Facing Luo Xi's wide eyes, Mo Xun frowned in confusion.

"Are you talking about the Ancient Desolate Order?"

Luo Xi took a deep breath, looked at Mo Xun with burning eyes, and said after a long time: "It seems that you really own this thing, I should have guessed it a long time ago!"

When he said this, the look on Luo Xi's face was even more excited than when Mo Xun just heard that the other party had a colorful lotus in his hand.

At that moment, Mo Xun felt like he was being noticed by the thief.

"Fairy has misunderstood. How can I have such a legendary thing?"

Although Mo Xun looked sincere, Luo Xi across from him didn't believe it at all. After all, in a place like Yue Xing Palace, without the Yue Xing Order, who would try their best to get in here?

In an instant, the coldness on Luo Xi's face disappeared, replaced by a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes wandered around, constantly looking at Mo Xun.

"Why do you need to deceive me, fellow Taoist? If you are willing to take me into the treasure gate with you, I will be willing to separate two petals of Lan Xinlian."

Lan Xinlian?

It turns out that this is the true name of the colorful lotus!

Seeing Luo Xi agreeing to the exchange so easily, Mo Xun could not understand the value of the Moon Star Token in his hand.

At the same time, my expectations for the colorful lotus were lowered a bit.

After pondering for a while, Mo Xun asked instead: "I wonder if the fairy can first introduce the purpose of Lan Xinlian?"

"Fellow Taoist, haven't you heard of this thing?"

Mo Xun nodded awkwardly. Since arriving here, he has worked hard to understand the differences in the world of immortality here, but there are still many things that he does not know.

After a brief moment of surprise, Luo Xi immediately said: "This Lan Xinlian is the main material for refining the incarnation!"

After hearing this explanation, Mo Xun, who originally only had 60% expectations for this thing, suddenly lost interest at all.

Naturally, Mo Xun had heard of such a thing as incarnation.

But as far as he knows, those who can use the incarnation must at least form a pill.

Although he had already started cultivating his spiritual consciousness during the foundation building stage, his spiritual consciousness was ultimately too weak to separate the extra spiritual consciousness to control his incarnation.

When fighting against the enemy, sometimes this kind of distraction will not only fail to have a bonus effect, but will actually cause more harm than good!

After all, no matter how good the incarnation is, it is just a dead thing!

Of course, in some aspects, incarnation can have unexpected effects.

For example, control multi-person formations, perform combined attack techniques, or make unexpected sneak attacks, etc.!

But to be honest, the most important thing for Mo Xun right now is to improve his cultivation. How can he still have the time to study the art of incarnation?

Even if that thing was given to him, it wouldn't be of much use!

"Could the fairy be talking about the external incarnation?" Mo Xun still asked curiously, even though he was no longer interested.

Luo Xi smiled mysteriously, and she didn't know whether it was due to the recovery of the injury, but her cheeks, which were originally pale after the injury, actually had a touch of blush, which looked very touching.

Of course, in Mo Xun's eyes, this touching gesture did not stir up the slightest emotion.

It's not that he doesn't like women, it's just that he has seen too many beautiful people in the world of immortality, so that's all.

Moreover, he has a strong character and can still remain calm in front of women who practice the art of bewitching, let alone the beautiful women?

"Yes, but also no!"

"Oh? Please ask the fairy for advice!" This aroused Mo Xun's interest.

Luo Xi did not answer in a hurry, and then asked: "Fellow Taoist, have you ever heard of lotus incarnation?"

"Lotus incarnation?"

Luo Xi nodded and smiled: "Not bad!"

Mo Xun frowned and thought for a while, but found no relevant information in his memory.

"Never heard of it!"

Luo Xi did not sell off any more this time, and said directly: "This lotus incarnation can also be called a kind of external incarnation. It actually uses the lotus root and petals to shape the physical body. But it is different from ordinary things. This kind of incarnation not only has the Dantian meridians, but also has spiritual roots!”

Hearing this, Mo Xun's eyes suddenly focused. Being able to possess the incarnation of the Dantian meridians, wouldn't that be the same as an ordinary physical body?

"According to what the fairy said, this kind of incarnation can be cultivated?"

