Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 284 Five-turn Hunyuan Gong

After being shocked, Mo Xun naturally began to think about the old man's intention.

He was not a fool, and he knew clearly that the other party would not reveal such a secret to others for no reason.

In addition, he was still confused about the question that the other party said that he could not possess his body. Was it because he lost this ability after fusing with the puppet, or was it because his soul was too weak?

"Senior, are you saying this? Is there anything I can do for you?"

The old man pondered for a moment and did not answer his question directly. Instead, he asked, "I know what you need now."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and asked, "Please tell me clearly, senior?"

"You have obviously been building your foundation for a long time, but there is no trace of the foundation-building period in your body. So I judge that either you have never practiced, or you lack the right practice."

Mo Xun opened his mouth again. This old man is too amazing. He can even see this?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems normal. After all, to become an elder of a sect, one must be at least in the Nascent Soul stage. It is reasonable for them to see through him, a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment stage.

"I guess it is most likely the latter, right?"

Mo Xun nodded in conviction: "Senior, please judge!"

"With your spiritual root aptitude, it is almost the end of the road to cultivate to this level..."

Mo Xun has heard this kind of words countless times. The aptitude issue has always been the most helpless point for him.

If you put aside your spiritual roots, whether it is intelligence, hard work, or determination to cultivate immortals, he asks himself that he is not inferior to most people, but the aptitude that is most important for cultivation is not something he can change.

Perhaps seeing the loneliness in Mo Xun's eyes, the old man continued: "But I always believe that man can conquer nature. There are no less than hundreds of millions of cultivators in ancient times, and there are also many who have achieved the Great Dao. Among them, there are some people with mediocre aptitude, so you don't need to belittle yourself."

Isn't this kind of self-consolation what Mo Xun usually says to himself?

"Take a look at what this is?"

As soon as the words fell, a jade slip suddenly appeared in front of Mo Xun.

Mo Xun glanced at the mummy not far away again, and then his eyes fell on the jade slip in front of him.

"Senior, this is..."

"Take a look first!"

Mo Xun took the jade slip and placed it on his forehead with doubt.

After his mind was immersed in it, five large characters in seal script first jumped into his mind.

"Five-turn Hunyuan Gong!"

About half an incense stick later, Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, his face was both shocked and confused.

Although this book is called a practice, it is not a practice.

To be precise, this is a method to teach people to integrate mana.

According to the meaning of this book, practitioners need to find five different types of practices and practice them one after another until the foundation is perfect.

After each practice, the mana is sealed in the dantian. When the dan is formed, the seal is released at the same time. Using five different true essences to attack the bottleneck at the same time can greatly increase the success rate of dan formation.

This success rate naturally varies from person to person, but according to what is said above, it can be at least 50%.

Such a probability is indeed enough to shock Mo Xun.

You know, ordinary people are lucky to have a 10% chance of forming a golden elixir.

In fact, the principle here is easy to understand. After all, using five times the mana to impact the golden elixir will naturally greatly increase the success rate.

Moreover, the golden elixir formed in this way must be much stronger than that of ordinary cultivators in terms of the concentration of mana.

However, how many people in this world can practice all five different attributes of the exercises to the perfection of the foundation?

The most important point is that those who can practice this exercise must be five elements of mixed spiritual roots.

But then again, the more complex the spiritual roots, the more difficult it is to practice, and the longer it will take.

Originally, it is not easy for such people to practice. Perhaps they may not be able to complete the practice of one attribute in their entire life, let alone five?

Although the rate of forming a golden elixir mentioned above is very tempting, this is obviously an impossible task.

After pondering for a while, Mo Xun finally asked, "Please forgive me for being stupid and not understanding what you mean."

The old man smiled and said to himself, "This Five-turn Hunyuan Gong was obtained by chance. It is said that there was once such a cultivator with five elements spiritual roots who cultivated to the late stage of Yuanying with this method and made a great name for himself at that time."

Mo Xun blinked, not knowing whether what the other party said was true or false.

"Senior, do you want me to practice according to this door-to-door method?"

The old man answered without any hesitation, "Yes!"

"But I don't have five elements spiritual roots, but four elements mixed spiritual roots."

The old man said speechlessly, "I thought you were a smart person, but I never thought that you were so stupid."

Mo Xun's face turned red when he was told that if he didn't understand, wasn't it just calling him stupid!

"After reading the whole article, have you ever seen that one cannot cultivate without the five elements of spiritual roots?"


Mo Xun was speechless for a moment. There really was no such requirement, but wasn't it obvious?

According to what was said, use five kinds of sealed mana to attack the bottleneck at the same time...

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, since five kinds can be sealed, then four or three kinds can also be done, right?

This Five Turns of Hunyuan Gong is nothing more than increasing the density of the mana that attacks the bottleneck and making it merge.

When he thought of this, he immediately showed a look of joy on his face.

For him today, there is nothing more attractive than pill formation.

"Thank you for your advice, senior. It's just my junior who is stupid!"

The old man smiled and said: "I think you are a person who practices asceticism. You must have some understanding. It's just a lack of opportunities. Since you and I have met, it is a kind of fate."

At this moment, Mo Xun was extremely excited, but his mind was not dazzled.

He didn't believe in fate, so it was strange that the old man was so thoughtful in helping him without asking for anything.

"If you want to thank me, I won't say much. If you have any missions for me, I will help you."

As he spoke, Mo Xun secretly put away the jade slip. This item was related to his alchemy path. In any case, he had no intention of returning it.

Seeing that Mo Xun was so righteous, the old man didn't shirk anymore. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "I do have something that I need my little friend to do for me."

"Senior, please tell me!"

Mo Xun seemed to agree readily, but he was secretly calculating in his heart. As long as the other party's request was not excessive, he didn't mind the trouble.

But if this person proposes something that he cannot do, he can only give in for the time being.

He didn't want to accept requests for revenge and family destruction for no reason like he had done under the Soul-Suppressing Tower.

But having said that, if he doesn't agree, regardless of whether he accepts the "Fifth Transformation Hunyuan Gong", can the other party allow him to leave easily?

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