Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 288: Surviving the Disaster

"Asshole, what are you doing!"

Mo Xun ignored the sudden roar, gathered his strength and flew up.

But just as he was about to rush into the secret room, a powerful gale suddenly came from behind him... To be precise, it should be called an air wave, which rushed over with a monstrous force.

Before he could react, he felt as if a mountain had hit his back.

In an instant, his internal organs seemed to be dislocated, and his bones made a sound of inch-by-inch shattering.

As a mouthful of blood spurted out, his body was like being slapped hard by a big hand, hitting the ground uncontrollably and sliding far away.

While panting, another heart-pounding force full of a thousand-pound force quickly approached him.

Mo Xun, who was almost fainting, was shocked and endured the pain. He shouted loudly, rolled on the ground with his hands and feet, and hid in the secret room.

At this moment, a stronger wind wave came along, causing the entire mezzanine to shake.

Although Mo Xun did not look back, the terrible power pressed him so hard that he could not even move his fingers lying on the ground.

He was like a lone boat in the vast ocean, experiencing huge waves of a hundred feet. The horn of death, at this moment, really reached his ears.

"Did I make a wrong bet?"

Just when he thought that the god of death was standing in front of him, a dazzling golden light suddenly emanated from the mummy in the secret room. In an instant, it spread all around, just like the Buddha on the top of the Buddha Mountain, wearing a golden holy robe, coming to the world, making people look up, but not dare to open their eyes.

At the same time, the terrifying and powerful wind wave also roared in.

But what was surprising was that when the golden light touched the air wave, it was like a sharp sword piercing through paper, red-hot pig iron melting candles, and the hurricane that was originally so powerful and sweeping across everything was blocked outside the secret room.

The shaking of the space stopped abruptly, and the noisy sounds in the ears seemed to disappear at the same time!

Everything seemed to be calm again after a brief suffocation!

But if so, it would be fine. After shattering such a sharp sneak attack, the golden light still went on.

In the narrow passage, countless dazzling golden needles, like a storm, all hit the wall.

In the interlayer that had originally returned to silence, a miserable wail suddenly sounded.

This wail shook people's eardrums, as if those lonely ghosts in hell who were thrown into the oil pan by the ghost messenger were so tragic that it made people's hair stand on end.

The miserable cry lasted for more than ten breaths, and the air was filled with heavy gasps.

At this moment, Mo Xun was lying on the ground, with bright red blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

This secret room, or more precisely, the mummy, was the nemesis of the old man!

Although he didn't know the specific reason, it was obvious that he had made the right bet.

The feeling of surviving a disaster was probably how he felt at the moment!

"Boy, I will kill you!"

Hearing this weak threat with deep hatred, Mo Xun ignored it, but took out the healing pill from his storage bag and began to practice to recover.

Fortunately, before he decided to take action, he took some precautions and protected his body with spiritual power in advance, otherwise his meridians and dantian would have been completely shattered after the first blow.

In the final analysis, he still underestimated the old man. Who knew that this man had been trapped for ten thousand years and still had such strength!

Mo Xun sat cross-legged beside the corpse, eyes closed, practicing the Fiery Art while refining the medicinal power.

For a cultivator of his level, as long as the Dantian is not destroyed and the meridians are intact, the physical injuries are just a few pills and a little time of recuperation.

At the same time, he was secretly glad that all these years of experience were useful after all.

He never believed that there would be a free lunch in the world.

Whenever good things happened for no reason, his first reaction was not joy, but suspicion.

Of course, this cautious and suspicious character would make him miss many opportunities, but it also saved his life again and again.

"Boy, how did you see through me?"

Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes and stared coldly at the dark passage. There seemed to be a pair of eyes in it, looking at him.

He still did not answer the old man's question, but lit up a lighting tool and looked around.

This is a completely closed space, about ten feet in size, and except for the lifeless mummy next to him, it is empty!

"Do you think I can't do anything to you if you escape inside?"

Mo Xun fixed his eyes on the mummy.

The thousands of golden lights just now came from this person.

He wondered how this mummy could do that. It had been dead for a long time, but it still carried such a huge amount of energy.

Magic weapon?

Or formation?

Could it be that there was still a trace of will left in its body before it died, and it could still shock the old man even though it was dead?

Just as Mo Xun was thinking, the old man's exasperated voice sounded again.

"This space is dominated by me. Unless you die in it, don't think about getting out in this life!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun frowned again. Could it be that this old man really turned the entire mezzanine into a puppet?

If that's the case, then it's just like what the old man said, he is now in the belly.

Mo Xun shook his head gently and closed his eyes again. Everything can only be said after the injury is recovered.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe two days, or maybe three days. The uninterrupted healing made him ignore the passage of time.

During this period, no matter how the old man insulted and provoked, how he bewitched and persuaded, he always kept silent.

He is not a person who likes to talk. Sometimes, he is too lazy to talk about problems that can be solved with fists.

When he was almost recovered, he looked around the mummy carefully.

But when he was about to pick up the storage bag behind the corpse, the old man suddenly said hurriedly: "I advise you not to act rashly. The spirit in my flesh has a bad temper!"

Mo Xun smiled coldly. It's really hard for this old man. At this point, he is still so persistent in sticking to the lie.

Mo Xun suddenly grabbed the gray storage bag in the air, and it fell into his hands.

After checking that there was nothing special, he immediately injected spiritual power into it, and then a bunch of things poured out from it.

He first threw clothes and other sundries aside, then picked up a jade slip and placed it on his forehead.

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