Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 298 Wuchang Building

What is going on?

Such questions began to circle in Mo Xun's mind.

He seemed to be a little scared by being stared at by everyone. He stood there like a fool, not moving or not moving!

Fortunately, at this time, a familiar voice with a bit of surprise suddenly came to his ears.

"Friend Mo, you are here too!"

Mo Xun hurriedly looked in the direction of the voice transmission. In the corner in the distance, a purple-clothed woman was sitting cross-legged. It was Luo Xi!

At this moment, Luo Xi was like a handful of clear water in the desert to Mo Xun.

He hurriedly took a step and walked over.

Passing by some monks with dirty clothes, bloody as he was, and with eyes full of cold eyes, Mo Xun restrained his gaze and tried to calm himself down.

Could it be that these people, like him, entered this place through the animal skin map and overcame the challenge?

He felt that this possibility was very high!

"Fairy Luo..."

Before Mo Xun could finish his words, Luo Xi made a gesture to silence him, indicating that he should sit next to her.

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. In this seemingly calm but turbulent place, he was a little too excited for a moment because he met an acquaintance.

Luo Xi then sent a voice message: "I really didn't expect that you and I would meet so soon. If I had known that you had the Cang Kuo Zhentu, why would I bother to ask others for help?"

Luo Xi was as surprised as Mo Xun.

In her opinion, Mo Xun was too mysterious. He not only had the long-lost Moon Star Order, but also had the treasure map of this place.

If he knew that Mo Xun had more than one Moon Star Order, she didn't know how she would feel!

But she was very happy to meet Mo Xun here. She had gone treasure hunting and exploring countless times, and the time she cooperated with Mo Xun was the most relaxing, and she also gained a lot!

In her mind, Mo Xun was a guy with great luck. How bad could his luck be if he followed this person?

Of course, if Mo Xun knew this idea, he would probably smile bitterly again.

In Mo Xun's memory, the places he had been to seemed to have never been peaceful!

From Luo Xi's words, Mo Xun probably heard two things.

First, the animal skin map was called Cangkuozhentu.

This name was consistent with the mysterious stone tablet.

Second, it seemed that his guess was right. All the people sitting here came through this map, and it seemed that a map could allow many people to come in at the same time.

Mo Xun thought about it and wanted to ask something indirectly, but then he thought it was too troublesome, so he said directly: "To be honest, Fairy, I also entered this place by chance, and I am still confused until now. Fairy, can you tell me what this place is?"

Luo Xi was slightly startled when he heard this. Although he had already experienced the other party's ignorance, he was still stunned for a moment.

After a moment, Luo Xi said with admiration: "Daoyou is really lucky. You can get this opportunity by accident!"

Mo Xun touched his nose awkwardly and looked around with a vague look.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't look, but he was shocked when he looked.

In the corner in the distance, there were three pairs of eyes staring at him intently.

On those pairs of eyes, all wore golden masks.

Mo Xun recognized one of them at the first time. He was the companion of the golden-faced black-clothed man who was killed by him that day.

Immediately, Mo Xun frowned, not because he was particularly jealous of his enemy, but because this person's cultivation at this moment had reached the middle stage of foundation building!

He clearly remembered that when he met him more than a month ago, the other party was still in the early stage of foundation building!

There are only a few reasons for this phenomenon.

Either he was too hasty at the time and saw it wrong, or the other party hid his cultivation.

Another possibility is that this person has broken through within this month!

Although the probability is not high, this person may have been at the peak of the early stage and may have obtained a great opportunity.

His eyes fell on the two people next to him, one in the middle stage of foundation building and the other in the late stage!

The late stage master looked at him with a playful look at this moment, with a smile on his lips.

Mo Xun's brows were almost twisted into a knot!

At this moment, he was worried about the other party's revenge, but more importantly, it was because the other party knew that he had Xuantian True Fire!

This is a bit troublesome!

Luo Xi, who was standing by, naturally noticed the change in Mo Xun's expression, and followed his gaze.

"Why, did you offend Wu Chang Lou?"

"Wu Chang Lou?" Mo Xun looked at Luo Xi in confusion.

"Yes, those three people are the gold-faced messengers of Wu Chang Lou. Don't you know this, fellow Daoist?"

"Please teach me, fairy!" Mo Xun smiled awkwardly, and it was obvious that even he himself was a little embarrassed.

Luo Xi really didn't know how someone like Mo Xun could cultivate to this day, as if he had just come out of the deep mountains and old forests.

"This Wu Chang Lou is an assassination organization with a wide influence in my Eastern Region. The two owners of the building are called Black and White Impermanence, and under them are the Purple-faced Protector, the Red-faced Rakshasa, the Gold-faced Messenger, and the Silver Ghost Messenger..."

At this point, Luo Xi's mouth curled up slightly.

"If you make enemies with them, you have to be careful. Once you are targeted by Wu Chang Lou, I'm afraid you will have no peace."

Whether there will be a peaceful day or not, Mo Xun can't care about it for the time being. The only thing he is worried about now is that the other party knows his secret!

It's also his fault that he acted too slowly at that time and let one go, but now he has become a worry!

There are three people on the other side, and there is also a late-stage master. Even if he is given a chance now, he dare not do it again.

Not only that, he has to beware of the other party coming to his door!

Thinking of this, the good mood just now because of getting a high-level spirit stone disappeared in an instant.

His luck is really that wherever he goes, he will make enemies!

The ancients said that a man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure. It is indeed not without reason!

Possessing a treasure that cannot match one's own strength is a sin in itself!

Now, he can only pray that the man that night did not recognize Xuantian Zhenhuo.

But then again, he killed a companion of the other party, and the other party will probably not let him go no matter what.

The reason why he hasn't taken action now must be that this place should have a defensive ban similar to the one in Yuexing Palace that restricts the conflict of mana.

This is also the reason why so many cultivators can gather here and live in peace!

After a moment, Mo Xun slowly said: "Fairy, please continue to talk about the situation here!"


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