Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 269 Moon Star Order

I don't know how long it took, but Mo Xun finally felt a solid under his feet and fell back to the ground again.

When his vision gradually recovered, he noticed that the place he was in was a wide and empty grassland, with clear sunlight shining from the blue sky.

There was grass up to the ankles all around, and the sound of gurgling water could be heard in my ears.

This space is probably tens of feet in size, with a blurry chaos at the boundary. There are eight dazzling light gates in eight directions around it.

He looked back, and when he saw a figure two or three feet away, he couldn't help but look a little surprised on his face.

The two of them almost exclaimed at the same time: "It's you!"

Because this person is none other than the woman in purple who has had a double relationship with Mo Xun!

At this time, the woman in purple was covering her bleeding shoulder with one hand and looking at Mo Xun in shock.

The two of them just looked at each other. It was really a coincidence. Tens of thousands of people came to the ancient ruins of Nuo Da, but the two of them met three times.

However, in Mo Xun's mind, he was quickly thinking of countermeasures. Regardless of whether the other party was a friend or an enemy, at this juncture, he didn't want anyone to ruin his good deeds.

After a few breaths, Mo Xun suddenly threw out the Qiankun Ring, preparing to strike first before the opponent could react!

But just as the Qiankun Ring flew out of his palm, a thunder suddenly sounded in his ears, and then two lightning bolts as thick as a baby's arms fell from the sky, hitting the Qiankun Ring and Mo Xun respectively.

Under the sudden change, Mo Xun screamed in pain, and his whole body was struck by lightning and fell to the ground. A blur of flesh and blood was exposed on his shoulder.

And the Qiankun Ring, after the thunder, was struck by lightning.

The woman in purple opposite her had a disdainful smile on her face and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.


Mo Xun lay on the spot and did not move for a long time. The slight rise and fall of his body proved that he still had breath.

This thunder and lightning made Mo Xun unable to recover for a long time.

At this time, the woman in purple no longer paid attention to him, and just sat cross-legged on the spot in a majestic manner, and began to exercise her energy and regulate her breath alone.

After a long time, Mo Xun climbed up with difficulty. On his pale face, a pair of sharp eyes looked into the distance in disbelief.

"What kind of spell is this?"

He clearly didn't see the woman casting a spell, but she raised thunder out of thin air. Based on his knowledge, even if the other party practiced thunder-attribute skills, it would be impossible to cause thunder from the sky with just a thought.

The woman closed her eyes tightly, like an old monk in meditation, as if she was not at all wary of Mo Xun in the distance.

Perhaps the method just now was so unbelievable that Mo Xun did not dare to act rashly for a while.

I saw him hurriedly taking a few pills, and after his breath stabilized, he held the Taoist formula in one hand and prepared to recall the Qiankun Ring first.

But at this time, the woman in purple spoke.

"I advise you not to use your magic power rashly. The defensive formation here will launch an attack on its own as long as it senses the fluctuation of your magic power!"

Hearing these words, Mo Xun immediately broke out in cold sweat, and the movements of his hands froze.

It turns out that the thunder and lightning just now was caused by the formation!

But having said that, what level of magic circle can have such power?

In fact, this is understandable. After all, the Moon and Star Palace was the palace of high-level monks tens of thousands of years ago. It is reasonable to have strong defenses inside.

After the shock, he carefully looked at the woman in purple not far away. According to this person's intention, this magic circle not only restricted himself, but also restricted the other party.

No wonder the opponent didn't kill him immediately after he was knocked down by lightning.

After a moment, Mo Xun frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

The woman in purple was silent for a while before replying: "My name is Luo Xi."

In fact, what Mo Xun wanted to know was not her name, but why this person was so familiar with this place. Could it be that the purpose of coming here was the same as him, aiming at the treasures of the Moon and Star Palace?

No, he suddenly remembered what happened before entering, and when he saw the injury on Luo Xi's shoulder, he understood in an instant.

Since the two of them can't use magic here, they don't have to worry about the other party's sneak attacks.

"I dare to ask Fairy Luo, why is that pill-forming monk chasing you?"

Luo Xi raised his eyelids, but did not answer Mo Xun's question.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel something in his heart, and at the same time, the corner of his mouth curled up.

"Shouldn't Fairy Luo be grateful for your life-saving grace?"

Luo Xi snorted coldly: "When Your Excellency was seriously injured just now, the little girl didn't kill you. Doesn't it count as repayment?"

Mo Xun was speechless for a moment, and after thinking about it, it seemed like this was what happened.

After all, according to Luo Xi's intention, this magic circle can only sense mana fluctuations, but it does not affect killing!

However, how could Mo Xun be fooled so easily? He immediately stopped playing riddles and asked directly: "Since fellow Taoist got the colorful lotus, can you take it out for later viewing?"

Luo Xi immediately opened his eyes, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. After a long time, he said, "So you are the one peeping from a distance!"

Seeing that Luo Xi did not deny it, Mo Xun felt happy. He thought he had missed the treasure, but unexpectedly the treasure was delivered to his door.

At the same time, he also admired the courage of this woman, who dared to snatch the five-color lotus in front of the Danjie monk.

Mo Xun took out a handful of medicinal powder and applied it on the wound, grinning in pain.

Fortunately, although the thunder and lightning looked bluffing, it did not hurt the muscles and bones. Plus, with his current immortal physique, it was not a big problem.

"Fairy, I was joking. I'm just passing by, but Fairy Luo's opportunity is really not small. In front of so many people, you didn't snatch it away."

Luo Xi closed her eyes again, not sure whether she was adjusting her breathing or thinking about something.

"Fairy Luo, I'm not greedy. The lotus has five petals, just divide it into the lower two petals!"

As soon as Mo Xun finished speaking, Luo Xi's cold voice sounded in his ears.


To be honest, Mo Xun was really moved by the five-color lotus. After all, it must be worth a lot of money even the Lianhe Dan monks were fighting for.

"Fairy, don't be in a hurry to refuse. You have to know that the Danjie senior may be attacking the magic circle outside and preparing to come in. Once it is breached, the fate of the fairy will not be as easy as it is now. It's just you and me. By joining forces, there is still a glimmer of hope.”

Mo Xun's words made Luo Xi chuckle, and he cursed an idiot again in his heart. If that formation could be broken so easily, the Moon and Star Palace would have ceased to exist over the years!

She was even more secretly puzzled, wondering what method Mo Xun had used to create a small hole in the protective formation.

Moreover, even though the other party had already entered, he didn't know that there was a lightning defense here, so he dared to use magic rashly!

But in the blink of an eye, her smile froze on her face.

A question appeared in her mind, that is, why did this person have to enter the Moon and Star Palace with such effort?

"Do you have the Moon Star Token?"

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