Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 302: Divine Windmill

But before he could ask, a strong wind suddenly blew up on the originally calm island, and all eyes looked at a corner at the same time.

I saw the thick white mist there, as if a door had been pushed open, and a gravel path gradually emerged on the ground, as if a passage wrapped in white had been carved out of a cotton field.

No need to guess, Mo Xun also knew that it was time.

Someone had already stood up first and unconsciously divided into groups. It seemed that most people were traveling in groups.

As for those who think they have a higher level of cultivation, they naturally choose to go alone.

"Brother Yu, would you like to invite me first?"

"Brother Cheng, you're welcome. If there is any trouble inside, please help me!"

Listening to the two Danjie monks being polite to each other, the others did not take the lead. Among them, these two had the highest cultivation level.

After the two of them disappeared into the white mist one after another, six or seven masters in the late stage of foundation building followed, and the crowd behind them slowly followed in.

As for Mo Xun and the others, they kept staring at Wuchang Building and were not in a hurry to leave.

"Fairy Luo, is it time to talk about your solution now?"

Mo Xun knew that once he left here, the three golden-faced envoys would definitely not let him go.

Without being sure, he would not leave this place even if he gave up this opportunity.

By the way, he forgot to ask Luo Xi, what problems would happen if he never left the island in the middle of the lake?

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I have my own opinions!"

Hearing Luo Xi's confident tone, Mo Xun's lips moved. It seemed that he could only take one step at a time!

After everyone had almost left, and until the three golden-faced envoys also left, Luo Xi stood up and said, "Two fellow Taoists, let's go too!"

Mo Xun naturally followed at the end. He was used to keeping a low profile and would never stand out if he could remain inconspicuous.

Passing through the winding passage, there is an invisible white mist on both sides, and some faint sounds of water can still be heard in the ears.

Mo Xun also just learned that there was a kind of ghost called Yin Mei everywhere in the white mist, and those so-called water sounds were also made by ghosts to confuse people into entering.

The "small island in the middle of the lake" just now was blocked by formations around it, which blocked all the evil spirits. As for this temporary passage, it will disappear again half an hour after the dojo is opened. .

Also disappearing was the "island in the middle of the lake".

Mo Xun couldn't figure out why Master Cang Kuo set up such a weird dojo. Maybe it was just a way to defend himself against the evildoers!

But in his opinion, it would be more convenient to build a mountain-protecting formation!

But how could he easily guess the thoughts of high-level monks, especially those old monsters with thousands of years of life? Since they have plenty of time, why don't they waste all their time on this kind of Qimen Dunjia?

Not long after walking, their vision suddenly opened up. What they came to was not some dangerous place filled with poisonous fog or mountains. Instead, what appeared in front of them was a place of green mountains and green waters with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

However, this place is extremely rich in spiritual energy, making it an excellent holy place for cultivation.

Mo Xugang wanted to release his spiritual consciousness and check whether the golden-faced messengers were hiding around, but he was surprised to find that his spiritual consciousness could not escape from his body.

At the first moment, he realized that there must be a forbidden magic circle that restricted spiritual consciousness in the entire area, but this restriction was much more powerful than outside.

As a result, when they use magic weapons, not only can they not be able to control objects from a distance, but even many spells cannot exert their due power, and their original strength will be reduced by half at least.

At this moment, Luo Xi patted the storage bag, and a bright light flashed in front of the three of them, and a BMW suddenly appeared.

The car has four wooden wheels on the bottom, no shaft, and no oxen, horses or spiritual animals to pull the car.

The car body is extremely gorgeous, with many decorative patterns carved on it, and there is a faint aura surrounding it.

"Is this... a divine windmill?"

Seeing this thing, Han Qiu blurted out in surprise!

Luo Xi smiled proudly and said: "Han Dao has a good eye, this thing is a divine windmill!"

After hearing the affirmative answer, Han Qiu looked at Luo Xi with a different meaning in his eyes.

"Two fellow Taoists, please get in the car!"

Luo Xi walked into the carriage first, and when Han Qiu reacted, he jumped in excitedly.

Mo Xun couldn't help but think to himself, could this be the method Luo Xi mentioned to get rid of Wuchang Tower?

As soon as you enter, you will first smell a refreshing fragrance, as if you have entered a woman's boudoir.

"Fairy Luo is really not that simple, she even has such a magical thing!"

Mo Xun, like Han Qiu, was sitting in the treasure car, his eyes unconsciously looking around, looking left and right, like two country people who had never seen the world.

Luo Xi ignored Han Qiu, but smiled at Mo Xun and said, "Fellow Taoist should be relieved now, right?"

Mo Xun naturally knew what she was referring to, and he couldn't help but wonder, could this treasure car be a flying magic weapon of inferior quality?

But having said that, how could anyone make a flying magic weapon look like this and add four wheels? Isn’t this unnecessary?

Generally speaking, in order to emphasize speed and reduce air resistance, flying magic weapons will be made into streamlined shapes. How can it be so complicated?

Besides, if the method Luo Xi mentioned was to escape the pursuit of the golden-faced messenger through speed, the Swift Wind Boat in his hand must be faster than this bulky carriage.

After a moment, Mo Xun asked hesitantly: "Fairy, are you sure this thing can avoid the Impermanence Tower? Although the divine consciousness is restricted here, the means of that late-stage foundation-building cultivator are probably beyond our imagination."

Luo Xi smiled mysteriously and said: "It seems that fellow Daoist has never heard of the Divine Wind Carriage... Well, let fellow Daoist see if this treasure of mine works!"

After that, Luo Xi threw a dozen spirit stones into a groove beside her hand, and then the whole carriage began to shake slightly. Then Luo Xi's slender white palm was placed on a bulge in front of her.

Then the whole carriage rushed out like a gust of wind, and Mo Xun was caught off guard, and his body leaned directly against the carriage due to inertia.

Looking out the window, the scenery, trees, flowers and grass flashing backwards, were so fast that they almost became countless blurred straight lines in the sight.

Mo Xun opened his mouth in astonishment. It turned out that this thing was a land vehicle that was no less powerful than a flying magic weapon!

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