However, when he saw the wooden box on the ground, he thought of a solution that was not a solution.

Isn't this thing in front of him the art of refining weapons?

If the old man was telling the truth, and this space was refined into a puppet by him, then it is very likely that this puppet secret technique involves the introduction of wall materials.

He rolled his eyes cunningly, as if he had an idea.

"Senior, I have figured it out. If you can swear to your inner demon, I am willing to make this deal."

The old man's hearty laughter suddenly came from the empty secret room.

"That's right, you and I have no grudges. This will benefit you and help me. Why not do it?"

After that, the old man was about to swear, but Mo Xun interrupted him and said, "Wait a minute, senior. Before that, I have another condition."

"What condition?"

There was a hint of impatience in the old man's tone.

Mo Xun thought for a moment and said, "After you swear, can you tell me how to open the wooden box?"

In Mo Xun's opinion, such a statement is perfect.

On the one hand, it can show his greed and paralyze the other party, and on the other hand, it can achieve his goal.

The old man said without hesitation, "Of course!"

Hearing this, in the dim space, the corners of the two people's mouths raised a strange arc at the same time.

At this moment, if Mo Xun could be more cautious, he should consider that there is a big loophole in it, but obviously, he overestimated his cleverness.

While calculating others, he was also being calculated by his opponent.

What he faced was an existence who had lived for tens of thousands of years. Whether it was scheming or strength, he was far inferior.

You know, swearing has always been a two-way thing. The old man took the initiative to swear, but he never noticed that in this transaction, the old man never asked him for an oath.

Isn't the old man afraid that he will regret it?

He was too eager to get the weapon refining technique inside. After hearing the method to lift the ban, he immediately began to cast a spell.

As a series of obscure spells were recited, a faint light shot out from the gap between the wooden box, and then there was a light "bang" sound, and the lid of the box was bounced open.

Mo Xun was delighted and hurried to check the things inside.

But perhaps due to his innate intuition about crisis, he seemed to feel the approach of death in an instant.

Almost without any hesitation, or perhaps out of instinctive reaction, the spiritual power in his body began to circulate along the Dantian meridian, and then his whole body quickly retreated backwards.

At this moment, he felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

Without giving him any reaction time, the light in the wooden box suddenly shone everywhere, followed by a "boom" explosion. With the wooden box as the center, a circle of air waves that expanded rapidly from small to large was formed, filling the entire secret room between breaths.

The dust that had accumulated for tens of thousands of years was also raised at this moment, carrying a powerful momentum, and in an instant, it filled the entire secret room.

The originally dim stone room was suddenly filled with dust!

The mummy sitting on the ground, when the air wave came, was completely like a sculpture piled with sand. In an instant, it was crushed into powder without any resistance.

Such a fragile performance makes people think of the previous brilliant light.

No one dared to believe that the existence that seemed like a god descending from heaven was so fragile at this moment.

Not long after the mummy disappeared, a sudden and crazy laugh suddenly echoed in the space, and it did not subside for a long time.

"Sixty thousand years... I finally waited for this day!"

After this unbridled laughter, the entire mezzanine... no, it should be the entire attic, suddenly shook violently.

Under this shaking, the originally solid and strong upper and lower two-story stone building collapsed at the same time, and the area within a few dozen feet became a ruin.

Then, a surprising scene appeared.

I saw something in the ruins seemed to be wriggling, and the large and small stones covering it fell from a height.

Suddenly, a huge green dragon flew into the sky from the ruins.

This dragon was five or six feet wide, and its length reached a terrifying eight or nine feet. Each of its huge claws was as thick as an adult's waist.

A shocking dragon roared from its mouth, echoing at the end of the sky. The long body twisted and turned in the sky, covering the sky and the sun!

"Jun Tianxing, I'm out... Hahaha..."

If Mo Xun was here, he would definitely recognize this old voice immediately. Who else could it be if not the treacherous old man in the dark?

And the spectacular scene in front of him would definitely answer the last doubt in his heart.

It turned out that the old man's body had not disappeared at all, and was always in front of him.

The entire interlayer space was not refined into a puppet as he said, but was the old man's body.

The dragon danced in the air happily, and the huge scales looked dazzling.

If Mo Xun knew that the bluestone he tried so hard to break was made of these scales, I wonder what he would think.

After a long time, the green dragon seemed to have finally had enough fun. It stopped in the air, looking down at the ruins on the ground, but frowned.

Then, it suddenly blew out a gust of wind from its mouth, blowing the rubble in the ruins into a mess.

I only heard the green dragon lightly "Huh", and wondered to himself: "That kid is not so useless that he was blown into pieces of meat?"

The green dragon circled around the ruins for several circles, and snorted angrily.

"It's a good death, otherwise, I will definitely extract your soul and refine your spirit, and teach you to be unable to live or die!"

After a while, it laughed again, and then swung its tail, and its huge body rushed towards the high sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


I don't know how long it took, deep in the soil of the ruins, a green light flashed in the darkness, and then exploded.

A black shadow suddenly jumped out from the rocks, and he was still holding a green gourd tightly in his hand.

This black shadow was naturally Mo Xun who survived the disaster!

When he saw the scene in front of him, his originally anxious heart finally calmed down.

This time, the decision made at the critical moment made him bet right again!

Although he fell into the old man's trap again, he was obviously very satisfied to be able to escape alive.

Before, he was still worried that the gourd could not be hidden from the old man's eyes and ears. In that case, not only would his life be in danger, but even the biggest treasure in his hand would become the other party's trophy.

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