Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 290: Mutual promotion and mutual restraint

It's not that there is anything on the mummy that makes him timid or afraid. On the contrary, the place where he grabbed it was like paper, with a big dent. It felt like it could be crushed with a little force.

This is difficult. Tens of thousands of years have made the corpse almost weathered. At this time, let alone moving it, I am afraid that it can be blown apart by a breath.

Who knew that this seemingly powerful amulet was so fragile!

It seems that what he thought and worried about before was a bit naive.

But then again, since he couldn't move the mummy, could he draw a similar demon-suppressing talisman?

You know, there are all kinds of talisman papers and talisman pens in his storage bag!

But soon, he gave up this idea.

After all, drawing a talisman is not a copycat. If you don't understand the trend of the brushstrokes and the method of sealing the spiritual power, even if you draw it like it, it is useless.

Besides, high-level talismans like this kind of suppression are not something that he can draw with his half-baked level. Not to mention how difficult it is, he probably can't even get close to it just because of the requirement of his own mana.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It seems that this way is not feasible!

Soon, he thought of the surrounding walls again.

Although this is a secret room, there is always a thickness on the walls. If a hole can be made, it is also a way out.

But not long after, he saw what hardness is again. Not to mention letting him make a hole, even leaving a mark is difficult.

He couldn't help thinking that this kind of material is rare. If it weren't for that old guy, he wanted to move the entire mezzanine out, and he would definitely be able to sell it for a good price.

Seeing Mo Xun knocking and banging in the secret room, and pondering around the mummy, the old man suddenly said, "Boy, don't waste your energy. Not to mention you, even if a Jindan cultivator comes here, there is only one way to be trapped alive... And even if you find out the secret of the flesh, what can you do? Why don't you make a deal with me?"

Mo Xun was silent for a moment, then asked, "What deal?"

The old man smiled, with a bit of cunning in his voice.

"As long as you can destroy the corpse, I promise to let you go, and I will also pass on the refining and puppetry skills to you. How about it?"

Mo Xun then remembered the wooden box that the old man gave him before.

He patted the storage bag on his waist, and a black box immediately appeared in front of him.

This box looks ordinary, with a bare surface, no flowers or words, and it is not locked.

"Senior, do you mean that the thing in this box is fake?"

Mo Xun felt a little redundant when he asked this question. Since the old man had been lying to him from beginning to end, how could he give him the real thing?

Besides, he had already overturned the old man's theory of human puppets before, and whether the other party had any puppetry was even more controversial!

"This thing is naturally real, but I did a little trick before giving it to you. If you don't believe it, you might as well open it and take a look."

Mo Xun heard this and was about to open the box, but suddenly thought of something, and his outstretched hand stopped in mid-air.

His sharp eyes also looked at the dark passage.

This old guy, is there any conspiracy again?

The old man saw him retract his hands and sneered.

"My friend, you are too cautious. Sometimes I doubt whether you have been reborn by taking over another body."

Mo Xun ignored his mockery and snorted coldly: "Senior, please tell me what has been done to this box!"

"It's nothing, just a small restriction. If you don't know how to open it, you can't open it. If you use external force, the things inside will be destroyed!"

With the other party's treacherous character, Mo Xun believed what he said. It was also his fault that he was careless at the time and didn't check it in the first time.

The old man continued: "As long as my friend agrees to the transaction, I will tell you how to open it."

Mo Xun touched his chin with a bit of stubble and fell into deep thought for a while.

It's not that he is determined to get this puppet technique. In front of life and treasures, he still knows the importance.

"Senior, your words are not enough, how can I believe you?"

When the old man saw that there was a way, he hurriedly said: "This is simple. I can swear to my inner demon and I will definitely make you put your worries to rest."

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. Since the other party is a demon, who knows whether the inner demon will work?

After thinking for a while, Mo Xun said: "Senior, please let me think about it!"

After saying this, he sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and did not say another word.

The old man was tactful and did not rush.

In the secret room, the deathly silence returned.

In Mo Xun's heart, he quickly thought about the current situation, and at the same time, he tried again and again to find a way out from the means he could think of.

Using the "Demon Suppression Talisman" to protect himself is obviously the most useful, but is there any way to move it without damaging the mummy?

Brute force is definitely not enough, so there is only magic.

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes again, sat opposite the mummy, and after practicing Qigong, he formed a seal with his hands in front of his chest, then controlled the release of spiritual power and slowly approached the mummy.

But when this spiritual power touched the corpse, a faint golden light immediately emanated from the dry body.

And the spiritual power in Mo Xun's body also poured back into the mummy like a flood that broke through the dam.

Mo Xun was startled and quickly cut off the flow of mana, and even whispered that it was a close call.

It seemed that there was a beast with infinite suction hidden in this dry corpse. Just a short contact made him lose a lot of mana.

What was the reason?

Could there be something else in the dry corpse?

After thinking for a long time, he finally thought of a possibility, which also answered his previous doubts.

It seems that this senior master must have used other means when he painted the talisman with his body.

No wonder this talisman can still work after ten thousand years.

It must be because of the mysterious spiritual power swallowing technique in his body that continuously provides energy supply for the talisman.

But if so, he once again fell into a helpless situation.

Then, he had to look at the stone walls around him again.

He knew that everything in the world is mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining. There is no absolutely hard thing, and there is no absolutely weak existence.

If you want to find a way to break the stone wall, you must find something that counteracts it.

Everyone knows this principle, but he is an ignorant person who doesn't even know what the stone material of the wall is, let alone how to deal with it.

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