at this moment, through telepathy, the boundary-breaking worm finally opened a gap and came out.

Mo Xun quickly performed a secret, and after chanting the incantation, his whole body turned into a wisp of smoke and floated in through the gap.

But before he could fully enter it, a strange spiritual power followed his footsteps and also entered it.

Before he could think more, he felt dizzy in his head, and then his whole body seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, falling downwards.

With the last trace of clarity, he quickly put the world-breaking insect into his bag, and then his consciousness began to fade.

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