Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 286: Fake Compromise

Perhaps because of the age, the Taoist robe on this person has become one with flesh and blood. Judging from the outline, this is almost a skeleton with only the skeleton left to support it.

It seems that a gust of wind can blow it away.

Mo Xungang planned to throw a lighting instrument inside to make his vision clearer.

But at this time, the old man quickly stopped him and said: "Little friend, please don't act rashly. Because I have been separated from that ray of soul for a long time, it actually gave birth to spiritual intelligence. If I alert him, I will be in trouble!"

Mo Xun's raised right hand immediately stopped in mid-air.

He had heard what the other party said before.

It is said that some high-level monks, after training the incarnation, will split part of the soul from the incarnation in order to make it more aggressive.

But in this way, it is easy for the incarnation to develop independent consciousness and escape the control of the original deity.

Mo Xun did not act rashly again, and moved his body slightly forward half a step.

At this time, the old man spoke again, and his tone was even more eager.

"Little friend, you only need to cast the spell on the spot. Don't get too close to avoid causing trouble!"

Mo Xun immediately stopped moving, but his brows furrowed.

If the other party hadn't said this, he wouldn't have thought much about it, but such repeated attempts to stop him would inevitably make him murmur in his heart.

Did this person really want to die, so he couldn't wait to be burned by him?

He couldn't help but squint his eyes and look into the darkness.

When he saw something exposed behind the monk, his eyes suddenly froze.

For a moment, he finally remembered where the strangeness he felt in this person came from.

That thing is actually a storage bag!

A thought flashed through Mo Xun's mind... This old man lied to him!

How could a prisoner still hang a storage bag?

After a short period of thinking, he figured out several joints.

But at this moment, instead of feeling the joy after awakening, he had a layer of cold sweat on his back.

If he hadn't been more careful, he would have almost fallen into this person's trap.

It's just that this old man is making up stories and giving away exercises. What is his intention?

Is it just to let him destroy his body?

If this is the case, what good will it do to the old man?

A series of questions all rushed into his mind, causing him to petrify on the spot. He didn't even hear the old man's several calls.

In this world of immortal cultivation where the jungle is strong and the strong prey on the weak, he was able to cultivate to such a state as a casual cultivator with no roots and roots. He is certainly superior in terms of both his intelligence and his character.

Although he couldn't figure out why the old man would deliberately trick him into burning the corpse, one thing was certain, the other party definitely had bad intentions.

"Little friend...little friend?"

Mo Xun suddenly woke up and said quickly: "Junior was just thinking about the "Fifth Turn of Hunyuan Gong" and suddenly had an idea. Please forgive me, senior."

The old man laughed dryly: "I see, it's the old man who disturbed my little friend's enlightenment."

Mo Xun was stalling for time while quickly thinking about the next countermeasures.

"Junior has a heartfelt request. I wonder if senior can agree?"

The old man hesitated for a moment, then said: "Tell me what you're talking about!"

"This junior has been cultivating alone these years and has never received any orthodox teachings. Therefore, he has accumulated a lot of questions during his practice. Since the senior has decided to resolve this issue, can you clear up some of your doubts before doing so?"

Mo Xun's words are quite justified. After all, for low-level monks, they may never encounter such high-level monks in their lives, and it is reasonable to want to ask for advice.

However, the old man said: "My little friend, you can destroy the old man's body first, and then ask again. If he is awakened by that ray of soul, even if the old man takes action, he may not be able to control him."

It was a good thing that the old man didn't mention this. When he mentioned the soul in the mummy, Mo Xun suddenly figured out something.

According to the old man's opinion, he was able to survive until now because he transformed the entire prison into a puppet and integrated his soul into it.

Of course, why this method allows it to live for tens of thousands of years is unknown.

Let's assume for a moment that this secret technique of puppeteering is indeed feasible.

So the question is, how did the ray of soul that the old man left in his body survive thousands of years without dissipating?

You know, this ray of soul has never been fused with a puppet!

Even the soul-nurturing wood cannot preserve the soul for fifty thousand years, let alone just a ray of soul?

After finding this flaw, Mo Xun strengthened his guess.

This old man is definitely up to something!

"Senior, I don't know. This junior has a habit. If there are doubts in the mind that have not been solved, it is easy to be half-hearted and have difficulty concentrating on casting spells. Just like what happened just now, sometimes I am so deep in thought that I can't even notice it..."

Mo Xun originally wanted to say that in their hometown, this was called the tip of the iceberg, but because the language and customs in Xihezhou were different, he was afraid that the other party wouldn't understand.

In fact, this is obviously a bit ridiculous. How can he use the Xuantian Fire to cast spells?

He was just betting on the old man. Now that he had something to ask for, he didn't dare to do anything to him.

"That being the case... just tell me. Since I've decided to escape into reincarnation, it wouldn't hurt to give you some advice."

Mo Xun's face immediately showed a look of joy, and he quickly saluted the old man.

This joy is not entirely out of hypocrisy. After all, he has accumulated a lot of cultivation problems over the years.

Although it was to delay time, he also had some sincere intentions to ask.

After all, such an opportunity is not something that can be encountered at any time, and the other party is very likely to be a Yuanying stage cultivator.

It is probably more useful to get a Yuanying cultivator to teach him in person than to practice hard for more than ten years.

Of course, the premise of these establishment must be that the old man teaches him sincerely. If there is a little misleading in it, it is probably not an opportunity, but a disaster.

However, Mo Xun was alert in his heart, so he didn't have to worry about these. With his always suspicious character, how could he trust others easily?

In this way, the two of them asked and answered, and half a day passed without realizing it.

Mo Xun's eyebrows slowly relaxed.

This relaxation was partly because the other party did answer many of his doubts. Those questions that once puzzled him, the other party only gave a few pointers, and he suddenly became clear.

On the other hand, he seemed to have figured out why the old man was so eager to trick him into destroying the mummy.

But whether it was correct or not still needed to be verified.

However, how to verify it was a bit troublesome. If he was not careful, he might have to explain it here.

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