Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 305 Retreating to the Cave

The three of them hid under a mound of earth, each recovering their magic power. This place was dangerous and unknown, and they had to keep their energy at full strength at all times.

"Fairy Luo, look!"

Mo Xun and Luo Xi looked at the same time, following Han Qiu's finger, and saw a group of Shangfu birds flying over their heads at a height of 100 feet. There were as many as 17 or 18 of them. Two of them had two people in their claws, covered in blood and not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Mo Xun frowned when he saw this strange scene.

Could it be that these beasts took the bodies back to share after killing people?

But Luo Xi didn't know about this question either. He just knew that Shangfu birds liked to capture monks who entered this place. No one could tell where they went.

The three held their breath and concentrated, trying to hide more secretly. If they were to deal with three or five of them, they might be able to handle it with ease, but with so many of them, no one could stay calm.

In just half a day, they had encountered at least four or five groups.

Han Qiu looked at the map, and the three of them continued on their way. They encountered some traces of forbidden formations, but they were obviously taken by others. Some of them had just occurred, and some had been abandoned for a long time.

It was not all green mountains and clear waters here, there were also some abandoned buildings left over.

Although Cang Kuo Zhenren did not establish a sect, he had many disciples, and this Taoist temple was also the place where he taught his disciples.

But before they had walked far, the three of them were surprised to find that more than 20 huge black spots were hovering above their heads again, with a pair of fierce eyes, staring at them like prey.

At this time, whether it was Mo Xun or Luo Xi, they were all shocked. It was really what they thought. They were just glad that they were not discovered, but now they had to face it.

But how could they face such a large number?

Looking at the more than 60 heads and hundreds of claws covering the sky and the sun, the three of them felt a tingling scalp.

Especially Han Qiu, if he were to encounter this kind of formation alone, he would probably just wait for death.


Seeing a mountain in the distance, Mo Xun called out to the two, and then used the wind control technique under his feet to rush forward quickly.

Speaking of escaping, he has a lot of experience!

The reason why he chose to go to the mountain was mainly to find cover, so as not to be attacked from the front and back. In this open place without any cover, confronting it head-on would be tantamount to seeking death.

The reaction of the other two people was naturally not slow. As soon as Mo Xun moved his front foot, they followed.

However, how could they beat the three-winged, flying Shangfu bird with their foot strength alone?

After a dozen breaths, those ugly beasts had already caught up with them with a strong dive momentum, making a series of harsh and unpleasant calls from their mouths.

Without thinking, Mo Xun offered the Fire Palace Lantern. In an instant, a raging flame gushed out, igniting all the flowers, plants and trees around, forming a sea of ​​fire several feet behind the three people.

At the same time, Han Qiu also threw out a handful of talismans as if he didn't need any money. There were not only fireballs but also flashes of lightning.

The crackling sound of burning and explosions, mixed with the wailing and screaming of these monsters, echoed at the end of the sky.

After throwing the talisman, Han Qiu was not idle, but began to cast spells with his hands.

He frowned and shouted: "Get up!"

The ground under his feet suddenly shook, and then the soil covered with green grass, like a fountain, kept coming out from the ground, and quickly piled up in front of the three people. In a few breaths, a small earth hill two or three feet high was formed.

Some of the Shangfu birds that sprang out of the flames crashed into the mounds, splashing up pieces of mud.

Mo Xun then realized that this fellow Daoist Han was actually practicing an earth-attributed technique!

Such a powerful earth-controlling technique is rare!

Taking advantage of this brief interval, the three of them ran again. When they rushed to the foot of the mountain, Mo Xun was a little dumbfounded.

I thought that I could find some hidden caves in this stone mountain, but at first glance, there were only bare stones exposed outside, and not even a tall bush.

Seeing the group of Shangfu birds flying high, crossing the sea of ​​fire, and the small mound of earth, rushing towards the three people quickly, Mo Xun quickly took out a talisman, and after casting the spell, he found that it didn't work at all.

"Don't bother, Daoist friend. There is a space restriction here, and the escape talisman is useless!"

This was naturally said by Han Qiu. After all, he was also good at talismans. If he could escape with the escape talisman, he would not be so shameless to ask for a team.

Seeing those strange birds swooping down like lightning, Mo Xun had to say to Luo Xi: "Fairy Luo, Brother Han and I will try to delay for a while, and you can dig a cave on the mountain wall."

As soon as Mo Xun finished speaking, he took out a black net cover with a strange shape, which was the second magic weapon he prepared for this trip... the divine fire cover!

He shouted "Go" and threw the net cover into the air. After a few spells, a series of hot flames were ejected from the divine fire cover.

These flames poured down, forming a bird cage made of flames, surrounding the three people.

Because he could not control it through his spiritual consciousness, he could only use spiritual power as a remote medium to control the divine fire cover above his head.

Doing so would not only be a huge burden on his own spiritual energy, but would also be inconvenient.

Luoxi immediately understood what Moxun meant. She slapped the storage bag on her waist, and a long sword with silver light suddenly appeared in her hand.

Holding the long sword tightly, Luoxi chopped hard at the stone wall behind her.

Han Qiu cooperated with Moxun, and kept throwing talismans under the divine fire cover to attack the Shangfu birds that tried to break through the flames.

At this time, the three of them also used all their strength. With such a large number, no matter who they were, they would be a little scared.

Fortunately, for a foundation-building cultivator, it is not difficult to dig a cave on the mountain wall.

Amid the smoke and dust, a cave with a range of about ten feet was formed under Luoxi's sword!

"Two Taoist friends, come in quickly!" Luoxi said, and took the lead in walking in.

Han Qiu and Moxun cast spells while retreating.

Fortunately, the space here is narrow. Although there are many beasts, they cannot attack at once. More than 20 big birds can only squeeze one by one, and slowly approach them under the obstruction of the raging fire.

Mo Xun suddenly said at this time: "Fairy Luo, I will need your wind attribute skills later. Cooperate with me. As for Brother Han, you need to find the right time to seal the cave entrance!"

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