Seeing Luo Xi's confident look, Mo Xun was really shocked.

This explanation was really too ridiculous!

However, from another perspective, if Luo Xi's statement was true, it meant that Han Qiu's next encounter might be very dangerous. Teaming up with this person really requires careful consideration.

Mo Xun then stared at Luo Xi's neat and clean purple clothes thoughtfully, wanting to say something but stopping.

Luo Xi smiled sweetly, revealing a face that turned everyone upside down.

"Daoyou guessed right. I, like this Daoyou Han, also encountered a third-level monster!"

Mo Xun was speechless. It turned out that you were also the one who used up all your luck in the first round and was about to face a life-and-death crisis!

You still despise Han Qiu for this?

This is really a case of officials only being allowed to set fires, but the people not being allowed to light lamps!

Luo Xi suddenly gave him a wink, and her tone became delicate as she said, "But Daoyou is a person with great opportunities, so you must be able to protect me, right?"

Mo Xun ignored her at all. If he hadn't cooperated with this woman once, he would have known her character. Now he didn't know the specific situation in the Taoist temple. With his personality, he really didn't want to cooperate with such a smart and powerful opponent.

I'm afraid she was sold out at some point, and she was still helping others count money!

But then again, is this Taoist temple really so evil?

He suddenly remembered the last stage of the battle with the stone man, and it seemed that he won too strangely.

According to his initial analysis, the energy in the stone man's body was exhausted, but in the end, he clearly got a high-level spirit stone with a lot of remaining spiritual energy. How should this be explained?

Combined with Luo Xi's theory of luck, suddenly, an absurd idea emerged in his mind.

The drop of blood absorbed by the Cangkuo Monument, wouldn't it be a kind of selection?

After screening, the monks are first divided into different levels, and then given challenges of different difficulty.

If the person is selected by the stone tablet, he can easily win and enter the next round. If he is not selected, then sorry, he can only be killed in the first round of challenge.

And the selected person will not have a good end after entering the second round, and he will still die.

Then the question is, why bother so much, why not just kill everyone in the first round?

Seeing Mo Xun's increasingly ugly face, Luo Xi chuckled: "What's wrong with Daoyou, are you scared by me?"

Mo Xun immediately reacted, with a gloomy face, but didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Han Qiu suddenly interrupted and said: "If you two agree to take me with you, Han is willing to share a secret."

Perhaps because he was really afraid of dying alone in there, Han Qiu said this after a mental struggle.

Mo Xun and Luo Xi looked at each other and saw a glimmer of interest in each other's eyes.

Finally, it was Luo Xi who spoke first: "Fellow Daoist Han, please speak!"

Han Qiu looked around and then smiled slyly.

"Han knows where the secret room of Cang Kuo Zhenren's practice was!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun and Luo Xi's eyes lit up at the same time.

You know, for cultivators, especially high-level cultivators, most of their lives are spent in the practice room.

It is conceivable what kind of treasures are hidden in it!

Of course, a great man like Cang Kuo Zhenren, who is in the late Nascent Soul stage, must have more than one practice room, but for them, it is obviously attractive enough.

Luo Xi asked anxiously, "Do you really mean what Daoist said?"

Han Qiu said confidently, "Of course, I learned this from a Jindan senior. That senior had entered the Cangkuo Daochang when the ancient ruins were opened last time, but because of time constraints, he didn't have time to find out the truth. He could only remember the location silently. He originally planned to go again this time, but was delayed because of something unexpected. This is a good opportunity for me."

Luo Xi nodded in understanding.

"If it comes from the mouth of a Jindan cultivator, I think this matter is probably true!"

Looking at Han Qiu's confident look, Mo Xun was half-believing and half-doubting. A relic of a late Yuanying cultivator is a great existence even in the eyes of a Jindan cultivator. How could he give it up temporarily?

But nothing is absolute. From the other party's expression, Mo Xun couldn't see any clues.

Han Qiu smiled and said, "This place is extremely secret. That senior discovered it by accident. If you two are willing to go together, the three of us can divide the treasure equally, as long as you can allow me to choose one thing first."

Mo Xun half-closed his eyes and pondered. Han Qiu's words were extremely bewitching.

Such an important secret, just going together, the other party generously said that it would be divided equally. Anyone with a little bit of brains would inevitably be suspicious.

But if the other party proposed to choose first, it seemed that some of the listeners' concerns could be dispelled.

A moment later, Luo Xi suddenly sent a voice message.

"I think it's feasible. What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

To be honest, Mo Xun didn't have any ideas at this time. After all, he was in the dark now. After entering, he could only follow Luo Xi temporarily.

And speaking of which, according to Luo Xi, the two people in front of him had exhausted their luck in the first round and were about to face great danger in the second round. Bringing one more person with them didn't seem to change anything.

Mo Xun nodded immediately and said, "Everything is decided by the fairy!"

The matter was happily agreed upon. Han Qiu joined the team and naturally sat next to the two.

This man was also a talkative person. When they first met, he was very familiar with each other. He asked about the two people's masters and talked about his thrilling experience after entering the ancient ruins. He almost never stopped talking.

Of course, his main focus was on the beautiful Luo Xi. For a guy like Mo Xun who didn't look outstanding and had low cultivation, and had almost no advantages among the crowd, he just said a few words.

Mo Xun naturally got some peace, but in his heart, he was always thinking about the various weird things in this place.

According to his previous guess, the stone tablet had the ability to select. If so, the sudden disintegration of the stone man for no reason at the end seemed worth pondering.

Perhaps he should have been sentenced to death in the first round, but why did he suddenly let him go?

Could it be that after seeing his impressive strength, the stone tablet changed its mind?

This is a bit mysterious. It's just a dead object. How can it have such spirituality?


Suddenly, his eyes suddenly focused. Could it be because of Xuantian True Fire?

Because he possessed Xuantian True Fire, the stone tablet changed its mind and deliberately let him go in the final stage?

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