This is indeed a problem. How to price something that you don’t even know?

Mo Xun and Han Qiu's eyes fell on Luo Xi at the same time.

Since Luo Xi can propose this plan, there must be a solution.

Sure enough, the corners of Luo Xi's mouth curled up slightly.

"The three of us will bid, and the one with the highest price will get it!"

Han Qiu nodded first, but before he spoke, Mo Xun seemed to have thought of something, and then asked: "The fairy just said that this formation is called the Soul Seizing Blood Formation. I don't know how to understand the word 'Spirit Seizing'." ?”

Luo Xi looked at Mo Xun doubtfully, not sure why he suddenly mentioned this.

Han Qiu on the side said without thinking: "What else could it be? It must be spiritual energy. Wasn't it because of the rampant demonic energy that it was eradicated by my human monks?"

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully. This explanation was indeed valid. Maybe this large formation was used to suppress the spiritual energy of this place.

But then he thought about it, and he felt something was wrong. Since he wanted to suppress the spiritual energy, couldn't he just destroy the spiritual veins?

Of course, he didn't know whether spiritual veins were so easily destroyed.

"Could it be..."

Luo Xi on the side frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Spiritual roots?"

"Spiritual roots?" The other two people whispered in unison.

Obviously, the three of them were startled by this speculation and couldn't help but look at each other.

After a long time, Luo Xi said with some uncertainty: "I heard that there seems to be a type of evil cultivator who practices by sucking the spiritual roots of monks."

An idea flashed in Mo Xun's mind, and there seemed to be a faint thread slowly connecting the many doubts in his mind.

But then, he shook his head slightly, there were still too many things that he couldn't explain and didn't make sense.

After the silence, Han Qiu waved his hand and said: "Why are you thinking so much? Even if there are evil cultivators with evil intentions, times have already changed. Besides, this place is now destroyed, and I don't think it will cause any trouble. For the present, we still put this place It’s better to divide the treasure early.”

Mo Xun thought about it and realized that it seemed reasonable.

Regardless of whether this formation is still functioning at the moment, this place has existed for more than a day or two. After so many years, no one has found anything fishy, ​​let alone a small foundation-building monk like him?

Now, he just hopes that everything will go as usual and he can leave here safely.

Next, naturally, everyone bids.

Han Qiu was obviously determined to get this thing. He not only took out thousands of spiritual stones, but also collected all kinds of spiritual herbs, elixirs, talismans, and high-grade magic weapon formations that he had accumulated. Take it out.

Luo Xi wasn't bad at all. There were bits and pieces at the feet of the two of them, arranged like a hill. There were some things in them that Mo Xun was extremely greedy for.

The most rational person here is probably Mo Xun. In front of him, there is only a pile of spiritual stones.

In fact, he has no interest in this kind of gambling bet, and it is useless for cultivation. It is still unclear whether he can sell it, so how can he easily exchange it for something good.

Of course, the other two people also saw that Mo Xun was not interested, especially Han Qiu, who was happy that no one would compete with him.

"It seems that you two are willing to give this treasure to me!" Han Qiu chuckled and offered his hands to the two of them.

In fact, everyone can roughly see the value of the things the three people brought out at a glance.

Luo Xi curled her lips and saw a flash of light in her hand, and another box appeared.

After the box was opened, a round, dark bead about the size of a baby's fist lay quietly inside.

After Han Qiu carefully identified it, he couldn't help blurting out: "Level 5 monster inner elixir!"

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly glowed, and he noticed that although the object was dark and dull, its surface did exude a faint essence of monsters.

According to the classification of realms, the combat power of these fifth-level monsters is roughly equivalent to the strength in the late stage of foundation building.

Although the demon pill has few uses, wherever it can be used, it is extraordinary. In terms of value, this thing is probably no less than several high-level magic weapons.

Obviously, with this one thing alone, Han Qiu fell slightly behind.

Luo Xi smiled sweetly: "Fellow Daoist Han, if you can't come up with something better, this treasure will belong to me."

Seeing Luo Xi reaching out to get the magic seal, Han Qiu gritted his teeth and said hurriedly: "Fairy, wait a minute!"

After that, he took out another object from his storage bag, but it was a yellowed ancient book.

"This is my main cultivation technique. You can practice it to the late stage of pill formation!"

When Mo Xun heard this, he immediately became more energetic.

In fact, for Han Qiu, this thing is no longer useful to him. After all, the content inside has been memorized for a long time.

Just taking out your main skills is tantamount to exposing your own weaknesses to others. If you are fighting, you will seem a bit passive.

Of course, these are all things for later.

Moreover, people with truly high magical power are not afraid that the other party will know their true identity. Even with the simplest fist, they can win the fight.

"It seems that it is not easy for me to be a bad person and win people's love. As long as fellow Taoist can agree to one more condition, that thing will naturally belong to fellow Taoist." Luo Xi spoke and pointed in the distance. The magic mark everywhere.

"Fairy please speak!"

"Once we find the secret training room of Master Cang Kuo, fellow Taoists will no longer have the right to choose treasures first!"

Han Qiu was silent for a moment before nodding his head and saying, "Okay!"

Luo Xi then waved his long sleeves and collected the things on the ground again.

Mo Xun also collected the spiritual stone under his feet, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of Luo Xi's sneer.

I'm afraid this woman didn't want the magic seal from the beginning.

"Thank you both for your help!"

Han Qiu clasped his fists with some pain, looked at the many treasures under his feet reluctantly, and then slowly walked towards the dark blue magic seal.

Luo Xi walked over and said to Mo Xun with a smile: "Daoyou just made a lot of efforts. How about this, Daoyou can choose these things first."

How could Mo Xun refuse such a good thing? He immediately clasped his fists and smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite!"

After that, he picked up the martial arts book without thinking.

Although Luo Xi was confused, he didn't ask any more questions, and he collected all the pills and spiritual herbs.

Seeing Luo Xi's quick hands, Mo Xun had no choice. In fact, he was also quite coveting those spiritual herbs and elixirs.

Fortunately, the two of them had a tacit understanding. Each time they collected, they only took enough basic equivalents. Not long after, the spiritual stones and talismans were also divided up by them.

On the other side, Han Qiu had naturally put the magic seal into the storage bag, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

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