After a while, Mo Xun threw it aside with some disgust. What was recorded in it was actually the feelings when practicing dual cultivation with a woman. The whole text was full of obscene words and vulgarity!

Mo Xun was inevitably confused. He really couldn't connect the mummy in front of him with the golden light just now.

Then he checked the remaining jade slips. Except for one with a spell engraved on it, the rest were actually correspondence with the woman.

Just when he was a little speechless, a sound transmission note under his feet suddenly caught his attention.

He picked up the talisman and casually pinched a Taoist formula. A man's voice sounded in his ears.

"Hua Daowu and Tianxuanmen are besieging our sect. The disciples of the sect have suffered heavy casualties. Junior brother, do not leave the "Jingque" to prevent the monster from escaping. After the battle, I will send someone to send the demon-suppressing talisman!"

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly condensed. Isn't this the answer he wants to find?

Although it's just a few words, it contains huge information. talismans!

In an instant, an invisible thread seemed to form in his mind, stringing together all the key points.

His eyes were once again cast on that dry, ugly face.

This person was indeed the garrison monk sent here!

A scroll filled with the truth gradually unfolded in front of him.

In the ancient war, the Fuling Sect was attacked at the mountain gate. At this time, the monk guarding here sent an emergency message to the gate, needing a talisman to suppress this place, but no one responded. After that, the sect was destroyed, and this talisman became a dead end.

But what is the monster mentioned in it?

Could it be that the imprisoned old man is not a human?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun suddenly raised his head, and his mind seemed to be suddenly enlightened at this moment!

It turns out that there is no such thing as puppetry. The old man in the dark is actually a monster!

That's right. The life span of the demon race is often much longer than that of human cultivators, and most of them are counted in "ten thousand".

No wonder that old monster can live from ancient times to the present!

But then, his brows frowned again.

Since this thing is a demon, where is its original body?

You know, he came in from the entrance and followed the only passage to here, but he never saw the existence of a second road. Where is the demon hiding?

After thinking about it for a long time, he put his mind on the "demon suppression talisman" mentioned in it.

This thing is obviously used to suppress demons.

This person may be in the stage of guarding, because of some situation, he can't suppress the demon, so he asked the sect for help.

But until the sect was destroyed, no one came.

But if that's the case, what means did this person use in the end to suppress the demon here for tens of thousands of years, and until now, he can't get out?

If the reason is found, perhaps a way out can be found.

With this in mind, Mo Xun hurriedly looked for relevant clues on the corpse.

"Huh... what is this?"

A mark on the chest of the corpse immediately caught Mo Xun's attention.

He then took out a dagger and followed the mark to slowly pick open the coat that was almost integrated with the skin and flesh.

When most of the man's chest was completely exposed, Mo Xun couldn't help but be stunned.

On the wrinkled skin and flesh, there were knife marks as deep as ravines, and a series of rune strokes were clearly engraved on the body surface.

This person actually used his own body as a medium and his flesh as a talisman to turn himself into a large talisman.

No wonder the old thief had been persuading him to destroy the corpse. It turned out that his intention was here.

Looking at those shocking knife marks and scars, Mo Xun sighed in his heart. Regardless of how good this person was, the courage to carve talismans on himself was not something that ordinary people could do.

But then again, how can such a talisman be activated?

And where does the spiritual power come from to maintain the talisman for tens of thousands of years?

He is actually half a talisman master. Over the years, he has drawn many low-level talismans, so he still understands some of the principles.

The triggering of talismans is divided into active and passive.

The so-called passive means that when there is an external force invasion, it can defend or attack on its own.

The active one is activated by the caster through magic, which is more flexible to use and can be regarded as a great means in fighting.

But whether it is active or passive, it is inseparable from one thing, that is, spiritual power!

The drawing of talismans is actually the talisman master using some means to seal the spiritual power in the talisman paper.

However, the spiritual power of this seal is naturally limited and cannot be used infinitely.

When the spiritual power is exhausted, this thing becomes a piece of waste paper.

But then again, why can the talisman on the mummy still have such great power after ten thousand years?

Although the spiritual energy in this space is pretty good, even if it is richer, it should not be enough to replenish its consumption, right?

Mo Xun shook his head helplessly. He still knew too little about the way of talismans.

Of course, now is not the time to pursue these things. For now, what needs to be considered is how to use this thing to leave this place.

Maybe before, he didn't have any effective way, but after discovering this secret, he immediately thought of a countermeasure.

Since the old monster outside is so afraid of this mummy, why doesn't he use it as a cover and leave with the mummy like this, what can the monster do to him?

Although this method is a bit rough, it is obviously very effective.

After figuring this out, Mo Xun quickly counted the things on the ground.

In addition to the jade slips, there were a pile of spirit stones and jade bottles.

However, the jade bottles were all empty, which made him quite regretful.

But then again, even if there were still pills left, would he dare to take them after so long?

However, what made him regretful was that not only did he not have pills, but he did not even find a magic weapon or technique.

Then, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

The absence of magic weapons does not mean that there are no treasures.

If the mummy in front of him is a cultivator above the Jindan stage, doesn’t that mean that this person has a magic weapon?

And as far as he knows, the magic weapons of Jindan cultivators are all hidden in their bodies.

Thinking of this, his somewhat burning eyes stayed on the abdomen of the mummy.

It seems that whether it is to get out or the magic weapon in his body, he must be a villain and borrow the corpse of this senior.

At worst, we can bury and hold a memorial ceremony for him after he gets out.

Mo Xun waved his sleeves and collected all the things on the ground.

Now that he had a solution, he didn't plan to hesitate any longer.

He half-knelt in front of the mummy, bowed solemnly, said "sorry" in his heart, and turned around, ready to lift it from the ground.

But the moment his hands touched the mummy's body, they suddenly retracted.

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