Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 304 Three-person team

"Brother Su is so frugal... It's really admirable. If these spiritual herbs are taken outside, it will be a big harvest!"

Han Qiu laughed dryly twice, but his tone was full of disdain.

Luo Xi didn't say anything, but stood quietly aside, watching Mo Xun busy.

She knew Mo Xun's wealth very well. Not to mention the two petals of Lan Xin Lian, the hundreds of magic tools alone were an astronomical figure.

She obviously had a deeper understanding of Mo Xun's penny-pinching!

At this moment, a crow-like cry suddenly came from their ears. The three of them looked up at the same time and saw five or six large black birds circling in the sky. When their wings were spread, they were nearly ten feet long.

Looking at these three-headed, weird-looking guys, Mo Xun couldn't help but mutter: "Is this the Shangfu bird?"

Luo Xi reacted the fastest and then sent a voice message: "What are you two still standing there for?"

Han Qiu and Mo Xun hurriedly took out their magic weapons, and the three of them stood back to back in a circle, each defending a certain range. This was also the tactic they had discussed before.

Because their spiritual consciousness was useless, their backs became the weakest point. Such a simple formation could at least ensure that they had no worries about each other.

Mo Xun was holding the Fire Palace Lantern in his hand. This thing was a mid-level magic weapon. The specific power would only be known after trying it.

And Han Qiu was holding a gray shield in one hand and a talisman in the other.

Mo Xun glanced at them unintentionally and thought to himself, could this person be a master of talismans?

Luo Xi was holding a piece of purple soft whip, which looked nothing special.

The strange birds in the sky naturally discovered the people on the ground at the first time.

The place where they were was a wide grassland, with no trees or mountains around, and no barriers at all. It would be difficult not to be discovered.

Fortunately, there were not many of them. As long as there were no major mistakes, each person could deal with one or two, and it would be no problem!

While thinking, six strange birds, each with three wings spread out, had already swooped down. Mo Xun's eyes suddenly condensed, not because they were too fast.

And this group of beasts seemed to be able to sense the cultivation of the three people, and they all attacked him first.

It seems that they all want to pick on the weak!

Almost without any hesitation, the spiritual power in Mo Xun's body poured into the palace lantern in his hand, and the flame in the wick jumped violently.

After a "boom", the raging fire rushed out with a scorching high temperature. In the blink of an eye, a burning wall of fire formed above his head.

The two Shangfu birds at the front were caught off guard, and their black feathers were instantly ignited by the flames. However, they were still full of energy, wailing and breaking through the wall of fire, like a large burning fire crow, with six sharp claws like falcons, grabbing towards Mo Xun's head.

Fortunately, Luo Xi finally made a move at this time.

A long soft whip exploded violently in the air, making a crisp sound that almost pierced the eardrums. The Shangfu bird flying at the front had its head broken immediately, spurting out a ball of blood, and fell to the side with a whimper.

Han Qiu was not vague either. He threw out a talisman in his hand at the first time, which turned into a huge fireball and hit the other big bird behind.

This talisman was three times more powerful than the fireball talisman used by Mo Xun. Not only was the fire fierce, but the speed was also extremely fast. The moment it touched the Shangfu's body, it exploded, and a big hole was blown out on the monster's chest.

This seemingly long process actually took only a breath. The two Shangfu fell to the ground, losing more than half of their power.

The remaining four, when they encountered the wall of fire above Mo Xun's head, cleverly turned around, bypassed from the side, and rushed to where Han Qiu was.

After all, Han Qiu had the cultivation of the middle stage of foundation building, so his reaction was naturally not slow.

The gray shield in his hand suddenly grew larger after a flash of light, covering him behind.

In a panic, he threw out several talismans, all of which turned into huge fireballs in the air.

However, this time, I don't know whether it was because of the lack of accuracy or the strange birds learned their lesson, and they actually dodged away. Only one fireball hit the wings of one of them.

On Mo Xun's side, he first set fire to the two dying Shangfu birds on the ground, and then freed his hands to help Han Qiu.

This thing has three heads and six legs. If it is not completely killed, it will inevitably be exploited by it.

Luo Xi had the highest cultivation level, and every time the long whip swept over, a string of blood would inevitably splash.

However, Mo Xun was puzzled. Since this girl had long known that Shang Fu was afraid of fire, why didn't she prepare a few fire-attributed magic tools in advance? Wouldn't it be more targeted when used?

Of course, maybe she was skilled and bold, and she didn't need to think so much.

In an instant, talismans were thrown out one after another, and fireballs kept exploding in the air. The sound of the soft whip breaking through the air and the miserable howling came to my ears.

Mo Xun naturally wouldn't be idle. The palace lantern in his hand sprayed a large ball of flames to try to ensure that the strange birds would not get close to the three people.

Unexpectedly, the cooperation they formed invisibly was quite methodical.

On Mo Xun's side, a huge fire wall was built, which was considered to be the first circle of protection on the periphery. Those who passed through the fire wall were greeted by Han Qiu's fireballs. If they got closer, Luo Xi would kill them with a soft whip.

None of them expected that this makeshift team would be so effective in dealing with the sneak attacks of flocks of strange birds.

As the fire faded, the ground was in a mess, with bloody corpses everywhere. Even the three people were stained with blood, but fortunately no one was injured.

After this encounter, Han Qiu secretly felt lucky, otherwise he would have to deal with so many people alone, but it would not be so easy.

The original pain in his heart because of the promise to give out most of the benefits was finally comforted.

Luo Xi looked at the sky in the distance and suddenly said solemnly: "Go quickly, it won't be long before this bloody air will attract more Shangfu!"

The three looked at each other, and then they performed the wind control technique under their feet. Like a gust of wind, they disappeared from the spot.

In fact, Shangfu's feathers can also be exchanged for some spirit stones, but after a few fires, they have been burned almost, and they dare not stay for long, so they can only leave them alone.

It's a pity that no matter how high the grade of this thing is, there is no inner elixir.

After walking for about an incense stick, the three encountered four Shangfu birds again, but with previous experience, it only took a dozen breaths to kill them.

It was obvious that the deeper they went into the dojo, the more frequent the activities of these beasts became.

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