In the world of immortality, although everything may exist, Mo Xun had never heard of it at this point, and he was extremely surprised.

"Yes, the lotus incarnation can not only practice independently, but also has great benefits in other places!"

Just the cultivation advancement alone obviously made Mo Xun a little excited!

Just listen to Luo Xi continue to say: "During the fight, even if the main body is destroyed, as long as the soul is immortal and possesses the lotus incarnation in time, you can continue to practice. In other words, possessing this incarnation is equivalent to having Live a second life!”

Mo Xun couldn't help but take a breath, there is such a thing in the world?

The Xihezhou Immortal Cultivation World is indeed much more mysterious in terms of inheritance than Dongshengzhou!

After a moment of silence, Mo Xun suppressed his shock and asked calmly: "Even though the fairy said it was magical, there must be a difference between this lotus incarnation and the real body, right?"

He didn't believe that the body shaped by a lotus flower was the same as the physical body!

"This is natural. If the main soul is possessed by the incarnation, it is equivalent to seizing the body!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. This is quite understandable. Otherwise, if he found a bunch of lotus incarnations and possessed them every time before dying, he would be reborn. Wouldn't it be equivalent to eternal life? Then what else are you practicing?

"anything else?"

Luo Xi gave a helpless bitter smile. He didn't want to say much about the flaws of the Lotus Incarnation. After all, the more he said, the lighter the bargaining chip in her hand would be.

But after talking with Mo Xun, she had to admit that the young man in front of her was much smarter than she thought!

"Also, in terms of cultivation, although the incarnation is no different from ordinary people when building the foundation, when forming the elixir, it is not condensed with qi, but needs lotus seeds to form the elixir!"

"Lotus seeds to form the elixir?"

Mo Xun looked at Luo Xi in confusion, waiting for the other party's next words.

"Each Lanxin Lotus will breed a lotus seed in the mature lotus pod. The incarnation needs to use this lotus seed as the inner elixir."

Mo Xun asked again: "I wonder how this lotus seed inner elixir is different from the cultivator's golden elixir?"

"There is no difference in the concentration of mana, and it also has the life span of a cultivator who has formed the elixir!"

This sentence made Mo Xun more interested. He couldn't help but think that if this is the case, this lotus incarnation is really a good thing.

But then, he remembered the key point in Luo Xi's words just now, and then asked: "I wonder if the Lan Xin Lotus that the fairy got has matured, and whether there are lotus seeds?"

Luo Xi shook his head with some regret and said: "No, the maturity period of Lan Xin Lotus is not fixed. It may take hundreds of years, thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years. It is all possible."

This refreshed Mo Xun's cognition again. He didn't expect that there are spiritual objects with uncertain maturity periods in the world!

He couldn't help but look into Luo Xi's eyes. Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be lying, he said in a frustrated tone: "According to what Daoyou said, even if this thing is refined into an incarnation, it can only be cultivated to the late stage of foundation building at most!"

Luo Xi rolled her eyes helplessly. She thought she was greedy enough, but she didn't expect that the guy opposite her was even more unsatisfied than her.

To have an incarnation in the late stage of foundation building is obviously a supreme existence, and he even wants to form a pill for the incarnation!

I'm afraid that the Jindan cultivator who just chased her didn't dare to think so.

He is clearly only in the early stage of foundation building, and it seems that he has just built his foundation not long ago, but he is so ambitious that he wants to have a Dan incarnation. He is really overestimating his own abilities!

Of course, she is asking for help from him now, so she will not say this.

"Daoyou, do you know that this Lanxinlian has another use besides refining an incarnation."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and said with interest again: "I would like to hear more about it!"

Luo Xi swallowed a pill, adjusted his breath for a while, and said with a smile: "This thing is the main ingredient for refining Kuizhi Dan."

This time Luo Xi did not leave Mo Xun any more time to doubt. She could see that the guy in front of her was simply an idiot in cultivating immortals.

He dared to break in without knowing the defensive formation in Yuexing Palace. He had never even heard of the famous Lanxinlian. He didn't know how the other party cultivated to this level.

In her opinion, Mo Xun was either pretending to be ignorant or his chance was extremely against the sky.

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