After walking for a while, a stone door appeared.

The two of them pushed the stone door open, and the long passage suddenly opened up. Looking around, they found a cave that was dozens of feet square.

This was a bit strange. It was said that the palace was full of carved beams and painted buildings, all of which were repaired by artificial axes and chisels. However, this place was completely different. It was a natural cave.

Could it be that this was the underground of the palace?

It was not impossible, but then again, why this place was like this had nothing to do with the two of them, and who would bother to think about it?

Although there were also lighting instruments hanging in the cave, it was obviously much dimmer. There were disordered stone walls everywhere around, and stalactite structures above their heads.

At first glance, there was nothing special in the cave, except for an irregular pool in the center, which was particularly eye-catching.

The pool was only three or four feet square, and it was built with stone platforms around it. Next to the stone platforms, there were many weathered bones scattered.

To be honest, it was the first time for the two to see the remains of monks since they entered this place, which made them think more.

But when the two saw the scene, they were stunned for a moment.

Because the liquid in the pool was really different. Not only did it present a gorgeous red color, like blood, but the surface of the pool seemed to be attached with a layer of lightning, which was like a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and kept making "hissing" sounds.

When Mo Xun saw this blood-red, he immediately thought of the white bones beside him.

Could it be that this pool of red was all human blood?

Thinking of this, even though he had long been accustomed to seeing mountains of corpses and seas of blood, he couldn't help but feel his stomach churning.

Looking at this situation, without tens of thousands of people, it would not be enough to fill this pool of blood.

Then, he thought that there was probably something terrifying in this pool, and hurriedly retreated.

In a hurry, he glanced at Luo Xi beside him, but saw that this woman, far from being alert, had a sudden change of expression on her face from doubt to joy.

"Fairy Luo?"

Mo Xun hurriedly called out, but Luo Xi ignored him. Instead of retreating, she came to the edge of the pool, stretched out her delicate jade fingers, picked up a drop of red liquid from the pool, and put it to the tip of her nose to smell it.

The corners of Mo Xun's mouth moved. Although the two had not been in contact for a long time, from his understanding, this woman, although a little reckless, was a person who knew her limits.

Could this pool of blood have another name?

Sure enough, before Mo Xun had to wait for long, Luo Xi said excitedly: "It is indeed Qilin Liquid!"

Qilin Liquid?

Mo Xun frowned and thought about it. He seemed to have heard of this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Daoyou Mo, it seems that you and I have encountered a great opportunity again!"

Mo Xun's mouth twitched, as if meeting this girl, opportunities have become commonplace, and you can meet one every two steps.

But then again, they did get a lot of good things in this day.

Let's not talk about the abandoned spiritual eye, just those magic tools are enough to make the trip worthwhile.

"What is the Qilin liquid that the fairy just mentioned?"

Since the two of them have been dealing with each other, Luo Xi has obviously been familiar with Mo Xun's ignorance, and there is no intention to keep him in suspense. She immediately smiled and said: "Daoyou should have heard of the mythical beast Qilin?"

Mo Xun nodded. Not to mention the world of immortal cultivation, even in ordinary people, who doesn't know the "Four Spirits"?

That is equivalent to the existence of a dragon. In terms of status, it is much higher than the Bai Ze he raised.

"Fairy, are you trying to say that this pool of blood is all Qilin blood?"

"Of course not, but it's almost the same!"

Mo Xun was a little confused.

"But as far as I know, Qilin has long ceased to exist in this world."

Luo Xi did not answer him directly, but asked: "I believe that fellow Taoists also know that the ancient cultivation world was much more prosperous than it is now. At that time, the spiritual energy was dense and everything in the world was complete. Not only were our human cultivators prosperous, but the demon race and the gods were also not to be mentioned."

Mo Xun did know a little about this statement. Whether it was Dongshengzhou or Xihezhou, some information about the ancient cultivation world had been circulated.

Luo Xi continued, "In the past, our human cultivators did not only stop at the Nascent Soul stage. If the spiritual energy had not dried up, countless great powers would have left this world. The current world of immortal cultivation would not have fallen to this point. It was during that period that all the divine beasts gradually disappeared..."

Hearing this, Mo Xun opened his mouth wide. What Luo Xi said was really too different from what he knew.

As for the spiritual energy drying up, he had heard of it, but he didn't know that it was because of this reason that the divine beasts disappeared.

And the realm of human cultivators is not only stopped at the Nascent Soul stage, what does this mean?

"Wait a minute, according to the fairy, in ancient times, there were cultivators above the Nascent Soul?"

"Of course, at that time, our human cultivators could directly use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to cultivate to the Crossing Tribulation stage, and then ascend to the immortal world!"

Mo Xun suddenly realized and finally understood a problem that had troubled him for a long time.

When he was in Southern Xinjiang, he had heard that there were other realms above the Nascent Soul, but he was limited by this world and could only cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage at most. To know what the realms after that were, he had to go to the upper plane.

However, in the past tens of millions of years, there had never been any reports of people ascending to the upper realms, let alone people coming down from the upper realms.

He was still thinking at the time, since no one had ascended, and no one had come down, then where did the talk of higher realms come from?

Now I know that there were cultivators of higher realms in ancient times, but the current cultivation world has declined because of the change of spiritual energy.

It also explains why those mythical beasts only exist in legends and no one has ever seen them.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun asked curiously: "Then is the reason for the depletion of spiritual energy caused by the ancient war?"

After all, the place where he is now is the site of the ancient war, so he will naturally think of this place.

But Luo Xi chuckled and said: "It's just a battle between cultivators. It's nothing more than a little more people. But it's not that easy to affect the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

Mo Xun was puzzled again and couldn't help saying: "But as far as I know, wasn't it because of the war tens of thousands of years ago that the world was divided into four parts?"

Mo Xun has the most say in this cognition. After all, the Moon Star Order in his hand is the best evidence.

"You are just following the crowd. It is difficult to split the world, even if a cultivator at the Tribulation Crossing Stage comes in person! Besides, you have been here for so long, have you ever seen any traces left by cultivators at the Nascent Soul Stage or above?"

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