Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 299 Team Building

Luo Xi smiled sweetly, but in Mo Xun's eyes, it was a bit gloating.

Mo Xun was also curious. After leaving the Moon and Star Palace, did this person encounter the pill-forming monk who was chasing her? How did she get away from him in the end?

It is said that this girl is also brave. She entered the ruins alone, and the few times she met Mo Xun, she either killed people or took treasures. Under her seemingly charming appearance, she hid a courage that was not inferior to that of men.

"It is said that this place is the location of Master Cang Kuo's Taoist temple. When fellow Taoists came in just now, they should have experienced the challenge of Cang Kuo Monument, right?"

Mo Xun nodded. Although he had never heard of this name, he still knew what the dojo meant.

"Master Cang Kuo was a great master tens of thousands of years ago. His cultivation had been in the late Yuanying period for hundreds of years, and he had countless disciples. Before he ascended to the upper world, in order to continue his sect, he This place was changed into a place of trial until after the ancient war, this place was sealed by the formation. "

Luo Xi stroked her hair beside her ears and continued: "But now that the Cangkuo gate has long since withered away, this place has become an ownerless land. Every time the ruins are opened, you can enter with the Cangkuo True Map. The monks here are just fighting for the many treasures left behind by Master Cang Kuo."

After hearing this, Mo Xun probably understood the whole story.

Presumably, only late-stage Nascent Soul monks have the means to arrange such a mysterious trial place!

"Fairy Luo, then what are we waiting for now?"

"Of course the dojo is open. I think it only takes a few hours before everyone can enter. The opportunities contained there are no less than those in the Moon and Star Palace. It just depends on whether you are lucky enough to get it!"

After hearing this, Mo Xun immediately thought that the challenge under Cang Kuo Monument should only be to obtain the qualification to enter the dojo!

While the two were talking, a smiling face suddenly appeared next to them.

This man looked to be in his thirties, at the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and he had a decent appearance. The only thing that was a bit special was that he had a black mole the size of a mung bean on his chin, which looked particularly abrupt on his fair and thin face.

The man first bowed his hands to them, and then smiled and said, "Han Qiu, I have met two fellow Taoists!"

Regarding this guy who suddenly appeared, Mo Xun glanced at Luo Xi and saw her shaking her head slightly, so he could only return a salute in confusion.

"My lord, Su Heng, this is..."

Before Mo Xun could wink, Luo Xi smiled knowingly and said, "I, Luo Qianqian, have met fellow Taoist Han!"

Mo Xun sighed inwardly, what a smart woman!

"I wonder if these two fellow Taoists have any intention of forming a team?"

Mo Xun glanced at Luo Xi again. He knew nothing about the situation inside. Naturally, he could only rely on Luo Xi to make decisions about this kind of matter.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xi neither agreed nor refused, but instead asked, "Can I know first what challenges Daoist friend Han has just experienced?"

Han Qiu didn't seem to be confused by such a weird question, and there was a bit of embarrassment on his face.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun was naturally puzzled, but he didn't rush to ask. He knew that Luo Xi must have deep meaning if he asked this.

Han Qiu said hesitantly: "To be honest with you two, I only encountered a level three monster!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun immediately opened his mouth in surprise.

It's not that the challenges this person experienced were too difficult, but... it was too easy!

In terms of combat power, the third-level monsters are only equivalent to those between Qi refining and the early stage of foundation building. This is too easy for a monk in the middle stage of foundation building.

Thinking about the immortal stone man he had dealt with, Mo Xun felt speechless.

Could it be that this challenge is assigned randomly based on luck?

In fact, when he saw the pill-forming monks here, he had some guesses in his mind.

At first, he thought that the difficulty of the challenge was mostly divided by the level of cultivation. Otherwise, it would be the same difficulty. I am afraid that none of the low-level monks could pass it.

Moreover, before the challenge, Cang Kuo Bei forcibly absorbed the drop of his blood essence, wasn't it just to identify the monk's realm?

But if according to Han Qiu's statement, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you may encounter extremely difficult challenges, then what is the purpose of absorbing blood essence?

Mo Xun's brows instantly wrinkled again.

According to Luo Xi's intention, this is the testing ground reserved by Master Cangkuo for his disciples and descendants. Could it be that the blood essence is collected to identify whether the visitors are his disciples?

That's not right. If this can be identified, why can others accept the challenge?

Mo Xun's eyes fell on Han Qiu's clean clothes. It seemed that this man was not lying. Perhaps this man did not even sacrifice the magic weapon when he accepted the challenge.

Luo Xi was not surprised at all, she just smiled gracefully and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Fellow Daoist Han. After I went in with Fellow Daoist Su, I had other arrangements, so I can't go with Fellow Daoist Han!"

Hearing this result, Han Qiu's face was obviously a little disappointed.

Mo Xun was even more confused. The meaning of Luo Xi's words couldn't be more obvious, but then again, how could anyone reject someone like this?

In fact, what Mo Xun didn't know was that Han Qiu had already asked several groups of people in such a short time, but as soon as they heard who he was challenging, they decisively rejected him.

Seeing Han Qiu turning around and leaving in a dejected manner, Mo Xun suddenly stopped him, then turned to Luo Xi and asked in a voice transmission that only the two of them could hear: "Fairy Luo, what's the reason?"

Although Han Qiu couldn't hear the conversation between the two, he knew that the other party must be discussing his stay or departure, so he didn't rush to speak, but sat quietly beside him, with a pair of shrewd eyes, constantly looking at something.

Luo Xi didn't keep him in suspense, and answered directly: "Daoyou, you don't know, it is said that the simpler the challenge obtained from the Cangkuo Monument, the smaller the chance of survival in the end."

Hearing this explanation, Mo Xun was a little speechless.

What kind of logic is this?

Seeing Mo Xun's expression, Luo Xi chuckled and continued: "Maybe in this Taoist temple, everyone's luck is the same. If it's easy at the beginning, it will naturally be difficult at the end."

Mo Xun has never believed in things like luck. Even if a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage is powerful, he doesn't think he can influence a person's luck.

"Is there any basis for what the fairy said?"

Luo Xi said confidently: "Of course, in the tens of thousands of years that the Cangkuo Daochang has existed, countless cultivators have entered it. These experiences are summarized by those predecessors, and they have never made mistakes!"

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