Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 283 Mechanical Puppetry

Who could have imagined that his treasure hunting trip, which no one would compete with him for, would actually lead him to run into such an old monster at the level of a founder.

Although the other party said that he was unable to seize his body, he could survive for ten thousand years. What kind of means could be used to achieve this?

After the laughter was over, Mo Xun said tentatively: "Junior has some doubts. I wonder if senior can give me some advice?"

"Come and listen!"

Mo Xun thought for a moment and asked carefully: "Is the senior now a soul or a soul? And why can he live for tens of thousands of years?"

The other party was silent for a while, then suddenly said with a smile: "It's a long story, but I haven't talked to anyone for so long, so today I am destined to meet you, so it doesn't hurt to talk more!"

Mo Xun immediately pricked up his ears. This kind of opportunity is not something that everyone can encounter.

I just heard the old man say with a hint of melancholy: "I think back then, I was an elder of Qianji Pavilion. At the Xianchi Dharma Assembly, because of several female disciples under my disciples, I was killed by Jun Tianxing, the Supreme Elder of Fuling Sect. If you like it and want to force it to be used as a furnace, I naturally cannot agree. "

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't know "Qianji Pavilion", wasn't this "Poria Sect" the sect where Yuexing Palace was located?

"But the old thief played a dirty trick and ambushed us on the way back. As a last resort, I had to fight with him. Fortunately, with some tricks, I was lucky enough to lead my disciple back to the pavilion safely."

After hearing this, Mo Xun seemed to have guessed the outcome based on the old man's current situation.

But it turns out that high-level monks also bully men and dominate women!

Although he has been cultivating most of the time over the years, after all, he has been wandering in the mortal world for a while since he was young, and he has seen a lot of such injustices.

I heard the old man continue to say: "But I never thought that this incident would become the origin of the downfall of my Qianji Pavilion."

Speaking of this, the old man's tone became a little more sad and angry!

"The old thief later teamed up with other sects to falsely accuse our Qianji Pavilion of colluding with enemy sects, and then came to kill me and destroy the foundation of my sect!"

Mo Xun couldn't help but frown. This was the first time he had heard of the family being exterminated because of several women.

Seeing his expression, the old man sneered and said, "Do you think those people are just here for a few furnaces?"

Mo Xun didn't say anything, waiting for the other party's next words. It seemed that there was something hidden in this!

"What they want is nothing more than my Qianji Pavilion's weapon refining skills!"

Mo Xun nodded suddenly, it was understandable.

The old man suddenly changed the subject and asked, "What do you think this place is for, little friend?"

These words stopped Mo Xun. Since entering this place, he has not had time to think about this question.

However, there are wooden shelves everywhere in the entire attic, which should be a storage place. Coupled with the plaque with the word "Jingque" downstairs, he couldn't help but blurt out: "The place where the scriptures are stored!"

The so-called Tibetan scriptures should theoretically be a place where exercises or secret techniques are stored.


"Wrong?" Mo Xun frowned. Did he guess wrong?

"This place appears to contain scriptures, but in reality, it is a cage used to imprison me!"

Mo Xun was secretly surprised, but then he thought that this seemed to be the case. The mezzanine was so secretive and unusually strong, so it really fit the characteristics of a prison.

But having said that, since the Poria Sect has used such a powerful technique to imprison this person, it must not be without purpose. It must be that he has a lot of use value.

Fortunately, this question did not bother Mo Xun for long before the old man announced the answer.

"Jun Tianxing imprisoned me here just because he wanted the secret puppetry technique in my pavilion!"

Mechanical puppet technique!

Upon hearing these five words, Mo Xun's eyes immediately shot out two rays of light. This was already the second time he heard this name.

Ever since he used the "Nine-Turn Continuous Formation" and saw the effectiveness of the mechanism puppet, he has never forgotten this thing.

He still has eight puppets in his storage bag, but most of them were damaged because he overused them during his last escape.

And as far as he knew, this technique had long been lost in southern Xinjiang. Unexpectedly, it was still passed down in Xihe Prefecture tens of thousands of years ago.

Although he didn't know how powerful the real puppet was, if this thing could be refined in large quantities, when facing the enemy, just that kind of battle would probably make the opponent a little scared.

When he thought of this, his heart naturally became a little more fiery.

Not to mention him, I'm afraid no one can remain calm in front of this kind of inheritance.

Of course, the change in Mo Xun's expression was exactly what he saw in the old man's eyes.

The old man continued to say: "But just when I was being tortured, the ancient war you talked about began. Jun Tianxing had no time to take care of it, so he forgot about me here. As for what happened next, this is what happened. What you heard is normal..."

At this point, the old man suddenly laughed loudly, and his laughter was full of joy and hatred.

"As the saying goes, the Poria Sect has done a lot of evil, but in the end he still couldn't escape the fate of being exterminated and massacred. I can only regret that I was trapped here and could not personally kill this thief!"

Listening to the old man's angry voice, Mo Xun's eyes couldn't help but fall on the mummy in the distance.

Just with the faint light, he always felt that something was not quite right, but after thinking for a while, he had no clue.

Perhaps his cautious character made him suspicious again!

His thoughts once again returned to the question he just raised. In fact, no matter it was the stories of this person or the puppetry skills he mentioned, what he was most concerned about was what methods the other party used to survive to this day. .

Fortunately, the old man didn't keep him waiting long and gave the answer.

"After Jun Tianxing's death, this Moon and Star Palace, or this Sutra Palace, became a land without one, and this little friend is the first living person I have seen in so many years."

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth twitched. The meaning of his words was easy to understand, but this statement made people feel a little uncomfortable.

What is a living person?

"I am just a wisp of soul now. As for why it has not dissipated, it is precisely because of the puppet technique in my hands."

Mo Xun couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Senior, do you mean you can live forever with the help of puppetry?"

The old man smiled: "No, no!"

Mo Xun didn't interrupt this time, he raised his ears and waited for the next sentence.

"It was with the help of this technique that I spent a thousand years refining the entire prison into a puppet. My soul was completely integrated into the puppet, and I am still alive today!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun immediately took a breath, feeling extremely shocked.

Is there such an operation?

He couldn't help but look around. Except for the secret room in front of him, everything was pitch black. Who would have thought that the mezzanine in the middle was actually a puppet!

Doesn't that mean that he is staying in the puppet's belly at this time?

No wonder he felt that the old man's voice seemed to come from all directions.

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