Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 296 The Last Resort

Just as he recovered some of his magic power, the dust on the ground gradually dissipated, revealing the stone man with thousands of holes. However, as before, this thing continued to absorb materials from the soil and quickly repaired its body.

Mo Xun knew that it was not a good idea to continue fighting like this, but he had no other choice at the moment.

Most of the spells he mastered were relatively low-level. They might seem domineering and sharp against low-level monks, but they were not enough in front of such a behemoth.

Just as he was thinking, pieces of soil suddenly floated on the ground, and then condensed into white soil balls of five or six feet in size, like snowballs, densely packed, and there were hundreds of them.

Mo Xun was shocked. This monster actually knew magic!

Suddenly, all the snowballs flew rapidly towards the sky, forming a saturated attack area within a range of dozens of feet centered on Mo Xun.

Without thinking, Mo Xun first surrounded himself with a layer of light red protective body visible to the naked eye.

Then, he grabbed a handful of talismans and threw them out.

There were both commonly used lightning and fireball talismans, as well as newly refined earth armor sword and spear talismans.

In an instant, lightning and fire flashed in the air, mixed with various sword energy and earth and stone, and the sound of explosions continued. The whole area around his body was in chaos.

While activating many talismans, Mo Xun quickly changed the Taoist formula in his hands, and wind blades transformed by spiritual energy shot out from his fingertips.

Fortunately, those snowballs were not as hard as the stone man's body. Under Mo Xun's repeated counterattacks, most of them broke and fell.

However, because there were too many of them, many of them still bullied him.

His body was hit several times, and he was knocked to the ground in the air, as if he had been beaten up by a group of people.

In the chaos, his hair was already messy, and his clothes were torn by fragments. Although he did not suffer many injuries, he looked embarrassed.

At some point, a small and exquisite incense burner was already floating above his head.

A faint fluorescence emanated from the incense burner, covering his body.

This was a mid-level defensive magic weapon, which was obtained in the Moon Star Palace.

But whether it was from its shape or the effect of casting spells, this thing was more like a woman's.

Of course, Mo Xun couldn't care about these now.

The only thing he regretted was that he didn't sacrifice a few more magic weapons before this. Although he could use them now, he couldn't exert much power.

Suddenly, an unprecedented palpitation rushed into his heart!

At this moment, he seemed to feel the threat of death again.

Amid the smoke and dust, a mountain quietly emerged behind him.

Before he could use his spiritual sense to spy, he felt a wind behind his head, and a powerful fist attacked him from behind.

Unexpectedly, the stone man seemed to have intelligence and knew how to sneak attack!

At this critical moment, Mo Xun risked his life to turn his spiritual power and performed the ghost shadow technique. His entire body disappeared on the spot.

But surprisingly, at the place where he disappeared, the surging fist wind splashed a piece of blood, and at the same time a painful groan was heard.

Then, in the distance, Mo Xun's staggering figure reappeared, but because of his unstable body, he fell several feet down.

And the corners of his mouth and the collar were covered with blood at this time, and one of his arms was drooping weakly.

Even the furnace above his head disappeared!

Mo Xun hunched over, looked at the stone man with bloodshot eyes, swallowed a mouthful of bloody saliva, stuffed a few healing pills into his mouth, and gritted his teeth to restore his dislocated arm.

His head was almost crushed by the monster!

It seems that if he doesn't use the last resort, he really can't deal with this thing!

After a heavy gasp, he raised his right hand with difficulty. With a fierce heart, a fire phoenix flew out of his palm and made a sharp cry in the air.

Chi Li suddenly turned into a huge fireball, spewing out scorching heat. In an instant, the surrounding air was burned and deformed.

The fire spread at a very fast speed. In a breath, it covered the stone man in the sea of ​​fire.

Whether it can succeed depends on this time!

After all, so far, the two most powerful things in his hands have been used together. If he still can't kill that guy, I'm afraid he will really die here this time.

He finally realized the meaning of the dim names on the stone tablet. It was really a life-and-death struggle!

The raging sea of ​​fire in front of him was so loud that it was the first time Mo Xun had seen it. Within a range of more than ten feet, it was all covered in red.

He could clearly feel that the stone man was struggling in the flames, but no matter where it flew, the red magma would be like a maggot attached to its bones, tightly encircling it in the sea of ​​fire.

Not long after, the surface of the stone man's body began to melt, and pieces of burnt red magma kept falling from the air.

Finally, the huge body finally couldn't bear it and fell down quickly.

The red magma is worthy of its claim to be able to burn everything in the world!

If he had known it was so simple, he should have used this method at the beginning.

With a loud "boom", the stone man fell to the ground again.

However, Mo Xun's heart suddenly sank. What he feared most was that this thing relied on endless white soil to repair its own damage.

Sure enough, things soon verified his guess.

Although the body of the stone man kept melting and falling under the burning of Xuantian True Fire, it could be replenished from the soil continuously.

For a while, the two sides were deadlocked.

Mo Xun was very anxious. You know, this Xuantian True Fire is not lasting. If it goes on like this, won’t the opponent turn the tables again?

No, he had to find a way to separate the stone man from the white soil.

After taking another pill to restore his mana, he held a spiritual stone in each hand and thought about countermeasures quickly!

Just as the fire of the red lily gradually began to weaken, Mo Xun suddenly had an idea!

He then took out a white gourd, which was the Xuanbing gourd that had not been used for a long time!

With a thought, the fire under his feet suddenly weakened, and then shrank rapidly, turning back into the appearance of a firebird and flying into Mo Xun's body!

Looking at the huge stone man on the ground again, his entire body was obviously smaller than before, and many parts of his body were still red, but he was quickly absorbing the soil to repair himself.

Mo Xun suddenly shouted: "Go!"

The black ice gourd flew out of his hand and hung high in the air.

After Mo Xun silently chanted the spell, dazzling ice crystals continued to spray out from the mouth of the gourd, and the temperature, which was originally scorched by the flames, also dropped rapidly.

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