Seeing Han Qiu's posture, Mo Xun and Luo Xi both consciously stepped back two steps.

However, just when Han Qiu was about to take action, Mo Xun suddenly stopped him.

"If we rashly destroy this array eye, will there be any danger?"

Han Qiu waved his hand and said, "Brother Su, you are worrying too much. This place has been abandoned for many years and has long been useless. How can it be dangerous?"

Mo Xun did not dare to flatter Han Qiu's words.

According to what the two had said before, the demon clan was not weaker than other clans in the past. How could the array they set up not have any protection?

Besides, being able to specially open up such a large and secret place as the array eye, the power of the entire array can be imagined.

This place has been peaceful for so many years. If the original balance is changed because the array eye is broken, then it is unknown whether it will be a blessing or a disaster.

Looking at the strange runes under his feet, he felt a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Mo Xun pondered for a moment and continued to persuade: "Brother Han, I think our main purpose is the treasure left by Master Cang Kuo, so it's better not to make trouble!"

Han Qiu was unmoved and said seriously: "As a cultivator of the human race, we have an irreconcilable hatred with the demon race. If Han hadn't seen it, it would be fine, but how could we allow such a demon formation to continue to harm people?"

This was said with great righteousness, and Mo Xun didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Luo Xi, who was standing aside, sneered at this time.

"I'm afraid that Fellow Daoist Han has taken a fancy to the treasure that supports the formation?"

Mo Xun realized that any large formation must have a treasure to support the formation!

"Fairy, you are joking. What use is there for those demons for Han?"

Han Qiu was a little embarrassed by the two people's look, so he could only laugh dryly.

Mo Xun turned his head to look at Luo Xi. Since there was a disagreement, he naturally had to ask her what she meant.

Although Luo Xi is a woman, she is the one with the highest cultivation among the few people, so her words carry a lot of weight.

"What do you mean, fairy?"

Luo Xi smiled and looked at the altar and said, "Actually, I also want to see the treasure inside!"

Well, both of them agreed, what else can Mo Xun say?

Thinking of the woman in front of him, she had snatched the treasure from the hands of the Jindan cultivator, and Mo Xun could figure out why the other party said this.

This woman's courage is not ordinary!

Mo Xun had to let Han Qiu wait for a while, then took out a piece of white paper, copied the line of magic words behind the altar, and then stepped aside.

However, he stood not far from the exit, with a posture that he was about to run away because the situation was not good.

Luo Xi glanced at him inadvertently, muttered "coward" in a low voice, and ignored it.

There was a loud "boom" sound, which echoed in the cave, making people's ears numb, and countless broken stones broke and flew around.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Han Qiu's vigorous figure was revealed, but his eyes were fixed on the mess. Under his feet, there were scattered stones of various sizes, engraved with broken runes.

Luo Xi waved his sleeves to blow away the dust in the air. In an instant, a pair of eyes like autumn water were also attracted by an object in the distance.

Going around Han Qiu's figure, when Mo Xun saw the object exposed after the altar was shattered, his eyes lit up.

In the middle of the broken stone platform, a piece of jade that was dark blue and emitting a faint glow of fireflies was floating.

The bottom of the jade was square, and an unknown monster was carved on it.

This monster was a bit like the Yaksha in folk legends. He held a three-pronged fork in his hand, and his expression looked extremely ferocious. Combined with the blue light around him, it was even more terrifying.

The whole piece of jade, which was about the size of an adult's palm, was quietly suspended in the air.

The three of them stood there in a daze for a moment, and the cave fell into a brief silence.

Han Qiu was the first to react, and he came up to it immediately, but he was cautious not to touch the thing with his hands, but just kept walking around it to check.

After feeling that there was no crisis, Mo Xun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with the huge treasure, he still cared more about his life.

But no one knew that not long after Han Qiu broke the altar, two vermilion lanterns suddenly lit up in a dark secret room thousands of miles away.

The vermilion lanterns looked like a pair of eyes rendered in blood!

Mo Xun and Luo Xi walked over slowly, and the three of them noticed the few magic characters on the jade.

"Fairy Luo, do you recognize what is written?"

Luo Xi shook his head and said, "Friend Han really thinks highly of me!"

Mo Xun suddenly frowned and said, "It looks like a big seal!"

Big seal?

The three of them lowered their heads and looked at the bottom of the jade. There was still a pile of magic words that looked like ghostly talismans.

After a long time, Han Qiu waved his hand and said, "No matter what it is, it can be hidden so deeply, it must be a treasure!"

The two of them naturally agreed with this, but what should the treasure of the demon clan be called!

Magic weapon? Or magic treasure?

At this point, the three of them all looked confused. In fact, the information about the demon clan was too scarce. Even Luo Xi, who was knowledgeable, couldn't explain it for a while.

Mo Xun suddenly thought of a question, and then said: "There is no spiritual energy on this thing, but it seems that there is no demonic energy either!"

This reminded the other two. It is normal to have no spiritual energy, but since it is a demon treasure, how can there be no demonic energy?

Could it be that the demonic energy has almost dissipated due to the long time?

Mo Xun thought about it, and this explanation seemed to make sense!

But if so, wouldn't this thing become a waste?

Han Qiu smiled: "You two, since you can't figure out what this thing is for the time being, let's talk about how to distribute it first!"

This is obviously a bit difficult. Three people, one thing, without knowing the inside story, I'm afraid no one would not want to get this thing.

Although this thing is very likely a demon treasure, it is useless for their cultivation, but there are people outside who are scrambling for it, especially those who practice magic skills, who can sell it at a sky-high price.

Seeing Han Qiu's greedy look, Luo Xi smiled and said, "This is easy. If anyone wants it, just take out a treasure of equal value and compensate the other two."

Han Qiu frowned and asked, "But we don't know this magic seal, how should we set a suitable price?"


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