The steps were not very long. It was estimated that the distance was only about twenty feet, and the three of them came to an open place.

It was pitch black all around, but there were some candlesticks hanging around the rock wall. Several people threw a few fireballs, and the whole space appeared dimly.

This place is a small square with eight right angles, five or six feet square.

In the center of the square, it was slightly shorter than the surrounding areas, and there was something like an altar erected.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun was confused. No matter how he looked at it, it seemed that this place had nothing to do with the cave.

Is it a place of worship?

The three of them walked around in a circle for a while and found no other way out. Then they walked to the altar in the center.

The altar is square, about one person tall and about ten feet in size.

But what is strange is that there is a circle of strange, incomprehensible runes carved on the ground surrounding the altar. Even the altar is full of such things.

There is a string of bells hanging on each corner of the altar, but most of them have become rusty due to time.

In the dark environment, the entire cave gave people an extremely weird feeling.

Han Qiu was the first to be discouraged and let out a disappointed sigh, obviously he was happy too early.

I thought I could catch something good, but who would have thought that in such a large place, there was just such a lonely broken stone platform.

Luo Xi suddenly pointed to the top of his head and said, "Look there!"

The two raised their heads at the same time and discovered that there was also an octagonal raised decoration on the dome, with the center facing the center of the altar below.

The decorative surface is still full of runes, which is a bit like a charm, but it feels different.

"Fairy Luo, do you know where this place is?"

Luo Xi shook his head at Han Qiu, and Han Qiu's eyes fell on Mo Xun again.

Mo Xun was naturally confused, and frowned and said, "It looks like a place for sacrifice!"

Sacrifice is relatively popular in the secular world, but it is not very common in the world of immortality.

In the mountain villages of Mo Xun's past, in years of severe drought, there were rituals organized by the government to offer sacrifices to heaven.

Luo Xi circled around the altar, stared at one place and said, "No, it feels like a virgin!"

Formation eye?

Han Qiu and Mo Xun walked to Luo Xi together and followed her slender fingers to look at a string of strange words under the altar.

This kind of writing is different from anything Mo Xun has seen before, and it is very different from the runes next to it. It is just smaller. It is really difficult to spot if you don't look carefully.

Seeing that both of them looked confused, Luo Xi didn't give in and said directly: "There are a few words on it. I happened to have seen it in an ancient book. If I remember correctly, it should be... Soul Seizing Blood Formation!"

Soul-catching... blood array?

Before the two of them could ask, Luo Xi continued: "It's just a formation. Do you two know what the words are?"

The two of them looked at Luo Xi in unison. Since she could ask this, it meant that she must have other deep meanings.

Han Qiu even asked hurriedly: "What words?"

"Magic text!"

Hearing these two words, Han Qiu and Mo Xun showed two completely different expressions on their faces.

Mo Xun was thoughtful, but there was a bit of confusion between his brows.

He couldn't help but think of the Nine Sects of the Demonic Way in Southern Xinjiang. Since the war between heaven and demons broke out, he had had many dealings with the Demonic Way. In his storage bag, there were several low-level techniques of the Demonic Way. However, The text above is completely different from it!

In other words, the magic way in southern Xinjiang has nothing to do with the "magic writings" Luo Xi talks about?

Han Qiu took a deep breath, his eyes widened for a moment, with a look of disbelief on his face!

"What the fairy means is that this place is a formation arranged by the demon clan?"

Luo Xi nodded solemnly, but looking in Mo Xun's eyes, he became even more puzzled.

Demonic path... Demon clan?

Han Qiu then said in a daze: "How is this possible? Didn't the demons disappear in this world long ago?"

There was some hesitation on Luo Xi's face, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Perhaps it is an abandoned formation. When Master Cang Kuo built the dojo here, he never discovered the mystery here."

Han Qiu shook his head and questioned: "It's unlikely. He's a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. How could he not know everything about the place where he cultivates?"

Luo Xi seemed to agree with this analysis, and then said: "Could it be that Master Cangkuo also felt that this place was abandoned, so he abandoned it?"

Before Han Qiu could speak, Mo Xun crossed his arms and interjected: "You two, is it possible that someone built the formation here after the dojo was abandoned?"

Hearing this sentence, Luo Xi and Han Qiu seemed to have a clear understanding of each other and said in unison: "Impossible!"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth moved. He didn't know why these two people had such a big reaction.

"How do you say this?"

Han Qiu frowned and asked, "Brother Su, don't you know about the demon clan?"

Mo Xun coughed awkwardly, a little noncommittal, but Luo Xi, on the other hand, after getting used to Mo Xun's ignorance, his expression remained calm.

"To be honest, Brother Han, I have been practicing in the mountains, so I don't know much about the outside world."

Mo Xun himself had used this reason countless times.

There was nothing he could do about it. He had no roots and no education. He didn't even have a disciple. In addition, when he first came to Xihezhou, he knew nothing about everything here.

"No wonder!" Han Qiu frowned and pondered.

Luo Xi on the side explained: "It is said that long ago, all spirits in the world were active. In addition to our human race, there were also demons, demons, etc. Later, because the demonic energy was too strong, it suppressed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, forcing other races to practice difficultly. Several races formed an anti-demon coalition and worked together to completely eliminate the demons in this world."

At this point, Luo Xi turned her head and took another look at the demonic words.

"That's all I know. As for other information about the demons, most of the records are just a few words because the age is too long."

Mo Xun nodded suddenly. It turned out that the so-called demons were a more ancient existence than this Cangkuo Daochang.

Moreover, there is an essential difference between the demons and the magic path.

At least the nine sects of the magic path in southern Xinjiang are human cultivators after all!

No wonder the two were so excited just now. It seems that the demons have not appeared for many years.

The three of them looked at the rune altar in front of them, and for a moment they were all confused.

Finally, Han Qiu gritted his teeth and said, "No matter whether this thing is the center of the formation, can't we just destroy it?"

As he finished speaking, he took out the spear again.

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