Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 310 Red Eyes Shangfu

Just when they were about to return by the same route, something strange happened.

A big hole suddenly appeared in the octagonal dome above the cave, and then dozens of black Shangfu birds swooped down from the top of their heads, making a harsh and unpleasant sound, with sharp claws open, and ferociously pounced on the three people.

The three people's faces suddenly changed. Obviously, no one expected this to happen.

Fortunately, after experiencing several crises, they have accumulated some experience to a certain extent.

At this time, no one needs to remind them, they ran away.

Of course, the fastest one among them is naturally Mo Xun.

Although his cultivation is the lowest, he believes that he has never lost to anyone in terms of escaping skills.

But when he turned around, he found something unusual.

These Shangfu birds that flew down seemed to be different from those in the outside world. Although they were all the same black and their body sizes were similar, their pupils like copper bells were red!

If he remembered correctly, the eyes of the groups he met before were as black as ink!

Could it be that this group of Shangfu birds belong to another species?

But then again, in the dim light, this group of monsters with blood-red eyes are obviously three times more terrifying than those outside!

It seems that the treasure is not so easy to get!

Hearing the strange cry coming from behind, the three of them ran out desperately. Fortunately, the narrow steps when they came in restricted the flight of the group of Shangfu birds.

Han Qiu fell behind. Although he had already used his magic power to the extreme, he barely escaped. At the same time, the talismans in his hand were thrown back one by one as if they were free.

In the dark passage, there were constant flashes of fire and lightning, and there were also explosions.

Not long after running, Mo Xun saw the fork they came in from. He wanted to go out from the cave he had dug, but at this time, two Shangfu flew in.

Mo Xun secretly cried out in his heart, it's been so long, and the beasts who besieged them outside have not left yet, and they broke through the blockage and rushed in.

This is really a case of being chased from behind and blocked from the front!

At this critical moment, Mo Xun had to be ruthless in his heart. While speeding, he took out the Fire Palace Lantern and cast a spell. The flames gushed out and immediately submerged the passage that was more than ten feet wide in the sea of ​​fire.

Taking advantage of this chaos, he hurriedly summoned the Xuantian True Fire, forming a layer of protection around him, and rushed into the sea of ​​fire.

As for the other two behind him, they could only accept their fate!

However, he did not dare to go out of the excavated cave again. God knows how many Shangfu are waiting inside!

In a panic, he could only follow the steps and go up.

Not long after walking, a stone wall appeared in front of him. This was a dead end!

But soon, he realized that if it was a dead end, what was the point of repairing this passage?

With this thought in mind, he had already taken out a drum hammer in his hand, injected spiritual power into it, and smashed it hard on the stone wall.

After the "boom", the stone wall shattered, and a gap appeared that could allow one person to pass through.

The sun shone into the cave, and Mo Xun was delighted. He guessed right!

He jumped out with a step, and just as his front foot landed, Luo Xi's figure also appeared, but his hair and clothes were a little messy.

At this time, Han Qiu, whose face was black, also escaped. When he saw Mo Xun for the first time, he even had time to complain: "Brother Su, you cast a spell and set a fire, couldn't you let me know first? I almost burned to death!"

Mo Xun naturally had no time to explain more. The three of them took out their magic weapons and prepared to seal the cave entrance without anyone teaching them.

But at this moment, a red-eyed monk broke through the stone cave and flew out with his teeth and claws.

Luo Xi was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and several wind blades flew out. Three round and hairy heads wailed and fell to the ground. The huge body, after losing control, also fell forward.

I didn't expect that this red-eyed strange bird, although it looks intimidating, is not as good as the black-eyed Shangfu in terms of defense and attack.

Of course, it is also possible that this monster was caught off guard.

But now is obviously not the time to think about these problems.

Mo Xun and Han Qiu dodged the headless monster and jumped up, casting spells frantically to attack the cave entrance.

With a "boom", huge rocks fell from the stone wall and kept hitting the ground. In just two or three breaths, the cave entrance was completely sealed.

Then, bursts of collisions came from inside. The three did not stop and continued to knock down the rubble. As the cave entrance was buried deeper and deeper, the sound inside slowly died down.


Luo Xi called out and took the lead in riding the wind.

Han Qiu followed closely behind, but just when Mo Xun turned around, he saw the headless Shangfu bird not far away.

Perhaps out of curiosity, he waved his sleeves and put the body into the storage bag.

Especially the three heads, he planned to catch another black-eyed one if he had the chance to see what the difference was between the two types of Shangfu!

But these are all later stories. After the three ran a hundred miles, they rested in a bush.

The most thrilling experience just now was probably Han Qiu.

So as soon as he sat down, Han Qiu said with an ugly face: "This kind of ghost thing, it's okay to fly in the sky, but there are still in the mountains!"

Luo Xi sneered and said: "It's because of fellow Taoists, coveting other people's treasures!"

Han Qiu curled his lips and did not refute, but he was disdainful in his heart, and couldn't help thinking: "It seems that you, Fairy Luo, are also coveting the treasure?"

After the three of them sat cross-legged for a while, Han Qiu took out the map, found the right direction, and set off again.

This time, they were naturally more careful. When their spiritual sense could not be used, they had to look around. Whenever there was a black spot in the sky, they would immediately find a place to hide.

At the same time, they also tried to avoid walking in open places. If there was no cover, it would be difficult to deal with such a large group of strange birds.

Fortunately, no one has been injured so far.

No wonder Han Qiu was desperate to team up with others at that time. With their cultivation level, walking alone here was indeed a bit overestimating their own abilities!

After meeting several groups of Shangfu again, they finally came to a stream with lush flowers and plants on the fourth day.

After repeatedly comparing the terrain and several obvious marks nearby, Han Qiu said with some excitement: "Two Daoists, this is it!"

Looking at the flat grassland in front of them, Mo Xun and Luo Xi both showed a puzzled look on their faces.

At first glance, there was no stone except for a few towering trees. How could there be a secret cave?

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