"The main function of Kuixi Pill is to break through the bottleneck of the middle stage of foundation building, so I snatched Lanxinlian not to refine the incarnation."

At this point, Luoxi's tone was already a bit bewitching.

"Fellow Daoist, although you are only in the initial stage now, you will eventually reach the level of my concubine. It is better to make plans early, so that you don't have to rush for pills at that time."

Mo Xun performed the Guanqi Jue again, and looked at Luoxi carefully, and found that her cultivation seemed to be about to reach the peak of the middle stage.

In fact, this kind of cultivation pill is much more attractive to Mo Xun than any incarnation.

"Are you serious?"

Luo Xi nodded and said solemnly: "Of course, otherwise, a lotus without lotus seeds would make me risk my life to snatch it from a Jindan cultivator?"

Mo Xun thought about it and it seemed to be true. After all, once the foundation is established, each advancement to a higher level is extremely difficult. Otherwise, he would not have been building the foundation for several years, but because of the lack of skills, his cultivation level has never improved.

Moreover, the spiritual medicine that can help break through the bottleneck is rare. If it were him, he might be willing to take the risk.

However, in Mo Xun's opinion, this Lanxin Lotus is indeed valuable, but compared with the treasures in Yuexing Palace, it is not worth it.

This palace has stood here for tens of thousands of years. During this period, I don't know how many cultivators have had their eyes on it. It is conceivable how valuable the treasures contained in it are.

Seeing that Mo Xun was interested, Luo Xi said while the iron was hot: "If Daoyou is willing to take me into the treasure gate, I will give you the Lanxin Lotus Leaf. What do you think?"

Mo Xun smiled faintly. This woman really has a good plan.

Of course, he didn't intend to hide the Moon Star Order anymore. After all, who would go to such lengths to come here without that thing?

"Fairy Luo, are you kidding?"

The expectation on Luo Xi's face froze immediately.

"Daoyou, do you think the chips I gave are too low?"

"Fairy, why do you ask knowingly? You and I are both smart people. Do you think I will do this kind of loss-making business?"

The two looked at each other. For a moment, the atmosphere seemed a little quiet, with only the gurgling sound of water flowing down from the rockery not far away.

This place is secluded. In addition to the large grass underfoot, there are also a few unknown flowers and plants, but they are not spiritual herbs. The whole space is a bit like the green gourd owned by Mo Xun.

Mo Xun was also wondering, could it be that the interior of this palace is also a unique world?

He glanced at the blue sky, and he felt that it was not likely. The sky seemed to be connected to the outside world.

Of course, he would not be stupid enough to verify this guess. The two lightning bolts just now left a deep impression on him.

After a long time, Luo Xi said: "Daoyou, what you said is true, but you have overlooked a problem."

Mo Xun frowned again and asked: "What's the problem?"

Luo Xi stroked the hair beside his ears. Not to mention, this woman has fair skin and beautiful appearance. Every frown and smile shows her charming appearance. From the appearance alone, she is definitely a top in the world of immortal cultivation.

Moreover, she has a high level of cultivation, and compared with ordinary women, she has an air of transcendence.

"Even if you have the Moon Star Order, do you know how to use it?"

Mo Xun was about to speak when Luo Xi interrupted him and continued, "In addition, after entering this treasure gate, do you know the dangers? Is there a way to get out of it?"

A series of questions made Mo Xun speechless.

As for the use of the Moon Star Order, he did ask a few questions, but he would have to try it out to know whether it would work or not. However, he had no idea what kind of situation he would encounter after entering the treasure gate.

Although six treasure gates have been opened in tens of thousands of years, whoever entered them would be sneaky, and who would be remembered by others in a big way, and naturally would not make the situation inside public.

As for whether he could come out, Mo Xun was still waiting to argue, but Luo Xi said, "You want to talk about the little bug that can break the ban? But are you so sure that this thing can definitely break the other bans inside?"

Another string of questions, Mo Xun shut his mouth again.

To be honest, the person in front of him is the smartest woman Mo Xun has ever seen in his life.

Of course, Luo Xi is indeed smart. Just based on the fact that Mo Xun was struck by lightning just now, she guessed that she didn't know much about the situation inside.

Seeing that Mo Xun fell silent again, Luo Xi slightly raised the corner of her mouth, and didn't rush to urge her. She had this confidence, and the other party would agree!

Mo Xun was indeed weighing the pros and cons. The two were now trapped here. It was really unrealistic for him to take the treasure alone and leave safely. But if he asked him to take Luo Xi in, she would definitely share some of the treasures with him, and he was a little reluctant.

It's difficult!

But then again, whether there is a shocking treasure in that treasure door, who can be sure?

"You can bring the fairy in with you, but you have to agree to a few conditions."

Luo Xi was delighted and said quickly: "Fellow Daoist, please speak!"

Mo Xun touched his chin and thought about it. He was not afraid of this man's tricks. Although the other party's realm was much higher than his, if they really fought, who would win and who would lose was still a long way to go!

Besides, since this place has lightning defense, the treasure gate is probably the same.

"First of all, it is the Lanxin Lotus in the fairy's hand. I not only need two lotus petals, but also the lotus roots underneath. If there are no lotus roots, the rhizomes will also do."

Luo Xi was stunned for a moment. It was understandable to ask for lotus roots, but what was the purpose of asking for rhizomes?

Could it be that this person wanted to cultivate Lan Xin Lian?

After hesitating, Luo Xi said with some doubts: "It is no problem to give the rhizomes to Daoyou, but I need to advise you that it is impossible to grow Lan Xin Lian without three to five hundred years from planting to blooming. I am afraid that Daoyou may not be able to harvest anything at the end of your life."

What Luo Xi said was true. The life span of a cultivator in a certain realm often does not reach the medicinal age of the spiritual herbs required in that realm.

For example, in the foundation-building stage, the maximum life span is three hundred years, but the cultivation pills in this realm often require spiritual herbs with a medicinal age of more than four to five hundred years to refine.

In other words, even if the corresponding spiritual herbs are cultivated from the beginning of the Qi training stage, they cannot be used at the end of the foundation-building stage.

Otherwise, there would not be so few high-level cultivators, and cultivation resources would not be so scarce.

Another point that Luo Xi did not mention is that the cultivation of spiritual herbs is not something that everyone can do, and not under all conditions. If Mo Xun did not possess the heaven-defying black soil that could even save the nine sacred trees, how could he have accumulated so many spiritual medicines?

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