"I appreciate the fairy's kindness, but I have my own ideas about the use of this thing."

Luo Xi naturally stopped persuading him. It was a useless thing, so she gave it to him. She thought Mo Xun would take the whole Lan Xin Lotus, and she would be reluctant to give it up.

When Luo Xi took out the colorful lotus, the two of them were suddenly filled with a strange fragrance. The faint spiritual energy emitted from it made Mo Xun's eyes light up immediately.

It is indeed an extraordinary treasure!

He even wondered what was different about this thing, that it could create bones and blood and spiritual roots.

But I don't know if the spiritual roots it produced can be transplanted to mortals?

"Fellow Daoist, should you also take out the Moon Star Order for me to see?"

Mo Xun saw a flash of light in his palm, and a black wooden sign appeared.

"It is indeed the Moon Star Token!"

The moment she saw the token, Luo Xi couldn't help but exclaimed softly, and even stretched out her hand to grab it, but Mo Xun's reaction was extremely fast. With a flip of his palm, the token disappeared again.

Seeing the faint smile on Mo Xun's face, Luo Xi withdrew her hand somewhat embarrassedly. She was almost too excited just now, and she almost used her magic power.

It is true that the name of the Moon Star Token is too big. Not to mention her, I am afraid that even those old monsters in the Jindan stage will inevitably lose their composure.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh!"

Mo Xun didn't say anything, but his eyes were fixed on the lotus in her hand, and his meaning was self-evident.

After a while, Mo Xun took the two petals of the lotus with satisfaction, and carefully put away a section of the rhizome. This trip to the ancient ruins was really the right one. He had not yet started treasure hunting, but he had already gained a lot.

Over the years, when has he had such opportunities one after another?

Of course, Luo Xi was in pain. If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't use her magic power here, she really wanted to snatch it.

"Daoyou, can you tell me the other conditions?"

After the excitement, Luo Xi finally calmed down, but her heart was still in turmoil. That was a treasure that had been sealed for tens of thousands of years. Who could be so calm about it?

Of the two, Mo Xun also had expectations, but because he knew little, he was not like Luo Xi.

"The second point is that after you and I enter, I will take six of the treasures inside, and the fairy can only take four..."

Before Mo Xun finished speaking, he heard Luo Xi's crisp voice.


Hearing this, and looking at Luo Xi's triumphant look, Mo Xun's mouth twitched.

It seems that the price is too high!

"What else?"

For a moment, Mo Xun felt like he was being calculated.

With a sigh in his heart, Mo Xun continued, "There is one last point, that is, you and I must swear to the inner demon and not plot against each other!"

"That's fine, even if you don't mention it, I have the same intention."

After the two swore to each other, Mo Xun asked, "Fairy, now it's time to tell me how to enter the treasure gate and the specific situation inside, right?"

Luo Xi smiled slightly, took out a jade slip from the storage bag, put it on his forehead and whispered, and then threw it out.

Mo Xun hurriedly took it, and when he saw the content inside, he couldn't help but take a breath.

To be honest, if he hadn't met Luo Xi, he would have almost been fooled.

He thought he just needed to hit the Moon Star Order into the corresponding light gate, but he didn't know that when opening it, he needed to cooperate with a formula.

If he didn't understand the details, not only would he not be able to open the treasure gate, but he might also be attacked by the prohibition here.

But this formula brought another problem.

The so-called formula is actually to cast a small spell, but under the lightning array, how can you use the magic power recklessly?

Finally, in order to solve this problem, someone came up with a way, which is to first set up a magic array to isolate the magic power around, which can temporarily deceive the defense restrictions here.

When Mo Xun frowned and read the jade slip, he said speechlessly: "According to the fairy's method, where can I find the isolation array at this time?"

Luo Xi smiled and actually added a bit of girlish beauty. If you don't know her age, I'm afraid many people will be attracted by her.

But the person in front of you is at least sixty or seventy years old!

But then again, sixty or seventy years old can indeed be called a girl in the world of cultivating immortals.

"Even though you don't have it, it doesn't mean I don't have it!"

Mo Xun was stunned, and asked in confusion: "Did the fairy have the idea of ​​​​the Moon Star Palace before coming here?"

"That's not the case. This thing of mine was originally used in other places. It's just a coincidence."

As she spoke, Luo Xi had already taken out a bronze square tripod and suspended it in her palm.

"What is this?"

Luo Xi introduced with a smile: "This magic weapon also has the effect of isolating magic power."


The two then looked around and compared the pattern on the Moon Star Order. Fortunately, it was not a difficult task. It didn't take much effort to determine the light door corresponding to this order.

After looking at each other, Luo Xi threw out the bronze tripod casually, quickly pinched a Taoist formula, and the bronze tripod floated above them, forming a circle of faint invisible light cover.

"You can cast a spell now!"

As Luo Xi's voice fell, Mo Xun immediately threw out the Moon Star Order and began to chant.

The black token landed squarely on the slot of the light gate and was firmly embedded in it.

Almost at the same time, dazzling rays of light emanated from the token, which slowly spread along the light gate to the surroundings.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Luo Xi, even Mo Xun's heart started beating fast.

This thing is indeed the key to open the treasure gate!

Mo Xun was secretly excited. He didn't expect that the two useless things he got at the beginning would come in handy in Xihezhou, who knew how many miles away.

But before they could be happy for long, they saw that the sky above their heads began to be covered with dark clouds, and bursts of rumbling sounds came into their ears.

The two of them were shocked at the same time. This was obviously a sign of alarming the defense ban.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck in the air not far behind them.

Mo Xun's lips, which were chanting the spell, were stagnant.

Fortunately, Luo Xi's voice sounded in his ears: "Daoyou, don't be distracted, cast the spell quickly!"

Mo Xun quickly gathered his mind and just kept repeating the obscure spell in the jade slip, while injecting spiritual power into the token.

The lightning behind him struck down one after another, and the thunder even made people's eardrums hurt.

Perhaps the bronze tripod really worked. Although the lightning became more and more numerous, none of them hit the area where the two were.

At this moment, the entire treasure door suddenly shook, and then a halo of light shone in all directions, quickly submerging the bodies of the two in this halo of light.

At the same time, another lightning bolt fell from the sky and struck the bronze tripod, but the ground was empty, so how could there be any human figure?

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