Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 273: Fountain of Spiritual Eyes

The moment they entered the light gate, they were forced to close their eyes by the light.

This was another short teleportation. Fortunately, they didn't feel dizzy yet, and their feet landed on the ground.

Mo Xun opened his eyes and saw a staircase leading to the underground. There were many lighting instruments hanging around the staircase, which illuminated the inside.

The light gate behind the two of them had disappeared, replaced by a thick stone wall.

Mo Xun released his consciousness at the first time, but after touching the stone wall, there was an invisible force that could not penetrate it.

"Don't try, the stone is mixed with materials that block consciousness."

Hearing Luo Xi say this, Mo Xun relaxed his frown. He wanted to touch the gray stone wall, but finally suppressed his curiosity and didn't act rashly.

He set his eyes on the steps under his feet again, winding and twisting, leading straight to the depths.

"Fairy Luo, is there anything we need to pay attention to here?"

Luo Xi shook her head and said, "I can't explain the specific situation yet, so I can only take it one step at a time, but be careful not to touch anything, and don't use your magic power recklessly."

Luo Xi's words made Mo Xun speechless for a while. After all, before coming in, this person said with confidence that he could deal with the prohibitions of the formation, but who knew it was this rhetoric.

The two looked at each other, and Luo Xi naturally saw what Mo Xun was thinking, and said with a smile: "Friend Mo, don't worry, just follow me."

To be honest, Mo Xun didn't like the feeling of relying on others for safety, but since he had come in, he didn't have any good way.

The two of them walked down the steps one after the other, fortunately there was no restriction on their spiritual consciousness in the space.

Not far away, the two of them had a bright look in front of them.

Not far away, there was a platform with an arched stone door. The stone door was half open, and from the outside, you could vaguely see a large flat open space inside.

However, what delighted the two was not the stone door, but two half-man-high circular stone troughs on the left and right behind the stone door.

In the stone trough, there was a faint mist, like boiling water, constantly spreading into the air.

And this mist was not condensed water vapor. The two of them just took a look and couldn't help but secretly surprised that the mist was actually pure spiritual energy.

The thought of liquefying spiritual energy flashed through their minds at the same time.

Luo Xi even exclaimed: "Spirit Eye Spring!"

Mo Xun naturally knew about the Spirit Eye Spring. It was a supreme treasure that was born and had great benefits for cultivation!

The spiritual energy in the world mainly comes from the spiritual veins, and the places born from the spiritual veins often give birth to spiritual springs.

Although the spiritual spring is not as good as the spiritual veins, it can also continuously supply spiritual energy, and it is even more exquisite and can be taken away by the cultivators.

Hearing Luo Xi say this, Mo Xun felt that his heart was about to jump out.

Although there are good and bad spiritual springs, even the worst ones, if placed outside, will certainly be fought over by countless people.

The excitement of the two at this moment is really beyond words. No wonder they felt the abundant spiritual energy surrounding them as soon as they entered the steps of the secret room. It turned out that there were two spiritual springs inside.

At this moment, they thought at the same time that this trip to the ancient ruins was really the right one. Even if all the things they got before were added together, they were not as good as these two springs.

After all, when practicing, if there is a spiritual spring accompanying you, I don’t know how much the speed of practice will be improved.

The two took a step forward and stepped into the stone door, each heading towards a stone trough.

When Mo Xun saw the things in the stone trough, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Surrounded by the spiritual mist, there was a crystal light bead as big as a head.

This light bead is a bit similar to the night-shining pearl in the mortal world. It has a smooth and flawless surface, emitting a soft moonlight color, and looks crystal clear.

I wonder if the spiritual energy emitted from the stone trough comes from this light bead?

However, Mo Xun was puzzled. Even if he was ignorant, he had never heard of a spiritual spring like this.

He then turned his head to look to the side and saw that Luo Xi's expression was the same as his at this moment.

Such a strange thing made the two of them a little confused for a while. They stood aside in a daze, wanting to touch the light bead, but they didn't dare.

"Fairy Luo, are you sure this thing is the spiritual eye spring?"

Luo Xi opened a pair of blank eyes and said with a little embarrassment: "In fact, I have never seen the spiritual eye spring, I just felt that it was a little similar!"

This is understandable. After all, once this kind of treasure appears in the world, even the Nascent Soul cultivators can be alarmed. How can ordinary low-level cultivators have the chance to see it?

The two looked around, but they didn't rush to do it.

The two stone troughs were placed on the left and right of the stone gate, about three feet square.

Fortunately, the stone troughs were not embedded in the ground, so it was convenient to put them away.

Logically, the two of them had one each, but according to the previous distribution agreement, Mo Xun was obviously at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Luo Xi took the initiative to say, "Friend Mo, regardless of what this thing is, since it can be placed here, it must not be a common thing. It's not too late to study it later. Let's talk about how to distribute it first?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and asked, "I wonder if the fairy has any good ideas?"

Luo Xi smiled: "How about this, you and I each have one of these two spiritual springs, can I compensate you with some spiritual stones?"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, the value of this thing can't be wiped out with just a few spiritual stones?

However, in this case, there seems to be no better way.

After pondering for a moment, Mo Xun said: "There is no need for the spirit stone. Fairy just needs to give me the magic weapon that isolates the magic power."

Although this request was a bit strange, there was no reason for Luo Xi not to agree. She had originally thought that Mo Xun would ask for those lotus leaves!

When it comes to which one is more important, Lan Xinlian or Spiritual Eye Fountain, it is naturally the latter, but Luo Xi is unwilling to let go of both.

"make a deal!"

Almost without thinking, Luo Xi threw something in the air, which was the bronze tripod.

Mo Xun nodded with satisfaction. Only he knew whether he had suffered a loss in this transaction.

The two of them had their own plans in mind, and naturally they were extremely satisfied, so they began to prepare to put the stone trough into the storage bag.

But at this time, a sudden change occurred, and the light beads in the two stone bottles moved at the same time. The expressions of the two people changed in fright, and they quickly stepped back.

After all, his cultivation level is not low, and his reaction is not slow.

Before Mo Xun could ask, he saw mist billowing in the stone trough. But at this time, what was emitting was not spiritual energy, but poisonous gas with a bit of fishy smell.

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