Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 306 Mysterious Cave

At this time, the few people didn't care who gave the order. At this critical moment, a moment at night could bring a catastrophe!

The two responded separately. After Han Qiu went in, Mo Xun stepped into the cave and took back the magic fire cover. In his other hand, he had already taken out the fire palace lantern.

Just when those Shangfu birds were about to rush over, he held up the palace lantern, and a thick column of fire suddenly gushed out.

"Fairy Luo, cast a spell to help the wind!"

Luo Xi was also a smart person. He understood Mo Xun's intention at the first time. He immediately pinched his hands and pointed with his two fingers. A strong wind blew in the cave, sweeping the fire at the entrance of the cave, like a prairie fire. In a short breath, the entire rock outside was turned into a huge sea of ​​fire.

Under the help of the strong wind, the fire, which was already extremely hot but not normal, was now like a solid coat, burning everything wherever it passed!

The few Shangfu birds that rushed to the front hit the hard wall of fire, and their huge heads shattered on the spot. The bright red blood was swallowed by the flames and turned into black smoke.

The air was filled with a disgusting burnt smell.

"Brother Han, if you don't move now, when will you move!"

In fact, there was no need for Mo Xun to remind him, Han Qiu was already casting spells frantically.

The ground under his feet began to tremble violently with the spells in Han Qiu's mouth.

Then, the rocks at the entrance of the cave broke and fell, and pieces of gravel larger than adults slowly closed the entrance of the cave, and the light in the cave gradually became dim.

Countless gravel powders were raised in the entire cave.

It was not until the cave was completely dark that the entrance was completely sealed!

The flames outside the cave, after losing control and replenishment, naturally gradually extinguished, and those Shangfu birds, without the obstruction of the raging fire, began to frantically hit the stones that had just been piled up at the entrance of the cave.

The narrow space where the three people were located was constantly shaken by the collision.

As soon as Mo Xun played the lighting magic weapon, Luo Xi quickly took out several formation flags and skillfully inserted them into the cracks under his feet.

As the last formation flag fell, the movement in the cave also disappeared.

The three people breathed a sigh of relief and each found a corner to sit down.

"It was a close call. Fortunately, Brother Su majored in fire-related skills and just happened to restrain these things. Otherwise, it would not be so easy this time!"

Han Qiu's words were true. Although he and Luo Xi were at a higher level, even if they could cast fire-related spells or control fire-related magic tools and talismans, they were far less handy than Mo Xun. In such a place where spiritual consciousness was restricted, the power would be greatly reduced.

"Brother Han, you are too polite. Since we are in the same team, we should work together!"

The two exchanged a few polite words, but Luo Xi rarely interrupted. Instead, after resting for a while, she came to a stone wall, touched the stone with one hand, closed her eyes, and seemed to feel something.

"Fairy Luo, is there any problem?" Mo Xun was the first to see Luo Xi's abnormality and asked in confusion.

Luo Xi frowned and said uncertainly: "When I opened this cave, I always felt that this place seemed a little unusual, and the vibration here was the most violent during the shaking just now."

Mo Xun and Han Qiu became interested at the same time. They walked to Luo Xi's side and tried it with their palms like her.

Han Qiu was practicing earth-attributed skills after all, and he exclaimed, "It seems empty!"

Mo Xun didn't feel any difference. After hearing this, he couldn't help but guess, "Could it be that this is a cave in the mountains?"

The other two nodded in agreement. If it was true, it would be good news.

After all, God knows when those Shangfu birds outside the cave will leave. It's not a solution for them to be trapped here for a long time.

Since this place can lead to the outside world, it's better to open it up and get out of here.

Han Qiu felt that he didn't do much, so he took the initiative to take on this hard job.

This time, he didn't use magic again, but took out a spear. After injecting spiritual power into it, a layer of faint light lingered on the surface of the spear.

Next, there was a constant rumbling sound. Luo Xi put an isolation light shield in front of the two people, blocking all the smoke and dust flying and gravel.

After about a cup of tea, Han Qiu's surprised voice came from inside.

Mo Xun and Luo Xi looked at each other and walked over quickly.

After all the trouble just now, a passage that could accommodate one person but was about ten feet deep was dug out on the stone wall.

Walking through this passage, Han Qiu on the other side had already lit up a lighting magic weapon, standing on a wide step, looking to one side.

This step was about ten feet wide, high on the left and low on the right, winding and leading to nowhere.

When the two saw this scene, they were all stunned. The steps in front of them were clearly made by artificial axe, where were the natural traces?

"Fairy Luo, come here quickly, it seems that we have found a secret cave by mistake!"

Han Qiu excitedly called out and was about to go down the steps first.

Mo Xun was calmer after all, and hurriedly called him.

"Wait a minute, Brother Han. It's unknown whether this will bring good or bad luck. Isn't it too hasty to go on like this?"

Luo Xi said at this time: "This is easy!"

After saying this, she patted her waist lightly, and a furry white little spirit pet that looked a bit like a mouse appeared in her hand.

"Let me, this happy raccoon beast, go explore the way first. Let's wait here for a while."

The other two nodded in agreement, and Mo Xun was thinking secretly. It seemed that he should keep some spiritual pets like this in the future, so that even if he couldn't help during the fight, he could still do some treasure hunting.

But having said that, not everyone can afford to keep such a spiritual pet.

Many monks are short of cultivation resources. Where can they find the extra spiritual stones to support them?

Of course, this kind of problem would be much easier for Mo Xun.

After another cup of tea, Huanli Beast sprang back from the darkness and jumped into Luo Xi's arms.

After the man and the beast communicated with each other, Luo Xi's brows frowned slightly.

"Fairy Luo, what's wrong?" Han Qiu couldn't hold himself back and asked first.

"There's nothing dangerous inside. It's just that this little guy saw something unusual. He couldn't explain it at the moment."

Han Qiu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Since there is no danger, I will find out when I go down and take a look."

In this way, each person held a lighting instrument and walked down the steps one by one, with Han Qiu at the front and Mo Xun at the end, sandwiching Luo Xi in the middle.

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