Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 285 Re-entering the cycle of reincarnation

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this method is really useless in the eyes of others. After all, it is extremely difficult to practice one method to perfection, so how can you have the energy to practice other methods.

But after knowing this method, Mo Xun had a new plan in his mind.

As the other party said, he does not necessarily need to cultivate all the spiritual roots. He can first try to cultivate the current fire attribute to the later stage of foundation building and try to form a pill once.

If that doesn't work, then practice the second spiritual root and use two kinds of perfect Qi to hit the bottleneck again.

Of course, whether this method will work or not remains to be studied carefully after going out.

While Mo Xun was thinking, the old man suddenly said: "I need to use your spiritual fire. I wonder if it can be convenient, little friend?"

Hearing these words, Mo Xun's eyes suddenly became a little more wary.

After a moment, he said calmly: "Junior doesn't quite understand what senior means."

The old man laughed and said, "You don't have to be so wary, little friend. I have never had any idea of ​​the Xuantian fire in your body, I'm just borrowing it for a while!"

Seeing that the other party directly said the name of Xuanzang Tianhuo, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel a little stunned. At the same time, he was thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

It seems that continuing to act stupid is obviously not enough.

However, how could the secret of Xuan Tianhuo be revealed so easily? In an instant, some murderous intent arose in his heart.

But before he could think of how to answer, the old man said again: "If it weren't for the real fire in your body, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get here. Although you are lucky enough to find the entrance to this place, do you really think that this little trick can do anything?" Can you get in here?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but frown and asked: "Senior, do you mean to let this junior in on purpose?"

The old man said with a bit of sarcasm: "What do you think?"

Mo Xun took a mouthful of old blood and almost spit it out.

I originally thought how powerful he was, but it was because people took a fancy to his Xuanzang Tianqi and just took advantage of it!

Mo Xun felt angry when he thought that he had worked so hard to get in, but the other party was watching his performance as if he were a fool.

Sure enough, he was so clever that he was misled by his cleverness!

His face was red from suppressing it, and he couldn't say a word. He just felt as if he was transparent in front of the other party.

This feeling of being looked down upon made him extremely disgusted, but there was nothing he could do about it!

The person had almost seen him through and through, but so far, he still didn't know whether the other person was a human or a ghost!

Sometimes, the intelligence that you think you are extremely smart turns out to be a ridiculous trick in the eyes of others!

The old man ignored the strange look on Mo Xun's face. Instead, he changed the subject and said with emotion: "When I was young, my yearning for the great road was no less than that of my little friend. Later, I was killed by Jun Tianxing. In order to survive, I Go on, one day I can get revenge, so I tried my best to study this puppet technique, and I went through all kinds of hardships to peel off the soul and integrate it into this dead thing. Now it has become an immortal body. "

Although he was confused and confused as to why the other party suddenly mentioned these things, Mo Xun was wise enough not to speak.

Now, his mind was already thinking quickly about how to leave.

The longer he stayed here, the more flustered he felt. Although he didn't have much dealings with this old man, he gave him the impression that he was an unfathomable cunning old man.

He already had several plans in his mind, but he was just hesitant for a moment!

"Now that Jun Tianxing is dead, even this Poria Sect has probably lost its incense, and the only value of my stay in this world will no longer exist."

Having said this, the old man let out a long sigh.

"I no longer have any worries in my heart. Living one more day is tantamount to lingering. My current wish is nothing more than to enter reincarnation as soon as possible!"

In the secret room, there was a brief silence again.

The old man's unprovoked sadness did not touch Mo Xun's ears at all.

Although he didn't make any move for a long time, he took out an escape talisman without anyone noticing.

"So I would like to ask my friend to give me a ride!"

Mo Xun's palm, which he had quietly raised, suddenly froze, as if he didn't hear what the other party meant.

What do you mean by giving you a ride?

What Mo Xun didn't know was that none of his small movements escaped the other party's perception. Even the subtle expression changes on his face were clearly visible to the old man.

"My little friend doesn't know that although this puppet technique has helped my soul survive for tens of thousands of years, it has also lost its freedom and will never leave this place. Even the power of self-defense has been lost. The loss has made me look like a ghost who can’t live and can’t die.”

Hearing this, Mo Xun seemed to have guessed something.

According to this person, it is integrated with the entire prison, and this prison is made of an unknown material and is extremely hard.

What seemed to be an impenetrable defense turned out to be an indestructible shell.

"So I want to use my little friend's Xuantian Fire to send me into reincarnation. I wonder if I can fulfill my last wish... As for the reward, in addition to the "Five Turns of Hunyuan Gong" just now, I will give you another gift. What do you think of my lifelong experience in refining weapons and puppets?”

As soon as these words came out, Mo Xun, who was about to run away, suddenly relaxed a little.

Hearing the word "puppet", if you say that he is not moved, you will definitely be lying.

Of course, he did not rush to agree, nor did he refuse immediately.

He carefully recalled everything the old man said from beginning to end, and there seemed to be no flaws.

But having said that, this was the first time for him to encounter someone who wanted to die for a reward, which was a bit weird.

Although it seems to make sense in theory, it still feels weird!

An idea popped up in his mind like lightning. Since this person couldn't even commit suicide, does that mean he didn't have the ability to pose a threat to him?

If this is the case, this transaction can be done, after all, it is just a matter of effort.

Of course, the premise for this kind of analysis to be established must be that the old man's words are all true.

But is that really what happened?

After a long time, Mo Xun finally said: "Senior, do you want this junior to burn down this space?"

The old man said unhurriedly: "That's right. Only Xuantian's fire can destroy this puppet. I wonder if you, my friend, have noticed the mummy in front of you?"

Mo Xun's eyes immediately fell on the monk who was withered and sitting on the ground in the darkness.

"You must have guessed that this is the physical body of the old man before he merged with the soul. Just in case, the old man had left a trace of the soul in it. You need to burn it first to destroy this body. Unravel the origin, and then destroy the entire prison, so that the old man can re-enter reincarnation."

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