"What do fellow Taoists think?"

Mo Xun came back to his senses and asked curiously: "What does the fairy have to say about this magical windmill?"

As soon as he asked this question, he saw several dark figures suddenly appearing on the roadside.

Mo Xun was shocked, but before he could take action, Luo Xi exerted force in his palm, and the kamikaze accelerated suddenly. In the blink of an eye, those black figures were left behind.

Before Luo Xi spoke, Han Qiu said coquettishly: "Brother Su, don't worry, with the magic weapon of Fairy Luo, you won't be caught up so easily."

Mo Xun glanced behind him, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. When he reacted, he immediately noticed the key points of Han Qiu's words.

This kamikaze wheel turned out to be a magic weapon!

He looked at Luo Xi aside with slightly surprised eyes.

What is the origin of this woman? Not only is she good at cultivation, but she also possesses the magic weapon of an alchemy monk!

It seems that he really underestimated this person before!

At the same time, he thought that Luo Xi's ability to escape from the pursuit of the pill-forming monk after coming out of Yuexing Palace was probably due to this car!

Mo Xun was still a little worried and asked: "What if these people also have divine windmills, or things like flying magic weapons?"

Hearing this, Luo Xi didn't react at all, but Han Qiu laughed out loud, and there was a bit of ridicule in the laughter.

"Don't worry, Brother Su. In this dojo, even the alchemy monks don't dare to fly easily. Moreover, treasures like the divine windmill are not something that ordinary people can possess. This time, Han really got his hands on Fairy Luo. Light."

Mo Xun frowned, becoming even more confused.

Fortunately, at this time, Luo Xi explained: "The most dangerous thing here is actually only one thing, Shang Fu!"

Mo Xun thought for a while and suddenly blurted out: "Shangfu Bird?"

"Yes, it seems that this time, I don't need to explain more!"

Mo Xun ignored Luo Xi's teasing and quickly searched for information about this kind of thing in his mind.

Shangfu Bird looks like a chicken, but it has three heads, six eyes, six legs, and three wings. It has a high flying speed, is ferocious, bloodthirsty and aggressive...

This was a long time ago. He read about it in a book introducing ancient monsters. When he was in southern Xinjiang, he thought that this creature had long been extinct, but he didn't expect to encounter it here.

Just listen to Luo Xi continue to say: "There are not just three or five Shangfu here. Over tens of thousands of years, they have multiplied to an unknown number!"

Mo Xun nodded clearly. No wonder he couldn't fly in the sky. It turned out to be this reason.

Regarding this kind of bird and beast, since he had never seen it, he naturally had no intuitive feeling about it. He could only roughly imagine the ferocity of this thing from the words of the two people.

After a while, Mo Xun asked again: "Is there any weakness or restraint in this object?"

This time it was Han Qiu who took the call.

"There are many weaknesses. For example, they are incapable of spells. Although they are numerous, they are not big. They are still adults, so they are only about the size of you and me. Also, they are particularly afraid of fire!"

Han Qiu actually figured it out. Although the two people in front of him seemed to know each other, they didn't know each other very well. Especially this boy who was in the early stage of foundation building, many times, he was even more ignorant and a bit ridiculous.

He was also curious, how could such a person gain the favor of Fairy Luo and even bring out a kamikaze to help?

And since the three of them formed a team, he always felt that this Fairy Luo ignored him, but she was particularly interested in this person.

This made him feel a little unhappy!

Han Qiu changed his tone and continued: "Of course, there are weaknesses and strengths. Every time this thing appears, it always appears in groups, ranging from a few to hundreds. Moreover, its feathers are hard and easy to fly. Extremely fast and extremely powerful..."

At this point, Luo Xi interrupted disdainfully: "When it comes to weaknesses and strengths, they actually all depend on your and my strength. If we are strong enough, even if it has no weaknesses, what can it do to us?"

Han Qiu was choked by her and had no choice but to close his mouth.

Mo Xun thought about it and realized that this was true, but the key point was that he didn't think he had the ability.

However, if you know the weakness of this thing and deal with it, you can naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

Since I am afraid of fire...

And isn't he just a fire attribute monk?

In addition, he has the Xuantian Fire in his body that can burn all things. Even if he faces hundreds of monsters, he may not be incapable of fighting.

Thinking of this, his originally anxious heart finally relaxed a little.

But soon, he became confused again.

This place has existed for tens of thousands of years, and there are countless alchemy monks who have come in. There are also countless people who have died in it. Is it possible to really sit back and relax with the Xuantian Fire?

I'm afraid not!

In his opinion, even if he had Xuantian Fire, he might not be able to get an advantage even if he faced masters in the late stage of foundation building.

It's not that Xuantian's fire is bad, it's just that his cultivation is too weak!

If someone with a higher level were to control the real fire, he would surely be able to exert even greater power.

This is like a child fighting. No matter how powerful the weapons in his hands are, they may not be able to defeat an adult's bare hands.

Another point is that he can't use real fire in front of these two people!

After pondering, Mo Xun said hello to the two of them, and then used his spiritual power to create a vague curtain wall around him.

He first performed a water trick, washed it, changed into brand new clothes, and then rummaged through the storage bag.

Finally, I chose two fire-attribute magic weapons, one was a fire palace lantern and the other was a divine fire shield. After getting a little familiar with it, I hurriedly refined them.

Two hours later, Luo Xi put away the kamikaze. Although this thing was incredibly fast, it was too conspicuous. Since he had gotten rid of the people in Wuchang Tower, there was no need to use it again.

Since Luoxi and Han Qiu came prepared, they naturally prepared maps of this place.

After roughly determining the location, the first place the three of them went to was the secret cultivation room that Han Qiu mentioned.

Fortunately, the distance there is not too far. Even if you can't fly, it shouldn't take long with some basic wind control spells.

But without the ability to use his spiritual consciousness, even the most powerful monk is as if he is half-deaf and half-blind, and can only rely on his naked eyes to guard against crises.

This means that they cannot react until those Shangfu birds fly overhead.

This is also the second danger here!

Walking among the quiet flowers, plants and streams, it is hard to imagine that there are terrifying monsters in this place.

Watching Mo Xun stop and pick some spiritual grass seedlings along the way, Han Qiu had a hint of disdain on his lips.

Mo Xun naturally ignored this.

Because this place is visited once every ten years, there are no high-end elixirs.

However, most of the people who can come in have won the first round of challenges. They are among the best in terms of realm and strength. They naturally disdain those spiritual objects that are not old enough.

This has led to the existence of a large number of rare spiritual grass seedlings here.

For Mo Xun, this was simply a paradise!

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