Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 277 Thunder Beast

This question really stumped Mo Xun.

But thinking about it carefully, it was true. From all the signs, there was really no sign of the activities of cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage.

Just like the magic weapons that the two had just obtained, weren't they all used by low-level cultivators?

If there were cultivators of higher levels participating in that war, it would not be surprising that there were magic weapons in this treasure house.

According to this logic, perhaps the world had been divided into four parts before the war.

But if so, how to explain the two Moon Star Orders in his hand?

It was clearly when the world was divided that it flowed into Dongshengzhou with the drift of the earth!

Could it be that...

Someone went from Xihezhou to Dongshengzhou after the ancient war and brought this thing over!

When he thought of this, his mind suddenly became clear. In fact, he should have thought that since he could come here through the bloody fog, there must be someone who went to Nanjiang!

Then the question is, how did that person get there?

Same way as him, or another way?

After temporarily suppressing the excitement in his heart, Mo Xun said: "Fairy, please tell me what this Qilin Liquid is!"

"This thing is also called Heavenly Blood Thunder Liquid. It contains a trace of the origin left by Qilin in the human world, mixed with the blood of Thunder Beast."

Heavenly Blood Thunder Liquid!

Mo Xun touched his chin and walked around the blood pool. The name fits very well!

"Thunder Beast?"

This name obviously entered his blind spot of knowledge again.

Fortunately, Luo Xi had already gotten used to it, and explained with a smile: "Although this beast is not as good as a divine beast, it is also extremely rare. It has a thunder attribute magical power that can help cultivators resist the heavenly tribulation and greatly increase the chance of success. Needless to say, it is rare."

Hearing this, Mo Xun finally became interested. After all, once you reach the foundation building stage, you should consider forming a pill, and when forming a pill, you have to survive the heavenly tribulation.

The reason why Jindan cultivators are so rare is that, on the one hand, they are limited by qualifications and cultivation resources, and on the other hand, it is the heavenly tribulation.

Speaking of heavenly punishment thunder tribulation, countless people love and hate it.

What they love is that only by undergoing the baptism of heavenly tribulation can they cross the realm and achieve the great way.

What they hate is that countless people have fallen under the heavenly tribulation.

According to statistics, if the thunder tribulation is sent, it is considered high if it has a success rate of 20 to 30.

But if it fails, you can only die.

Therefore, many cultivators in the late stage of foundation building, when they are not sure of advancement, will choose to start to cross the thunder tribulation at the end of their lifespan. After all, if they fail, they will face the end of their lifespan.

But in this way, another problem will arise, that is, as the lifespan increases, the function of the body declines, and the success rate of crossing the tribulation will be greatly reduced.

From this perspective, this seems to be an unsolvable situation.

After listening to Luo Xi's explanation, Mo Xun was more knowledgeable and asked, "Then what benefits does this Qilin Liquid bring to cultivators like us?"

Luo Xi said with shining eyes, "It is said that bathing with this liquid can widen the meridians and temper the bones. It is not only very beneficial to cultivation, but also can improve your confidence in the future when you cross the tribulation."

Mo Xun suddenly realized that it was really a good thing.

He then followed Luo Xi's example, picked up a drop of red liquid from the blood pool, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. There was no bloody smell, but a faint strange smell.

"Fairy Luo, are you sure this is Qilin Liquid?"

"Almost, I am 80% sure!"

Mo Xun did not doubt this point. After all, Luo Xi's knowledge along the way was indeed extraordinary.

After pondering for a moment, a strange question suddenly popped up in Mo Xun's mind.

"But after tens of thousands of years, will this thing... expire?"

Luo Xi, who was in joy, almost choked.

She was really speechless. She really didn't know how the guy in front of her could cultivate to such a level.

"Daoyou worry too much. There is the origin of Qilin in it. Even if it has been millions of years, it will not expire."

Mo Xun touched his nose awkwardly. He didn't know anything about the so-called origin of Qilin, and he didn't have any intuitive understanding of its preciousness.

Luo Xi continued: "I guess this place should be the place where low-level cultivators advanced in the past, but the war came too hastily and no one moved it away!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, but he was thinking about how to distribute this pool of blood and how to take it away.

But before he could speak, he saw a picture that he would never forget for the rest of his life, which made him stunned in place for a long time.

Luo Xi stood at the edge of the pool, and took off her clothes without hesitation in front of him. In a moment, a flawless and beautiful body appeared in front of him.

Mo Xun swallowed his saliva with a dry and itchy throat, staring at the pure and natural body.

The slender waist, slender legs, and the surging breasts on the chest, all of her body exuded a charm that made men's heart palpitate.

A long strand of black hair swept across the white and tender neck, fell straight to the waist, and landed between the two petals below the waist.

The delicate jade feet stepped on the cold stone steps, crystal clear.

In an instant, Mo Xun's lower abdomen became hot.

This seemed to be the second time he had seen such a beautiful color so directly. The feeling of déjà vu made the blood in his body boil, and a surge of power rushed from his lower abdomen to his whole body.

Luo Xi stepped into the blood pool, and her eyebrows could not help but frown slightly, and her movements slowed down for a moment.

When she looked back at Mo Xun, she immediately changed into a shy look, and a blush rose between her cheeks.

After a light spit, she said with some annoyance: "I thought you were determined in Taoism, but who knew you were so obsessed with the color of flesh!"

Mo Xun's old face suddenly blushed when she heard her, and he turned his head away quickly.

But it's no wonder, after all, he is in his forties, which is the age of grandfathers in the secular world, but he is still an old virgin!

Mo Xun didn't know how to start for a while, it seemed that it was wrong to explain, and it was wrong not to explain.

He only heard the sound of falling into the water, and then heard Luo Xi's painful groan.

Mo Xun thought the other party was in danger, and quickly turned around to look, and found that Luo Xi's whole body was already immersed in blood, with only her head exposed, and her face looked painful.

There were flashes of lightning around her body, as if the whole person was wrapped in a red electric net.

"Fairy Luo, are you okay?"

Luo Xi's chest rose and fell, and although it looked painful, she seemed to enjoy it very much.

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