Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 301 A Woman with a Story

To be honest, even he himself was shocked by his sudden idea.

Could it be that the Immortal Cang Kuo was so powerful that even his dojo before his ascension had independent consciousness?

But whether it was the dojo itself or someone behind the scenes, what was the purpose?

And after so many years, no one saw the trick here?

After a long time, Mo Xun shook his head lightly and couldn't help but smile. He felt that he was a little crazy.

Maybe things were not so complicated. This place was just a trial place. All the settings were for the purpose of tempering the monks. It was just that he thought too much.

In fact, it was no wonder that he thought too much. After all, he had experienced too many intrigues along the way, which forced him to be on guard everywhere, so that if there was anything strange, he would become suspicious.

But it was precisely because of this caution that he had been saved countless times.

Luo Xi saw the change in his expression and asked with rare concern: "Is Daoyou okay?"

The two looked at each other. After hesitating for a moment, Mo Xun felt that he needed to communicate with this woman in advance.

With Luo Xi's understanding of this place, he might be able to answer many of his doubts.

But after hearing the other party's answer, Mo Xun was dumbfounded again.

"Daoyou's guess, I also know, but what does it have to do with our treasure hunt?"

Mo Xun was completely confused. What did he say?

The severity of this matter concerns everyone's life and death. How can it be said that it has nothing to do with it?

I only heard Luo Xi's face indifferent, and then said: "Even if you know that this is a conspiracy, so what? As long as you and I can get what we want, as for whether there is a trap, it depends on our own ability!"

Listening to such domineering words, Mo Xun seemed to understand her meaning a little bit.

In simple terms, those who can enter this place actually see the unusualness of this place, but those who have the chance to leave have actually obtained opportunities, or even great benefits, which makes these people flock to it regardless of life and death!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be true!

And cultivation, isn't it the same?

Whether he participated in the sect selection in the past, or went deep into various secret realms to explore treasures later, which time was not dangerous?

It's nothing more than the difference in the degree of danger!

Mo Xun stared at Luo Xi blankly, and was speechless for a while!

Although this is the truth, it always makes people feel weird when it sounds!

It's like someone tells you openly that there is indeed a conspiracy here. If you are lucky enough to leave alive, you will get a generous reward!

In other words, this is no longer a conspiracy, but an open conspiracy!

But such an open conspiracy makes countless people excited!

At this moment, Mo Xun seemed to really know the woman in front of him.

What kind of past did she go through to have such a strong heart?

This woman must have a different story behind her!

Luo Xi felt a little uncomfortable when he stared at her, and then she chuckled.

"Daoyou, you don't have to look at me like that. In fact, I am as afraid of death as you are. But I have already come in, can I go out again?"

Mo Xun's eyes lit up, and he asked hurriedly: "Fairy, is there a way to get out?"

Luo Xi rolled her eyes helplessly, and her impression of Mo Xun's courage deepened.

Although she didn't spend much time with Mo Xun, she could see that he was a completely ignorant and cowardly guy!

Although Mo Xun figured out the key points, he couldn't change his cautious character.

He didn't have the courage of Luo Xi to go to the tiger mountain even though he knew there was a tiger in the mountain!

He felt that he had gained a lot from this trip to the ruins, and there was no need to take risks again.

"Daoyou should conserve your energy and recover your strength as soon as possible. Don't let us two hold you back when you get in there!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. Was he being despised?

But then again, wasn't he the one with the lowest realm in this temporary three-person team?

Luo Xi was about to reach the peak of the middle stage of foundation building. Han Qiu looked a little worse, but at least he had the strength of the middle stage of foundation building.

What about Mo Xun?

It was almost the same as when he had just built his foundation. When he stepped into this place just now, he attracted some people's sidelong glances, thinking that with such a cultivation level, he dared to break into the Cangkuo Daochang.

Although Mo Xun never cared about the eyes of others, he also had some self-esteem. He couldn't help but snorted in his heart, and then closed his eyes to rest alone.

After a long time, he suddenly remembered a trouble again. He raised his head and glanced at the three golden-faced men not far away, and happened to meet the eyes of the late stage of foundation building again.

Mo Xun then asked in a voice transmission: "Fairy Luo, when we go in later, will we go through the teleportation array?"

"No, wait until the fog dissipates and then walk in directly!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but worry. If it was a teleportation array, it might teleport randomly, but if everyone rushed in, would those people let him go?

"I wonder if Fairy Luo has any way to solve those troubles?"

Luo Xi followed Mo Xun's gaze and said with a smile: "This is simple, but I am very curious. How did you become enemies with Wuchang Tower? Did you hook up with the daughter of the owner of the tower?"

For such a joke, Mo Xun naturally ignored it, but grasped the key point of her words and asked hurriedly: "Fairy, what can you do?"

Luo Xi smiled mysteriously: "Fellow Taoist, don't worry, we will find out later!"

Mo Xun then thought that this woman had escaped from the Danjie monk, so she must have some tricks.

At this time, Han Qiu obviously noticed Mo Xun's weirdness and asked at every opportunity: "Does Fellow Daoist Su have any quarrel with Wuchang Tower?"

Mo Xun thought that this person was afraid of being implicated, and then he smiled with a bit of fun: "Su just killed a golden-faced messenger not long ago. If Brother Han feels inconvenient, you can withdraw now."

Sure enough, after hearing this, Han Qiu fell silent.

However, in just a moment, Han Qiu said firmly: "What are you talking about, Fellow Daoist Su? Since you and I have agreed to go together, how can Han break his promise? Moreover, the people in Wuchang Building are not loyal people. You may not go to war over a dead man, but if you do encounter him, you can at least pay some compensation. "

When Mo Xun heard this, he couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the Cangkuo Dojo was really so dangerous that this person would rather risk being targeted by the late-stage Foundation Establishment monks than team up with them?

Mo Xun's eyes immediately fell on Luo Xi. He needed to inquire in detail about the specific situation inside.

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