In an instant, ice began to condense and melt where the stone man was, and the area expanded rapidly.

Three feet... ten feet... fifty feet...

On the white ground, a thick layer of transparent ice crystals appeared.

The magic power in Mo Xun's body was like a flood that burst the embankment. As the scope of the ice gradually expanded, it was consumed rapidly.

His idea is simple: to cut off the connection between the stone man and the soil on the ground so that it cannot be replenished.

This time, he is making a desperate move and is prepared to leave no mana behind. Whether he succeeds or not can only depend on God's will.

At the same time, dozens of fire thunder beads were floating in the air in front of him.

Over the years, he has been running around here and there, passing through countless shops and black markets, and this is all he has collected.

In addition, all the remaining attack talismans were chewed by ants, and he was going to chew this elephant into pieces.

But just when he was getting ready to finish his battle, the stone man underneath suddenly disintegrated without any warning. The stones that made up the body slowly shattered and fell, turning into white soil again. Integrate into the earth.

Mo Xun was stunned, what was going on?

He just watched the stone man gradually dissipate, feeling a little confused for a moment!

Could it be that the strangeness in front of me is a sign of something happening?

Or could it be said that this thing saw his intention and took the initiative to admit defeat?

Or maybe it was because of the Xuantian fire just now that it caused irreparable damage to the stone man, making it lose the ability to fight again.

He shook his head slightly, thinking it was unlikely. After all, when the fire was burning, this thing was still absorbing soil to repair its body.

Could it be that the energy in the stone man's body has been exhausted?

From the current point of view, this possibility seems to be the greatest.

Even though the stone man began to disintegrate, Mo Xun still did not relax his vigilance. He always felt that there was a pair of big hands controlling everything.

From the moment he entered here, there was an evil atmosphere everywhere!

The mechanical voice without any emotion, and the stone tablet that could actively absorb the monk's essence and blood, all overturned his previous understanding of many aspects.

It must be no accident that the animal skin map suddenly brought him here at this time. It is very likely that this thing can only be activated in the ancient ruins.

That means that this place should be a product of the same period as the ruins.

According to this logic, it must be at least tens of thousands of years.

But so much time has passed, who is controlling all this?

These thoughts only flashed through Mo Xun's mind, and they were completely forgotten by him because of what happened next.

A jade stone the size of a fist suddenly emerged from the soil transformed by the stone man.

Mo Xun's eyes immediately lit up, but he didn't rush forward to check.

There were so many weird things that he had to be on guard everywhere.

After a long time, when he was sure that there was no movement around him, he slowly fell back to the ground, and with a move of his right hand, he took the jade from the air.

"This is……"

As soon as he got the jade, he seemed to have guessed what it was.

With a look of surprise on his face, he held it in the palm of his hand, and after a little movement of his magic power, an unprecedented surging spiritual power, like the waves of the sea, flowed into his body along his palm.

Mo Xun was shocked and quickly cut off the spiritual power absorption. In just a moment, his meridians seemed to be almost bursting and damaged.

This object turned out to be a mid-level spiritual stone... No, it might even be a high-level one!

He stared blankly at the crystal clear jade in his hand, his mind short-circuited for a moment.

What a surprise!

Spiritual stones are divided into four categories according to their grades: low-grade, mid-grade, high-grade, and top grade!

But you must know that he has never seen even an intermediate spirit stone so far.

In fact, not to mention him, there are probably not many late-stage foundation-building monks who can possess intermediate-level spiritual stones.

On the market, one mid-level spiritual stone can be exchanged for one hundred low-level ones, and one high-level one can be exchanged for one hundred mid-level ones.

But having said that, this is just the market situation. Anyone who owns an intermediate spiritual stone, who would be willing to replace it?

This kind of thing can be said to have a price but no market. Ordinary casual cultivators have almost no way to obtain this thing.

The higher the level of the spiritual stone, the more spiritual energy inside it will naturally be, and it will be purer.

If you can have such a spiritual stone when you break through the realm, your success rate will definitely increase a lot.

Although he has never seen an intermediate-level spiritual stone or above, based on his intuition, the piece in his hand should be a high-level spiritual stone!

And he finally understood where the energy in the stone man's body came from!

I am afraid that only high-level spiritual stones can control such a behemoth!

Could it be that this thing is a reward for him after he succeeds in the challenge?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun's mood, which had been gloomy for a long time because of the unprovoked challenge, finally dissipated.

It seems that what happened just now is not entirely a bad thing!

However, when he thought about it, he felt a little regretful. I was afraid that a lot of the spiritual power here had been consumed by the stone man.

It's also his fault for his lack of strength. If he could have dealt with the monster earlier, he would have been able to obtain a more complete spiritual stone.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing at himself, it seemed he was greedy again!

No wonder those two men with golden faces and black clothes are capable of killing people and grabbing treasures. It turns out that this animal skin map actually contains such opportunities!

He carefully put away the spirit stone. This thing is not useful for the time being, but who knows when it will come in handy.

Suddenly, a mechanical voice came to his ears again.

"The challenge of the nameless person is successful, and you can enter the next stage!"

The next stage?

Mo Xun's brows immediately frowned. Is there another challenge?

But before he had time to think more, he felt his whole body lighten, and an irresistible force appeared around him.

Then, a hurricane hit, blowing him into a blurry vortex, and his head began to feel dizzy.

Fortunately, not long after, he fell back to the ground again. When his vision gradually recovered, the scene in front of him was completely changed.

But before he could take a closer look, he felt a pair of cold and strange eyes falling on him.

This place seemed to be a small island in the middle of a lake, and the sound of flowing water could be heard from all directions.

A breeze blew, and a fishy smell filled the air.

Looking far away, the sky was covered by a layer of mist, except for the nearby area, which was hazy.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Mo Xun's heart skipped a beat.

He saw that there were nearly a hundred cultivators sitting cross-legged around the open space where he was, and the lowest among these people had the cultivation base of the middle stage of foundation building.

There were also a few faces that he had some impression of, because they were the Jindan cultivators he had seen outside the ruins!

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