Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 295: Fighting the Stone Man

Mo Xun was slightly stunned for a moment when he saw that the Qiankun Ring had so easily subdued the stone man.

It seemed that he had overestimated this big guy.

But this joy did not last for a moment. In the white dust, the stone man suddenly stood up, and then exerted force on his limbs, followed by the sound of "bang bang bang", and the golden rings on his body were all broken.

At the same time, Mo Xun in the sky spit out a mouthful of blood. The spiritual power in his body was suddenly disordered and rushed around because of his mind, causing him to almost fall from the clouds.

He hurriedly gathered his mind and stabilized his body, and at the same time he was shocked.

Although this magic weapon was not the best among his treasures, it was the one he had used the longest and was the most convenient.

Moreover, he personally upgraded this thing, which could be regarded as condensing half of his efforts. Even among the high-level magic weapons, it was also among the top-grade ones. Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by the opponent with just one move!

As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten skills, which is indeed true!

Although the magic weapon is different from the life magic weapon and is closely related to the cultivator, it is still connected to him because of the sacrifice. Once it is destroyed, it is inevitable to get hurt.

At the first moment, Mo Xun flew up into the air and flew higher.

Obviously, it is extremely unwise to confront this monster head-on.

In fact, he should have thought that it is impossible to fight force with force against this thing. He is a magic cultivator. It is really stupid to put down the magic.

When he thought that he could rest assured after flying high in the sky, what happened next made him open his eyes again.

I saw that the big monster bent its legs downwards, and then suddenly exerted force, and the huge body jumped high, and at the same time pounced on Mo Xun like lightning.

In just a blink of an eye, it was already two or three feet away from him.

In a hurry, Mo Xun threw the magic weapon Linglong Ring with silver light, and it quickly grew in the air, and at the same time, it shot out countless light needles, all of which crackled and hit the stone man.

This thing was indeed extraordinary, and those light needles were invincible. Not only did they slow down the stone man's movements, but also the places on his body that were hit by the light needles appeared densely packed with countless tiny holes, like a honeycomb.

Mo Xun took this opportunity to move to a farther place.

Then he made hand gestures, silently chanted spells, and directed the Linglong Ring to attack continuously.

The stone man, who was almost pierced through the whole body, also lost his center of gravity in the air under this intensive attack and fell straight down.

With a deafening sound, dust filled the air again, and the stone man's body sank deeply into the mud.

Seeing this, Mo Xun took back the Linglong Ring, but a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

After this short attack, the mana in his body was reduced by half.

Obviously, using the magic weapon with all his strength would consume a lot of his energy.

With his mana, this thing could only be used three or four times at most.

However, in the situation just now, he naturally couldn't care so much, and he was determined to go all out once he made a move, so he would not hold back.

He took a few heavy breaths, took out a healing pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

But what happened next overturned his cognition again.

Although he couldn't see the specific situation in the dust, his consciousness could clearly feel that the stone man slowly climbed up.

And what was shocking was that the damaged parts of the monster's body were slowly repairing.

Mo Xun immediately exclaimed: "Immortal body!"

This... how can this be played?

In his surprised eyes, the soil on the ground was re-integrated into the stone man's body, and it became complete again in just a few breaths.

As a gust of wind blew, Mo Xun's figure flashed, leaving a residual shadow in the air. When he reappeared, he was already several feet away.

Then there was a sound of breaking through the air, and the huge fist of the stone man fiercely swept past where he was originally standing.

Mo Xun secretly wiped a cold sweat, it seemed that he was just one step away!

Think about that fist as big as a millstone. If it fell on him, even if he didn't die, he would probably break a few bones, and maybe even his meridians might be shattered.

But what surprised him was that this thing was so huge, but its movements were not clumsy at all, but extremely fast, almost as fast as his.

Just as he was thinking, the stone man attacked again.

Mo Xun had no choice but to do the same as before and throw the exquisite ring in his hand.

Then a series of invisible light needles pierced and exploded around the stone man.

Mo Xun gritted his teeth and destroyed the monster in front of him with a more fierce attack than before.

He didn't believe it. If he smashed it into pieces, he would not be able to break its "immortality"!

There is no such thing as immortality in this world. The thing in front of him must have a fatal flaw, as long as he didn't find it!

Unfortunately, what he saw next seemed to refute his ignorance.

As long as the stone man fell back to the ground, no matter how badly injured he was, he would use the white sand and soil to completely repair his injuries.

How could he fight this?

This endless white world seemed to be a paradise for the monster to absorb nutrients, which could provide it with materials continuously.

In this way, he might die of exhaustion here without the other party attacking.

For a moment, Mo Xun, who was at a loss, became a little upset.

If he couldn't find the fatal point of this thing, it would be futile to attack it many times!

But soon, he thought of another key issue, that is, energy!

If the source of the stone man's energy is in his body, then such an attack should be effective.

He didn't think that this kind of repair could not consume energy.

But if the source of energy is in those white soils, then he would be useless!

He took two pills to restore his mana, and at the same time, he held a spirit stone in his left hand.

The continuous activation of the magic weapon made him feel a little overwhelmed in both his spiritual consciousness and physical mana.

Just when the stone man had not yet recovered, Mo Xun planned to try again.

He fell far in the air, commanding the exquisite ring to surround the fallen stone man, and continuously emitting dazzling light needles.

In an instant, the ground was dusty and the sound of explosions came one after another.

After several full breaths, he took back the magic weapon with some exhaustion.

This thing can no longer be used, otherwise he will be sucked dry before the stone man dies.



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