The rolling mist suddenly exploded, and the crystal clear light beads turned into countless small light spots the size of fingernails, flying towards the two people.

Mo Xun cried out in his heart that it was not good, and quickly gathered spiritual power around his body, forming a layer of light red protective light shield on his body surface, and at the same time, his body quickly rushed back.

However, the small light spots as numerous as stars had already arrived in front of him like lightning.

The dense light spots covered the sky and the sky. When they got close, Mo Xun could see clearly that they were all spiders flashing with fluorescence, but there were too many of them, which made people's scalps numb.

Almost without hesitation, a flame shot out from Mo Xun's palm, and this flame instantly engulfed him. The spiders attached to his body surface made crackling sounds in the flames, like the sound of burning firewood.

As for Luoxi, Mo Xun was already busy with himself, so he had no time to care.

Thousands of spiders were burned and fell in the flames. Many of them turned into a wisp of green smoke before they could even land.

However, the green smoke was filled with a choking smell. Mo Xun grabbed a handful of pills and stuffed them into his mouth. At least from the brief contact, these spiders did not have much attack power. The only thing to worry about was the poisonous smoke they released.

Fortunately, he had encountered this kind of crisis countless times before, so he did not panic because he was caught off guard. He closed his six senses at the first moment and did not let the poisonous fog enter his body.

Perhaps it was tens of thousands of years that no one took care of these little things, and the seemingly bluffing poisonous spiders had lost too much power.

It might also be that the Xuantian True Fire was too overbearing. In just a few breaths, most of the spiders were burned to ashes.

When the flames gradually dissipated, the ground was already a mess, and the air was even more stinky.

Looking at Luoxi again, a violent gale was blowing with a purple light as the center of the vortex.

Around the strong wind, silver spots of light were constantly torn to the ground or thrown into the air. The feet of the purple light were full of dense black spiders.

Mo Xun swept away the remaining spiders around him with his sleeves, and was secretly surprised that this woman was actually practicing wind-attributed exercises.

This kind of mutant spiritual root is really not common!

After a while, the strong wind gradually dissipated, and Luo Xi appeared again, but there was a little more paleness between her eyebrows.

"Fairy Luo, are you okay?"

Luo Xi sorted out her messy hair, glanced at the mess on the ground with disgust, and flipped her palms, and the strong wind passed by, and cleaned up the ground under her feet.

"Thank you for your concern, a mere Yinming spider can't do anything to me."

"Yinming spider?"

"It's just a low-level spiritual insect without teeth. Fortunately, the mother insect has died long ago, otherwise you and I would probably have to die here today..."

Speaking of this, Luo Xi looked at Mo Xun meaningfully, and said with a bit of strangeness in her tone: "But what I didn't expect was that Daoyou's fire-based skills were so domineering that they could easily burn these beasts."

Mo Xun's brows immediately frowned, but he didn't respond. He wanted to continue asking about the Yinming spider's thoughts, but he stopped.

The two of them are now on the same boat, and he doesn't want to make things complicated for the time being.

They came to the stone trough again, and saw that the spiritual energy inside was much weaker than before.

"It is indeed the Fountain of Spiritual Eyes, but it was destroyed by these filthy creatures!"

Mo Xun sighed in his heart, which was also a pity, but he could understand that even if the spiritual energy was continuously flowing for tens of thousands of years, it would inevitably be sucked dry by those dark spiders.

While Mo Xun was thinking, he saw Luo Xi suddenly slap her palm without any sign, and then with a bang, the stone trough beside her broke and collapsed.

Unsure of what was going on, Mo Xun hurried over. Among the pile of rocks, he saw a dim bead the size of a thumb at first glance, which was floating in the air at this time, emitting a faint light.

"What is this...?"

Luo Xi waved her hand, and the bead flew to her fair and smooth palm.

"The so-called Fountain of Spiritual Eyes, this thing is naturally a spiritual eye. Although this thing has lost its spirituality, it may have other uses!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. It seems that he almost missed another treasure because of his shallow knowledge.

Then he followed suit and smashed the stone trough on his side, also getting a small spiritual eye.

The two then set their sights on the wide square behind them.

Mo Xun even glanced at Luo Xi secretly, fearing that the other party would go back on his word and ask him to return the bronze tripod artifact.

The square was fifty or sixty feet wide, surrounded by a circle of stone walls, presenting a closed circle, with seven or eight steps, making the bottom slightly lower than the surroundings.

But the square was empty, except for a small sacrificial platform in the center, it was empty.

The two walked down the steps, but they were more careful than before.

When they reached the center of the square, after inadvertently looking up, Mo Xun exclaimed again, and just as he was about to remind the side to pay attention, he found that Luo Xi's face was actually overflowing with ecstasy.

Thousands of light balls were floating on the dome, like soap bubbles, densely packed together, and dazzling under the light of the magic tools.

No wonder Mo Xun was frightened. After the loss just now, he was now afraid of everything.

But Luo Xi's current state surprised him.

"Fairy Luo?"

Mo Xun called several times before Luo Xi suppressed her excitement and said in a trembling voice: "This place is indeed a treasure house!"

After listening to Luo Xi's explanation, Mo Xun's face was also full of excitement. He couldn't help but take a breath and asked in disbelief: "Fairy, are you saying that those light balls are all magical instruments?"

"That's right!"

For a moment, Mo Xun's brain short-circuited and he kept tilting his neck to see what was inside the light ball.

After all, according to Luo Xi, even if there were only low-level magical instruments inside, it would be an amazing fortune for the two of them.

If they were all high-level magical instruments...

Just thinking about it makes people excited!

"It is said that among the eight treasure gates of Yuexing Palace, there is a treasure house of the ancient monks, but no one has ever opened it. I didn't expect it to be here."

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Xi had already raised his arm and stretched out his slender fingers.

Mo Xun was shocked and hurried to stop him, but it was obviously too late.

I saw a wind blade ejected from her fingertips, tearing the air along the way wherever it passed, and heading towards the nearest ball of light.

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